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Mist Angels [Mist] - Casual & Social [PvE] [EU]


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![](https://i.imgur.com/LUTonVU.png "")



_Mist Angels [Mist] is PvE guild on PikenSquare (EU). We offer a welcoming, cosy and warm-hearted environment for all players, both new and experienced. Our main focus is and always will be our community. We have a good time together during our adventures in Dungeons and Fractals._



**What We Stand For**


Mist Angels focuses on fostering a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. We believe a relaxed atmosphere brings out the best in our members, so no stress or anxiety. We aren't hardcore and therefore do not focus heavily on the meta or latest speed clear tactics, instead liking to have the focus be on our members enjoying themselves and having an escape from a perhaps stressful day. We value our community and so to nurture our casual and fun environment we aren’t looking for “the best” or those with “mad skills”, what we are looking for are those with the right attitude; Friendly, Enthusiastic, Social, Laid-Back & Easy-Going.


**Who Are We**


* Mist Angels [Mist] is a PvE social guild on PikenSquare (EU). Though, with the megaservers, we can accept members from any European server.

* Our guild focuses on making a family-like community. We offer a warm, welcoming place for all kinds of players. We pride ourselves in being a drama-less guild where everyone is happy and free to enjoy themselves in whichever aspect of the game they like.

* The majority of our members are PvE focused and enjoy nothing more than grouping together for some Dungeons or Fractals. Be warned, when it comes to Dungeons we do not skip mobs since we believe Elite specs added more than enough powercreep to simply clear everything which also allows for a more relaxed and chill run! Also.. LOOT!!

* We **Do Not** focus on the meta or speed clearing every piece of content, if that is your interest, then maybe we aren't the right fit for you.

* Mist Angels welcomes everyone, be you completely new to Guild Wars 2 or a player since launch.

* We have our own dedicated Discord channel but you aren't forced to talk if you do not wish to.

* The guild was created in October 2012 but went inactive in 2017, we're now back and rising from the Mists!

* We're a small guild, we are a family and not an army!


**Unique Ranks**

How do you know who can help out with what and who is interested in certain types of content? We restructured two of our roles just to help you out. We also now have two seperate Officer ranks dedicated to making sure every type of player gets the attention and support they deserve.


Upon joining you'll be asked which Rank best suits your interests and style of gameplay, this is to make sure that you get the correct support and our others members know what you enjoy!


* Vanquisher: Have a keen interest in instanced content? Class yourself as a semi experienced player that can't get enough of Raids, T4 Fractals and/or Dungeons? Love grouping up to vanquish that boss and get that sweet sweet loot? Then this is the rank for you!


* Adventurer: Are you new to game? Do you enjoy exploring new lands and taking it at your own pace? Never stepped foot in a Dungeon or Fractal but would love to learn in a relaxed and casual manner? Or do you simply just like having a friendly conversation in Guild Chat and/or Discord? Then perhaps this is the rank for you!


**How To Join**

To join Mist Angels simply contact an officer either by whisper and/or mail, then your month trial will begin. The Trial is purely for you to get to know us and us to get to know you, it allows us to gauge your personality to make sure you're a good fit for the guild, we have to protect our familial atmosphere.










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Hello, I'm a fairly newish player, in the sense that i bought the game at launch and never really played past lvl 20. Now i'm completely fed up with my current MMO so i thought I give GWs a serious try. And to do that I am looking for a guild to ask loads of questions in. I am interested in raiding, but i'm only lvl 50 atm. As you guys are the first post i saw that answer my question (can you join guilds that aren't on your home server) I thought i'd express my interest. Now I can't seem to figure out how to add people with their gamertags, (hence why i'm leaving this comment) I was hoping I could get someone to contact me and walk me through the process.




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