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Which class has seen the most nerfs?

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I guess it was the Thief.


Back in ye olde days, we had a saying: a perfect thief was unbeatable. If you give a class the ability to dodge everything while maintaining good damage and high mobility, then the skill ceiling is really a skill skylight. If somebody was fast enough, smart enough, and experienced enough, the Thief could give them the tools to beat any other player. As time goes on, the Thief has seen a series of nerfs around its entire class theme, just to reign them in.


* Mug can't crit, Signet of Malice reduction, and various other DPS nerfs to reduce burst

* Revealed to reduce stealth

* Blind Fields cut in half to reduce defenses

* Mechanical changes and damage reduction to dodge skills (Flanking Strike, Death Blossom)

* Acrobatics and endurance regeneration nerfs to make them more easily caught


Among others. There were a couple of buffs over the years, too. Weakness was made useful, and thief auto attacks received a large buff. But overall, I don't know any other classes where nearly everything they're known for has been nerfed into the ground over the years. There are a couple of strong competitors in the Revenant and the Necromancer, though.


If I were to pick the class with the least amount of nerfs, I'd probably say Guardian. "They're in a good place" is a much hated slogan for a reason. It seems like other classes were balanced around the Guardian more than the guardian was balanced itself.

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Might be controversial but I'll say elementalists have received a lot of nerfs, many of which were quite heavy-handed.


This is not a complaint since it is still a strong class, but the poll is not asking "which class has been nerfed into uselessness" which would be a different question altogether.

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They totally destroyed the class, I used to like this class, but after 80 and have unlocked specs, he feels weak without any fun in it, which is stupid is I love the deadeye, but rifles in this game are so weak... stop putting all dps into sword, greatsword and staff...

My second choice would be engineer.. they removed the abbility to overrun the turrets when we want, somes boons like inflicting 5 weakness per immobilization, hard to have somes now, and finally, again the rifle is weak, hammer is ok and holosmith is now meh due to the complaints.

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The question is which profession has seen the most nerfs, not which one has been weak since day one lol

I'd say Thief is at the top, Thieves are being nerfed every other patch, on expansion release, and even at random times. Still, Thieves are quite playable, so expect more nerfs!

If the question was "which profession used to be awesome but now it's terrible due to nerfs" then I'd say Revenant, Anet's favorite when Heart of Thorns was released, amazing in nearly all aspects of play, instanced content, open world, WvW, PVP, Revenants were meta everywhere. Now they are... terrible everywhere.

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