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New races please.

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New playable races would be a completely worthless "content" and utter waste of valuable resources that we seriously lack in other parts of the game. Are people that ask for it even aware of how much work it would take to bring a new playable race into the game? Fitting every single piece of armor and outfit in the game to a new race model?


Never worth the effort by a long shot.

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Centaurs? lol no thx. Just imagine a Centaur riding a Raptor. Or a griffon. Or sitting on the beetle saddle. Just dumb.

If they ever add a new race it HAS to be a humanoid one. I don't think they go for something crazy like Skritt or Quaggan, that's just too silly... but who knows.

Personally I'd prefer Tengu, and I think they're not too difficult to implement either, because they kind of resemble Charr a bit (with body shape).


But then again, I never cared about races. Professions and Specializations are way more interesting to me.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> Centaurs? lol no thx. Just imagine a Centaur riding a Raptor. Or a griffon. Or sitting on the beetle saddle. Just dumb.

> If they ever add a new race it HAS to be a humanoid one. I don't think they go for something crazy like Skritt or Quaggan, that's just too silly... but who knows.

> Personally I'd prefer Tengu, and I think they're not too difficult to implement either, because they kind of resemble Charr a bit (with body shape).


> But then again, I never cared about races. Professions and Specializations are way more interesting to me.


Yeah, I think that **IF** (a *very* big if) new races are even on the table, they pretty much have to be:

* Mostly vertically aligned (no less so than Charr)

* Bipedal


Anything else will clash with far too many of the current systems.

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I don't think that any of the [5 minor races currently available](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Racial_sympathy "5 minor races currently available") could also become a playable race. It would be too messy for the personal story.

The current races are fine, I guess the only reason why people ask for more races, it's because they got a bit bored after many years and want something new, just for a change, not necessarily to replace their main character.


Imo, a possible solution without messing up too much with the story, could be a single map/region (maybe an idea for a LW episode) where we are transformed into another race. Like in Caledon Forest or in Urban Battleground fractal. This way, we could play something different, without the need of a huge re-work of skin (imagine the work required to check all the available skins for the neckless quaggans or the "pantsless" centaurs...).

A single map with a very limited set of skins would be enough, and probably quite entertaining. No need to go all-in with a sixth new playable race.

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