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Apothecary Druids?


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I saw some people saying here on the forums that Apothecary Druids are "unkillable" on WvW. However, I couldn't find that build anywhere; the closest one on Metabattle is the "Stealth Trapper Druid", using only Apothecary trinkets.


I'm interested in trying this build, since Minstrel Druid is boring (to be honest, any class with Minstrel is boring). Does anyone have a clue?

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> @"Fye.7594" said:

> I saw some people saying here on the forums that Apothecary Druids are "unkillable". However, I couldn't find that build anywhere; the closest one on Metabattle is the "Stealth Trapper Druid", using only Apothecary trinkets.


> I'm interested in trying this build, since Minstrel Druid is boring (to be honest, any class with Minstrel is boring). Does anyone have a clue?


In what game mode are we talking?

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> @"Prophet.1584" said:

> > @"Fye.7594" said:

> > > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > > In what game mode are we talking?

> >

> > Sorry, WvW. I already edited the post.

> >

> >


> are you planning on roaming or zerging with that build? I only ask because condi ranger isn't really suited to zerging


I guess it COULD do both though if it was running staff to heal/ run around? But I agree, it sounds like it’d be much more suited for roaming

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its pure roaming build.... its almost same as stealth trapper .. but u use apo stats. U can use shortbow sword torch .... or some variant .. (axe dagger / staff / axe torch )


Its not that bad build.... but good against newbies.... once you go 1v1 against dueler ... so these days are mostly power longbow soulbeast / druid .... (you dead) ... power mirage/chrono/ mes (you dead) .... condi mirage (you dead) .... core war / spellbreaker.... u have chance... but they have nice burst .... DH longbow medi.... (you dead) ... power holo (u have chance) , daredevil ( you dead or he run away)


Roaming builds are about burst and sustain (war, holo, dh) , burst and disengage (thief, mes), condi mirage is just op. So hard to put him somewhere .... i tried him and you can do lot of more with just power druid :/

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> @"Fye.7594" said:

> I saw some people saying here on the forums that Apothecary Druids are "unkillable" on WvW. However, I couldn't find that build anywhere; the closest one on Metabattle is the "Stealth Trapper Druid", using only Apothecary trinkets.


> I'm interested in trying this build, since Minstrel Druid is boring (to be honest, any class with Minstrel is boring). Does anyone have a clue?


You're not making much of a leap in terms of excitement from Minstrel "tough,heal,vital,conc" to apothecary "tough,heal, condition".


The last time I ran a build with apothecary, it was a Koroshi build for a Regen Ranger (anyone remember him?)

Sword Torch- Axe Dagger

Lot of regen abilities


Here's the video if you want to try to convert that to something equivalent today.

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> @"Prophet.1584" said:

> google Xsorus pain inverter, hands down the best Apothecary build i ever played in WvW and you should be able to adapt it to today.


> i'll bet there aren't too many folks still around from then lol


I guess it could still work. Depends on what he wants to do with it or what he considers 'roaming'.

It would probably work well in taking camps but it doesnt have the mobility, range, disengage of the other current 'roaming' specs.


The nice thing about those builds old school/condi/regen builds was the consistent dmg and regen. If someone wants to stay and fight till the end, sure you can win often-but thats often not the case and there is nothing in these builds to lock them down. Xsorus mentioned in the comments he had problems stopping with certain classes (thieves, warriors, mesmers) from leaving.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Prophet.1584" said:

> > google Xsorus pain inverter, hands down the best Apothecary build i ever played in WvW and you should be able to adapt it to today.

> >

> > i'll bet there aren't too many folks still around from then lol


> I guess it could still work. Depends on what he wants to do with it or what he considers 'roaming'.

> It would probably work well in taking camps but it doesnt have the mobility, range, disengage of the other current 'roaming' specs.


> The nice thing about those builds old school/condi/regen builds was the consistent dmg and regen. If someone wants to stay and fight till the end, sure you can win often-but thats often not the case and there is nothing in these builds to lock them down. Xsorus mentioned in the comments he had problems stopping with certain classes (thieves, warriors, mesmers) from leaving.


If it where me i'd add Druid into the mix for condi cleanse and recovery aside from regen and maybe run staff on swap for a quick disengage. Rangers always going to have trouble locking down certain classes because anet gave them godly amounts of stunbreak and invulns, not to mention stealth, but we do what we can.

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> @"Prophet.1584" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"Prophet.1584" said:

> > > google Xsorus pain inverter, hands down the best Apothecary build i ever played in WvW and you should be able to adapt it to today.

> > >

> > > i'll bet there aren't too many folks still around from then lol

> >

> > I guess it could still work. Depends on what he wants to do with it or what he considers 'roaming'.

> > It would probably work well in taking camps but it doesnt have the mobility, range, disengage of the other current 'roaming' specs.

> >

> > The nice thing about those builds old school/condi/regen builds was the consistent dmg and regen. If someone wants to stay and fight till the end, sure you can win often-but thats often not the case and there is nothing in these builds to lock them down. Xsorus mentioned in the comments he had problems stopping with certain classes (thieves, warriors, mesmers) from leaving.


> If it where me i'd add Druid into the mix for condi cleanse and recovery aside from regen and maybe run staff on swap for a quick disengage. Rangers always going to have trouble locking down certain classes because anet gave them godly amounts of stunbreak and invulns, not to mention stealth, but we do what we can.


Yeah he could definitely tweak it to get it there-- either give himself the disengage/chase ability


combine any of the follwing into a CC juggle - gs5, pet fear, pet immob, spike trap, deer pet head butt toss, unblockable lb 4

Lot of options, lot of ways to play it.

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Xsours roaming regen ranger or RRR builds where the top of the roaming tree (and for a while side point pvp) builds. The concept still works I occasionally still play the style when I'm in that sort of mood. When I do it I mix trailblazer and apothecary use WS, NM and druid mostly survival skills and the healing signet sometimes a trap. And at least a torch off hand (often staff-A/T but I mix it up). Main thing to remember is your pet is doing the killing you are just softening them with condis forcing cooldowns.


You could use any combo of WS, NM, BM and druid and make it work for you, just with different strengths and weaknesses.

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I actually fought a really good apothecary druid yesterday and it was a pain to win. So much stealth and CC(daze, knockdown) which turns into immobilize and bleed. The fight lasted a good 2 minutes, he was running Shortbow / axe+torch. I was tempted to test it out myself but currently poor and can't afford 10g exotic piece. lol

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> @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> I actually fought a really good apothecary druid yesterday and it was a pain to win. So much stealth and CC(daze, knockdown) which turns into immobilize and bleed. The fight lasted a good 2 minutes, he was running Shortbow / axe+torch. I was tempted to test it out myself but currently poor and can't afford 10g exotic piece. lol


i think it's settlers with similar stats but toughness primary instead of healing power, each piece runs about 1-2gp

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd try something like



Some options being:

Soften the fall for more active melee defense and condi removal vs Taste for danger for passive vit and damage.

Celestial shadow for the extra stealth and thus flanking shortbow setup vs Natural stride for the passive movement speed in or out of combat. You do get a decent amount of swiftness though.

Signet of stone for extra defense against power burst vs Signet of renewal for help vs condis and an extra stun break.

Undead runes for max dps, mirage runes for extra healing, 2xtrapper+4xnightmare for nastiest immmobilizes.

Sigil of frailty for an extra cover condition (means a lot when you only have 2-4 applied, someone removing your bleeds is a big deal) and dps vs Sigil of malice for max potential overall damage ignoring cleanses.


Biggest weakness would be lack of mobility. If you get outnumbered and overrun it will be hard to escape. Swapping axe to sword will fix this by giving you great leaps and another stealth with smoke field, but definitely hurt you offensively. Also as was said, good players who can teleport and/or remove immobilize can run away from you (though someone who messes up or isn't the best player could definitely get destroyed by brutal chains of immobilize, stun, daze, and knockdowns).

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