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Support to increase the maximum number of bank tabs for an account.


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So now that we have this shiny brand new forum. I thought I would move the post I made for support for more bank tabs. Then I saw an option to make a poll. and thought this would be an easy way to show ANet how many players would like this. The idea to start this was due to a response from a GM when i was getting my account problem fixed. Below is the copy from the old forum.


"So while receiving support for GW2. I asked about more bank tabs being added with the release of path of fire. This is the reply i got.

" GM Ultra Viper (Guild Wars 2 Support)

Sep 1, 21:57 PDT

Greetings Maligor,

At this time there is no plan to increase the Bank Tab Expansions, but if the demand for this is high enough on the forums, things may change. :-)

If you need anything else, feel free to contact us.


GM Ultra Viper

Guild Wars 2 Support Team"

So I figured I would start a topic on the forums for showing support for more bank tabs. So if you like this idea please voice your support here, and share the topic with your friends."

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I only have 5 bank tabs (and no storage characters) and I feel like I have more than enough space. But I wouldn't be opposed to other people having the option to have more.


However I do feel like no matter how much space they add it's only going to be a temporary solution to the problem. People who have filled it already will just fill it again and then be in exactly the same situation. So unless Anet are willing and able to eventually provide infinite storage space I think players looking at ways they can reduce the amount of stuff they store should always be considered alongside requests for more bank tabs.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> I only have 5 bank tabs (and no storage characters) and I feel like I have more than enough space. But I wouldn't be opposed to other people having the option to have more.


> However I do feel like no matter how much space they add it's only going to be a temporary solution to the problem. People who have filled it already will just fill it again and then be in exactly the same situation. So unless Anet are willing and able to eventually provide infinite storage space I think players looking at ways they can reduce the amount of stuff they store should always be considered alongside requests for more bank tabs.


Well it is good that you can manage with less, but there are people who wants to save stuff for later for reason or two. For example I have one bank tab filled with different kinds of superior runes and sigils just because you never know when you need to change your runes or sigils and when I create new character, I can instantly get runes and sigils without buying them. Also you have limited space in your material storage so you have to put your excess materials into bank. I know I could sell them, but I don't want to sell them for same reason I won't sell my runes and sigils. Just an example, I have, if recall right, 21 full stacks of candy corn so that I can use them when halloween event is up. List goes on. There lot of reasons why people may need more bank tabs than some others. Another good example is tonics. There are lot of endless tonics in the game and they take up lot of space. Maybe you like lore. Well Living Season 3 has brought lot of books, letters and other stuff which cannot be read otherwise that having actual item.


For thread itself I would love buy more bank tabs. I'm sure Path of Fire will introduce many new items and all of them won't go into material storage so additional bank tabs would be great. After all storing items into characters bag space is a bit too inconvenient.

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The game doesn't need more Bank Space.


What the Game needs is


- Lesser Spam of Trash Loot, or better

- Individual Auto Deposit to Chest via Chest Markers, as long the Chest isn't full

- Individual Auto Salvaging setupable via Salvage Tools

- Upgrading of our Rucksacks finally, so that we don't run around like Noobs anymore with our "Beginner Rucksacks"...legendary Dragonslayers, killed 2 Elder Dragons, and still runs around with a Beginner Rucksack ... somethign doesn't fit mighty here into the picture, don't you think too?? An Upgrade Option from 20 to say 40 Slots is long overdue...

- More Upgrades for our Bags would be more senseful than adding more Bank Tabs, inclusive addign more Bag Slots per Character. Would be nice to have ways to upgrade our 20 Slot Bags/Canisters from 20 Slots to say 30 Slots

- More Shared Inventory Slots would be also more senseful

- PoF will at least help soon alot with the Inventory Wars due to Identification of Gear Loot

- Items which have done their purpose and aren't needed anymore for anything should get Auto Deleted, while Items that haven't fulfilled their purpose should be undeleteable and unsellable by design

- Gathered Materials should be auto deposited to Chest as long the Chest is not full and land only in your Inventory, if the Chest is full.

- Back Items should work as Bag too, so that an ascended/legendary Back Item should be equal to a 20 Slot Bag/Canister.

- Add a Carrier Mastery as Central Tyrian Mastery which allows us to become stronger, so that we can carry more weight and upgrade this way for example further our Bag Slots by +10 Slots each, somethign like this:


> Strong Muscles = 1 Tyrian MP = Increases Bag Slot Sizes for you by +5

> Strong Legs = 2 Tyrian MP = You won't be slowed down anymore if you have Full Inventory

> Stamina Like a Bull = 3 Tyrian MP = Increases Bag Slot Size by another +5

> Safe Landing = 4 Tyrian MP = Decreases slightly your Fall Damage, so fuller your Inventory is.

> Bank Fanatic = 5 Tyrian MP = Gain Access to a Collection Achievement, which rewards you at the end with a Permanent Bank Contract or if you eventually have that already,, then a very generous amount of Karma or maybe some kind of "Coupon", which you can trade in at the Bank for a currency of your choice for a generous amount of Currency X of your Choice.


But more Bank Tabs? No, more bank Tabs would be something, from which only the ultra rich players profitate the most from, cause they get this way only easy more space to store tons of their loot and stuff they sell via TP, just to get even faster more rich.

Poor players don't have anything from this. Yes, Anet will profitate naturally from this, but it would be a change bad for the Games Economy to continue raising up further and further the Bank Tabs Limit, when there exist so much more senseful and generally useful alternatives for all kinds of players, not only the rich ones, to increase in general the ways how you could get more space in the game - it doesn't has to be via Bank Tabs.

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You can have up to 14 tabs in your bank, including the original tab . even tho for some I could see why they might want more than that for hording mats and such but still I found with having 14 tabs in my bank I got more than enough space to store what I need to store . which is not much at all for me . unless I want to make a legendary weapon or something https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bank_Tab_Expansion

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One ultra rich player identified, he thumbed me down, so obviously xD

But if that thumber would just understand, that all the rest of the mentioned stuff would be a much more diversive solution for the people from which alot more people have something...


How many slots adds 1 Bank Tab you have to buy for like 600 Gems? 30 Slots ...

Lets say ANet allows us to buy 3 tabs more, that would be maximum 90 Slots for that you would have to pay 1800 gems


Now just do the math.

How much more Space you would receive with my proposed alternatives !! (based on Minimum amount of Bags and then again based on Maximum amount of Bags)


Minimum Amount of Bags = 4 + Rucksack

Maximum amount of Bags = 7 + Rucksack


On Minimum, if you bought no additional Bags, you'd gain per every single Character!! of your Account:

- with the proposed Mastery 10 Slots/Bag, on Minimum thats 40 Slots, on maximum its 70 Slots

- Backpack becoming a 20 Slot Item

- Rucksack becoming upgradeable from 20 to 40 = +20 Slots

- Upgrading each bag in itself from 20 to 30 Slots = +10 slot,s so Minimum another 40 Slots, maximum 70 Slots, if Anet would be generous with giving us more space through implementing an Ascended Rune of Holding as next higher Gold Sink, than the Exotic one for 10G, this one could cost for example 25G per Rune, requiring you to craft first the Exotic ones to throw them with something else into the Mystic Forge to get a 30 Slot Version back.


Then this alone - these 4 alternatives together would grant you, without having to pay 1800 Gems per Character of your account a bonus of between 120 to 180 Slots of inventory Space, 30-90 Slots more, than these Tabs would do, based on if Naet woudl give us 3 Tabs more. So to compensate, they woudl need to give us at least 4-6 more Tabs just to get with an accountbound Solution, what a player can have just with a single Character!!


I repeat again, these 4 alternatives would give you 120-180 more Slots PER CHARACTER, cause Bag Slots aren't accountbount, unlike the Bank Tab for your Account Chest IS accountbound.

Anet would have to drastically increase the limit for tabs with its fix add of 30 Slots, to get even NEAR the amount of additional inventory space, what my solution could provide to everyone, making the whole deal for the player in regard of Gems in comparison as same as much drastically only more expensive.

For 180 Slots you would have to buy directly 6 tabs more, which is 3600 Gems.


120-180 Slots, which you could have with my Suggestions for every single Character of your Account. Lets say you have just the basic 5 Characters and even none of them have additional unlocked Bank Slots.

Thats a plus of 120*5 = 600 Slots for your Account, therefore that you have to spent Gold, Materials and your time, instead of paying far more for Tabs with Real Money and gettign in the end alot lesser Slots for your Account, always waiting for it, that ANet increases the Tab Limit.


No, the best solution are Ingame Solutions through Character Progression/Gold/Material Sinks and from that profitates everyone, people who bought Account Upgrades, same as much as like people who bought no Account Upgrades at all.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> One ultra rich player identified, he thumbed me down, so obviously xD

> But if that thumber would just understand, that all the rest of the mentioned stuff would be a much more diversive solution for the people from which alot more people have something...


> How many slots adds 1 Bank Tab you have to buy for like 600 Gems? 30 Slots ...

> Lets say ANet allows us to buy 3 tabs more, that would be maximum 90 Slots for that you would have to pay 1800 gems


> Now just do the math.

> How much more Space you would receive with my proposed alternatives !! (based on Minimum amount of Bags and then again based on Maximum amount of Bags)


> Minimum Amount of Bags = 4 + Rucksack

> Maximum amount of Bags = 7 + Rucksack


> On Minimum, if you bought no additional Bags, you'd gain per every single Character!! of your Account:

> - with the proposed Mastery 10 Slots/Bag, on Minimum thats 40 Slots, on maximum its 70 Slots

> - Backpack becoming a 20 Slot Item

> - Rucksack becoming upgradeable from 20 to 40 = +20 Slots

> - Upgrading each bag in itself from 20 to 30 Slots = +10 slot,s so Minimum another 40 Slots, maximum 70 Slots, if Anet would be generous with giving us more space through implementing an Ascended Rune of Holding as next higher Gold Sink, than the Exotic one for 10G, this one could cost for example 25G per Rune, requiring you to craft first the Exotic ones to throw them with something else into the Mystic Forge to get a 30 Slot Version back.


> Then this alone - these 4 alternatives together would grant you, without having to pay 1800 Gems per Character of your account a bonus of between 120 to 180 Slots of inventory Space, 30-90 Slots more, than these Tabs would do, based on if Naet woudl give us 3 Tabs more. So to compensate, they woudl need to give us at least 4-6 more Tabs just to get with an accountbound Solution, what a player can have just with a single Character!!


> I repeat again, these 4 alternatives would give you 120-180 more Slots PER CHARACTER, cause Bag Slots aren't accountbount, unlike the Bank Tab for your Account Chest IS accountbound.

> Anet would have to drastically increase the limit for tabs with its fix add of 30 Slots, to get even NEAR the amount of additional inventory space, what my solution could provide to everyone, making the whole deal for the player in regard of Gems in comparison as same as much drastically only more expensive.

> For 180 Slots you would have to buy directly 6 tabs more, which is 3600 Gems.


> 120-180 Slots, which you could have with my Suggestions for every single Character of your Account. Lets say you have just the basic 5 Characters and even none of them have additional unlocked Bank Slots.

> Thats a plus of 120*5 = 600 Slots for your Account, therefore that you have to spent Gold, Materials and your time, instead of paying far more for Tabs with Real Money and gettign in the end alot lesser Slots for your Account, always waiting for it, that ANet increases the Tab Limit.


> No, the best solution are Ingame Solutions through Character Progression/Gold/Material Sinks and from that profitates everyone, people who bought Account Upgrades, same as much as like people who bought no Account Upgrades at all.


More sinks? Compared the arbitrary rules of sinks they have?


I would rather buy more room than play the RNG game

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on the topic of bag slots how ever you can have 8 on each toon at 20 slot bags . for me with that many bag slots is more than enough to do 2 maps with out stopping at all . any more idk but I could see it possible to do 3 whole map completions if I wanted to do it with out stopping at all . idk if I could handle that much mapping with out a break mid ways or something . but it be nice to try it I think it could even add maybe some more fun to the game its self even . Each character can have up to 8 bag slots.


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The longer you play any game, the more stuff accumulates. No matter how good the loot system is, we all will run out of room unless you take an active roll in managing how we store stuff. Accordingly, I'll always get more storage when it's available, but let's not pretend it's going to work for those in the most dire need of inventory management assistance.


* The first few days of extra storage are great. So much space!

* At some point, the player thinks, "oh sure, I don't have to throw _that_ out now"

* Not long after, there are a lot of "thats" that weren't thrown out.

* And right afterward, it's even more difficult to find stuff, because there's more stuff to sort through.


Thus I strongly recommend that people spend an hour (or even three) working with someone they know to reorganize and establish at least 1-2 more techniques to help manage.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The longer you play any game, the more stuff accumulates. No matter how good the loot system is, we all will run out of room unless you take an active roll in managing how we store stuff. Accordingly, I'll always get more storage when it's available, but let's not pretend it's going to work for those in the most dire need of inventory management assistance.


> * The first few days of extra storage are great. So much space!

> * At some point, the player thinks, "oh sure, I don't have to throw _that_ out now"

> * Not long after, there are a lot of "thats" that weren't thrown out.

> * And right afterward, it's even more difficult to find stuff, because there's more stuff to sort through.


> Thus I strongly recommend that people spend an hour (or even three) working with someone they know to reorganize and establish at least 1-2 more techniques to help manage.




The regards of throwing stuff away. Anet LOVES to bring back a use for old items. So I stopping throwing stuff away. Like grawl skulls and the old transmutation charges.

I had about 6 stacks of sigils of mischief and runes of the snowball, I chose to mystic forge them before they were useful. Needless to say, I wanted to punt a baby out a window...

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> The regards of throwing stuff away. Anet LOVES to bring back a use for old items. So I stopping throwing stuff away. Like grawl skulls and the old transmutation charges.

> I had about 6 stacks of sigils of mischief and runes of the snowball, I chose to mystic forge them before they were useful. Needless to say, I wanted to punt a baby out a window...


They only rarely bring back a significant use for most items. There are exceptions, but saving for exceptions is a hoarder's trap. Largely, the cost to you (in time, storage, materials, and psychic energy to manage it all) is larger to save everything than it is to have a sensible plan for managing it. (It's very true that Sigils of Mischief were a major exception, but that's a very unusual example).


Even if one over-plans for a rainy day, there's still a ton of stuff that people don't need to keep.


In short, it's entirely possible to be prudent with only a handful of bank tabs. So I really encourage folks to work with someone they know who can help them learn a few new techniques. In the long run, recovering the use of 10 slots you already own is probably worth more than the cost of a new tab that gives you 30 more.

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Asked for this one a couple of times, and support it each time it comes up. Not looking for unlimited but would be happy to double the current cap. Even if ANet thinks only 20% would spend real cash on the upgrade it still might cover impact, and even those that use in game gold, its a nice reduction to in game gold flow which has its own impact on cash/gem/gold conversions.

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> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> More bank tabs

> More character slots

> More material storage

> More inventory slots


> Make it happen


Agree, upping these over time makes sense. And let's be fair, some people enjoy upgrading their account, it can fun in its own way. Ok that might be twisted but it is what it is. Stop judging. ;)

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I'm fine either way. Could I use more bank tabs? Oh absolutely! (You skritt! Back to your corner, put down the shiny!) However, more bank tabs would merely enable the hoarder in me, which may not be the healthiest option. So, I'm good with not getting more too. If I _really_ need to hold on something, I'll just have to find room by releasing something else. Balance is good...(or so I keep telling myself)

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