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why active entering or exiting shroud interrupt stomping event when you have Foot in the Grave


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well my idea is WHY ????

Engage Photon Forge and Deactivate Photon Forge is an instant cast F skill and also ACT as weapon swapping/transformation but DO NOT interrupt the stomp

i did not explain that because i thought everyone know that !!!!

so WHY ?????

is it because death and reaper shroud is an old news so no one should care about it or because the devs make the POF elite so much better just to sell


PS: running out of LF while stomping and the game mechanic will force you out off your shroud and will not interrupt the stomp

so why PASSIVE exit from shroud can do that and not the active

so where is the active game play here ??

in the end just WHY ????


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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> Shroud exit has a .5 cd. It is functioning exactly how it is intended. How else would you write this? Weapon swap has to interrupt your current action just like how stow stops your current skill. Otherwise it wouldn't make any sense.


Engage Photon Forge and Deactivate Photon have 2 and 5 sec CD how this make sence?

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> Shroud used to have no cd upon entering, leading to shroud flash builds. The .5 sec cd was added because people complained they were exiting shroud by accident, myself included.

the CD is ok but shroud function same as Photon Forge but you cant enter or exit from shroud while stomping but in Photon Forge you can how that make sense ?

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