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Hybrid Scourge - Expertise Good or No?


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I'm bored and, although I hate Condi builds, I'm Theory Crafting a Power Scourge build that focuses on bursting the enemy down quickly with Condis instead of just drawing out the fight and taking five minutes to kill a Skrit (exaggerating, obviously). I'm just not sure how important Expertise is? Yeah it increases Condi Duration, but would that only be useful for Raids/Dungeons/Big Boss Fights where you need as many Bleeds and Burns as possible? Currently workin on this:




Nothing is set in stone except for the Weapons. I want to try weaving Grieves in, since I like the stat setup and said stats cater directly to the kind of build I'm aiming for. If I can pull something like a Power Scourge off I might, MIGHT give Condi a go. But I don't want to drop Power from my Power Reaper just to get stuck standing around stacking endless Condis all day either (talk about boring).


So what would you suggest? I'm looking to make a Power Scourge build, but more focused on bursting the target down with Condis as instantly as possible rather than stacking 50+ Bleeds/Torments/Burns and letting them shred away slowly but surely. Would you say I'm on the right path or what would you suggest?

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The problem isn't whether Expertise is good or bad, the problem is whether Ferocity is trash with Scepter and Torch. Short answer; it is. You will not get meaningful gains from that ferocity.


Not having Dhuumfire is going to seriously reduce your capacity to condi bomb. If your goal is to use a Terror bomb to deal a big chunk of damage you'll likely find Master of Terror to be very valuable, or Vital Persistence which is always a boon to Scourge.


If you are wanting to play a Griever's build I would be seriously reconsidering trying to do it as Scourge. Reaper with Bleed duration bonuses and a Greatsword is likely going to do it far more efficiently.

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To be fair: I hate Meta-anything. I'm the kind of player that likes to challenge the Meta and come up with new or original stuff. Soul Reaping works with Shades? That alone confuses me, since Dhuumfire would proc on Shroud 1, what would Shroud 1 be/? Summoning the Shade(s)? Or the first Shade skill? Vital Persistence is also not as good as it once was in my opinion, which obviously isn't worth much if anything. I'm entirely new to learning Condi caps and what's optimal and what isn't, and my bud just informed me that this build would be more of a Hybrid build than a Power or Condi build, which works for me (personally) since it's not pure Condi focused.


So you'd suggest swapping out Scourge with Reaper, but ANET has already stated (from what I'm told) that they will be nerfing Condi stuff in the Reaper Traitline even further and implementing more Power, hence why I'm more focused on Scourge since GS won't really be of much use to me unless I build into Valkyrie (which I currently am running) or Berserker's. In short: Reaper to me feels like it's more of a melee-oriented class if you run GS and as such I feel like Power Reaper is the smart route to go with that one, otherwise it seems like you're endangering yourself for less Power. That's just me though, and like I said I'm still learning so if I'm wrong I welcome correction.

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I'm confused... title says Power Scourge discussion is on Condi Scourge.


Anyway, if what you mean is like... burst conditions, or like a kinda hybrid to burst things down, I would probably try to replace blood magic with soul reaping and use dhuumfire and fill up all your gear with grieving and maybe sinister and avoid the expertise since you're looking for something more along bursting. The damage of the shroud skills does pretty good direct damage and your f5 will give burn and your f4 will be a damage skill via fear and all aoe... use dagger and warhorn/focus and slot signet of undeath, dessicate to keep life force up? This might be more what you're looking for? It isn't a meta thing but?

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Ah sorry kinda went off on a tangent above but yes the discussion is about Power Scourge, but I figured since Scourge has so much Condi stuff in it you can't really completely avoid it either. A Burst Hybrid would've been a smarter way to put it, my apologies. Interesting, did not know that about Soul Reaping. Does that mean Unholy Martyr will also transfer Condis from allies to the Shade(s) as well? I'll look into Soul Reaping though, thanks for the lesson xD

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Dhuumfire and Vital Persistance are very strong talents considering basically any F skill will cause burning, and Vital reduces the CD of shroud skills so more uptime. Plus, since each of the F skills also do direct damage, basically just rolling into combat and burst all 4 of them will be a pretty big direct damage drop. I'm rolling a marauder scourge for open world and its a nice big damage drop. I might try grieving at some point but yeah... neither will be a meta damage build but it could be fun.

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I'll give Soul Reaping a go then, maybe trait into Lingering Curse instead of Parasitic Contagion in that case. And yeah I'm just looking to have fun, I don't PvP or WvW, PvE is my thing and I don't like being a copy if you get what I mean. Grieving looks really interesting. I gotta get used to Shades being like an always active Shroud, with 'Shroud' skills constantly available lol THAT's gonna be a learning curve in itself. I'm also guessing Soul Reaping is the smarter route cuz I'm running Staff as well, right? Wish there was a place in game where we could just put on any gear set and test things out before buying, the Skills Editor site is good and all but it's nothing compared to actually USING said build lol

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Scourge arguably benefits the least from Expertise as compared to any other form of Necromancer simply because the base durations of the conditions it applies are quite low. If you're trying to make a Power build for Scourge, you should mostly ignore the fact that the Condition application exists, and that it's all consequential of your Power abilities. If you're aiming for something more Hybrid but Power focused, then pick Grieving over Viper's. With that said, you're saying that you want to play a spec that deals Power damage more than playing a spec that slow-burns with Condi application, but believe it or not the Condi builds have better DPS than the Power builds do, and because Scourge application is as high as it is there isn't really a build-up time for that damage either.

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> @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> Scourge arguably benefits the least from Expertise as compared to any other form of Necromancer simply because the base durations of the conditions it applies are quite low. If you're trying to make a Power build for Scourge, you should mostly ignore the fact that the Condition application exists, and that it's all consequential of your Power abilities. If you're aiming for something more Hybrid but Power focused, then pick Grieving over Viper's. With that said, you're saying that you want to play a spec that deals Power damage more than playing a spec that slow-burns with Condi application, but believe it or not the Condi builds have better DPS than the Power builds do, and because Scourge application is as high as it is there isn't really a build-up time for that damage either.


Yeah I know Condi is the best DPS option right now, but I hate sitting there taking forever to kill something cuz I have to stack dozens upon dozens of Condis to shred an enemy down. Hence why I thought I'd look into a more Hybrid type build emphasizing Power over Condi, while still utilizing Condi as 'secondary' DPS. I just wasn't sure if Expertise would've been smart to have due to all of the Burns available to me (since Burn is the most potent DoT Condi I can think of), but it seems my original thought of just burst them down with high initial Condi Damage, rather than melt them over time, is what's being suggested; which is perfect because that's still in-line with my playstyle. I just thought Grieve looked interesting, I'm aware of Meta builds and whatnot, I just hate copying what everyone else is doing (whenever possible, some instances I know I will have to suck it up and just go with the Meta but right now I'm just having fun not getting competitive).


The Condi-builds I've experimented with before were extremely underwhelming to me. Granted I am still learning how much Condi Damage is good and whatnot, completely new to the whole Condi side of things (like I know 2800+ Power for Reaper is typically decently good for solo play) so a lot of my stupid questions are just me learning on the fly. Condi always took forever to get going for me, mainly because I prefer to start and end the fight as quickly as possible. The reason why I'm looking into a Hybrid build is, well, because of what you said as well. Condi is, sadly, our best form of DPS at the moment, so why not try to incorporate that into my playstyle? That way it still feels like I'm bursting and powering my way through, but I'm also being more 'necromantic' by utilizing Condis more. And I think I'm close to finalizing the new build, just gotta decide on the Utilities now.

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If you want to kill things fast you have to stack might, this build will allow you to reach a fast might stacking

[Open World - Condition Scourge](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNArfWnE9CV3gd3AW9C83gFhBjqKkF6VRBgEw4SvuuXDsA-jBiHQBBZ5BCq8rWPBAAcKAIn+AntDA9U/RjKBBA-e)


Ther's no really point on Ferocity if not with high critical chance: raw power and condition damage via might staking is better for scourges.

Condition can burst better than power if enough stacked, use your corruption skills at ease

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> @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> Scourge arguably benefits the least from Expertise as compared to any other form of Necromancer simply because the base durations of the conditions it applies are quite low. If you're trying to make a Power build for Scourge, you should mostly ignore the fact that the Condition application exists, and that it's all consequential of your Power abilities. If you're aiming for something more Hybrid but Power focused, then pick Grieving over Viper's. With that said, you're saying that you want to play a spec that deals Power damage more than playing a spec that slow-burns with Condi application, but believe it or not the Condi builds have better DPS than the Power builds do, and because Scourge application is as high as it is there isn't really a build-up time for that damage either.


I strongly disagree with ignoring conditions as power necro. You will be much better if you build for hybrid with scourge. There is to much condi application to ignore it. I agree that expertise wont be your 1st choice, but condi damage, even as minor will be great.

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So, I want to start with saying I am no master of dps testing by any means, but I was doing some testing with a power build for scourge and was surprised it only did a few thousand dps less, and I was easily doing over twice what I can with a power reaper build. Gear was all berserkers except a neck, which was the hot achieve one with some vitality, and an accessory which was exotic and not ascended. I had mostly ascended gear on. Spite, soulreaping, scourge are the trees, the highest dps was mostly sitting in dagger/wh. I probably should have gone with the minion heal, but I used scourge heal, shadowfiend, bonefiend, and the life force signet I think. I also tried other combinations of signet of power and all minions and as I said, I am no master of testing, but it was still doing way more than my reaper power build. Also I used the scourge elite skill.


I am not saying power scourge is better than condi, but it is viable as an open world/fractal build, and might work in raid if you need to go power for a fight perhaps. I could maybe see trying this with grevious gear, but berserker is easier to get and seems to work just fine. Now, that said, in vipers gear, the condi spec certainly does not take 5 mins to kill a skrit. But I do agree, that it's fun to use power builds, I wish the axe was a bit stronger, I seemed to do much more damage in dagger than axe, but the axe animations are certainly my favorite. And the range is valuable at times.

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> @mazut.4296 said:

> > @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> > Scourge arguably benefits the least from Expertise as compared to any other form of Necromancer simply because the base durations of the conditions it applies are quite low. If you're trying to make a Power build for Scourge, you should mostly ignore the fact that the Condition application exists, and that it's all consequential of your Power abilities. If you're aiming for something more Hybrid but Power focused, then pick Grieving over Viper's. With that said, you're saying that you want to play a spec that deals Power damage more than playing a spec that slow-burns with Condi application, but believe it or not the Condi builds have better DPS than the Power builds do, and because Scourge application is as high as it is there isn't really a build-up time for that damage either.


> I strongly disagree with ignoring conditions as power necro. You will be much better if you build for hybrid with scourge. There is to much condi application to ignore it. I agree that expertise wont be your 1st choice, but condi damage, even as minor will be great.


Well if you don't ignore the Conditions, then how are you a Power build :tongue: ? If you're building strictly Power/Precision/Ferocity as offensive stats, then damaging Condition application is negligible. You're taking what I said as "Who cares about the Conditions, just play Power!" when what I'm actually saying is "**If** you're building Power, then who cares about the Conditions."


If the argument you're trying to raise is whether there's more value in Hybrid versus straight Power, I'd say Hybrid gives you more general value, however pure Power is definitely a way you can build if you choose to. He asked if he should ignore a Condi stat when building for Power, and the answer is pretty obviously yes. Had he asked how to build Hybrid or Condi, then things would be a little different (although as this thread has unfolded it's become clear that he was saying Power when he actually meant Hybrid, so this whole discussion is moot to a point) although I'd still generally say that Expertise doesn't really matter.

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> @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> > @mazut.4296 said:

> > > @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> > > Scourge arguably benefits the least from Expertise as compared to any other form of Necromancer simply because the base durations of the conditions it applies are quite low. If you're trying to make a Power build for Scourge, you should mostly ignore the fact that the Condition application exists, and that it's all consequential of your Power abilities. If you're aiming for something more Hybrid but Power focused, then pick Grieving over Viper's. With that said, you're saying that you want to play a spec that deals Power damage more than playing a spec that slow-burns with Condi application, but believe it or not the Condi builds have better DPS than the Power builds do, and because Scourge application is as high as it is there isn't really a build-up time for that damage either.

> >

> > I strongly disagree with ignoring conditions as power necro. You will be much better if you build for hybrid with scourge. There is to much condi application to ignore it. I agree that expertise wont be your 1st choice, but condi damage, even as minor will be great.


> Well if you don't ignore the Conditions, then how are you a Power build :tongue: ? If you're building strictly Power/Precision/Ferocity as offensive stats, then damaging Condition application is negligible. You're taking what I said as "Who cares about the Conditions, just play Power!" when what I'm actually saying is "**If** you're building Power, then who cares about the Conditions."


> If the argument you're trying to raise is whether there's more value in Hybrid versus straight Power, I'd say Hybrid gives you more general value, however pure Power is definitely a way you can build if you choose to. He asked if he should ignore a Condi stat when building for Power, and the answer is pretty obviously yes. Had he asked how to build Hybrid or Condi, then things would be a little different (although as this thread has unfolded it's become clear that he was saying Power when he actually meant Hybrid, so this whole discussion is moot to a point) although I'd still generally say that Expertise doesn't really matter.


I can only disagree with you zero solstice.


Expertise lengthen the duration of all conditions not just damaging conditions. When you play a power build you have some use for vulnerability that directly improve your damage as a power dps. In a different way you also want to have impairing movement condition last longer so that your foes have an harder time to kite you. It's also useful for you to have weakness last longer so that your foe have an harder time dodging your hits.


Expertise is not a condi build only stat. Expertise is as valuable for power builds that it is valuable for condi builds. It's the same way for concentration, it's not a power only stat, it's a stat that benefit both power builds and condi builds.

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Please let me know your thoughts on power-Scourge builds and performance.


I tried it over the weekend and was unsatisfied when I compared it to power-Reaper. The primary reason I found power-Scourge troublesome was the lack of a true shroud when in melee combat and the lack of invulnerability and mobility skills like other professions have. It seemed easier for me to become overwhelmed when using main-hand dagger while under focused fire as aggro'd mobs link compared to when I tried the same with Reaper. There were similar comments about Scourge in PvP during the beta weekend. If a Scourge needs to play mid-range dps, then the condi-Scourge builds appear much better.


I will continue trying to make power-Scourge work but am not hopeful.


This is one of the power-Scourge builds I tried based on equipment I had. It is still a hybrid, technically, but I do not think _any_ Scourge build can be pure power.


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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> > @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> > > @mazut.4296 said:

> > > > @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> > > > Scourge arguably benefits the least from Expertise as compared to any other form of Necromancer simply because the base durations of the conditions it applies are quite low. If you're trying to make a Power build for Scourge, you should mostly ignore the fact that the Condition application exists, and that it's all consequential of your Power abilities. If you're aiming for something more Hybrid but Power focused, then pick Grieving over Viper's. With that said, you're saying that you want to play a spec that deals Power damage more than playing a spec that slow-burns with Condi application, but believe it or not the Condi builds have better DPS than the Power builds do, and because Scourge application is as high as it is there isn't really a build-up time for that damage either.

> > >

> > > I strongly disagree with ignoring conditions as power necro. You will be much better if you build for hybrid with scourge. There is to much condi application to ignore it. I agree that expertise wont be your 1st choice, but condi damage, even as minor will be great.

> >

> > Well if you don't ignore the Conditions, then how are you a Power build :tongue: ? If you're building strictly Power/Precision/Ferocity as offensive stats, then damaging Condition application is negligible. You're taking what I said as "Who cares about the Conditions, just play Power!" when what I'm actually saying is "**If** you're building Power, then who cares about the Conditions."

> >

> > If the argument you're trying to raise is whether there's more value in Hybrid versus straight Power, I'd say Hybrid gives you more general value, however pure Power is definitely a way you can build if you choose to. He asked if he should ignore a Condi stat when building for Power, and the answer is pretty obviously yes. Had he asked how to build Hybrid or Condi, then things would be a little different (although as this thread has unfolded it's become clear that he was saying Power when he actually meant Hybrid, so this whole discussion is moot to a point) although I'd still generally say that Expertise doesn't really matter.


> I can only disagree with you zero solstice.


> Expertise lengthen the duration of all conditions not just damaging conditions. When you play a power build you have some use for vulnerability that directly improve your damage as a power dps. In a different way you also want to have impairing movement condition last longer so that your foes have an harder time to kite you. It's also useful for you to have weakness last longer so that your foe have an harder time dodging your hits.


> Expertise is not a condi build only stat. Expertise is as valuable for power builds that it is valuable for condi builds. It's the same way for concentration, it's not a power only stat, it's a stat that benefit both power builds and condi builds.


Outside of extremely unusual, niche scenarios, that's a very unconvincing defense of Expertise. At least for PvE. Enemies will very rarely kite you. And any enemy that lives long enough for vulnerability to matter is likely to have a full stack of 25 with or without your contribution.


The build you posted really doesn't have much to do with power damage at all. Virtually every choice you've made (outside of the utility skills + a few pieces of Grieving gear) is a choice for either condi output, defense, or both at once. So in that sense, I have to answer the question that expertise is probably incredibly important for this build, because the majority of its damage output is still coming from condis.


I appreciate wanting to play with the new stuff, but Scourge doesn't really offer many tools to help a power build at all. You could probably make something that at least qualifies as a power build using Spite/Soul Reaping/Scourge. But you'd probably just end up with an old-fashioned dagger necromancer, only with Barriers instead of Death Shroud.

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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> > @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> > > @mazut.4296 said:

> > > > @"Zero Solstice.9754" said:

> > > > Scourge arguably benefits the least from Expertise as compared to any other form of Necromancer simply because the base durations of the conditions it applies are quite low. If you're trying to make a Power build for Scourge, you should mostly ignore the fact that the Condition application exists, and that it's all consequential of your Power abilities. If you're aiming for something more Hybrid but Power focused, then pick Grieving over Viper's. With that said, you're saying that you want to play a spec that deals Power damage more than playing a spec that slow-burns with Condi application, but believe it or not the Condi builds have better DPS than the Power builds do, and because Scourge application is as high as it is there isn't really a build-up time for that damage either.

> > >

> > > I strongly disagree with ignoring conditions as power necro. You will be much better if you build for hybrid with scourge. There is to much condi application to ignore it. I agree that expertise wont be your 1st choice, but condi damage, even as minor will be great.

> >

> > Well if you don't ignore the Conditions, then how are you a Power build :tongue: ? If you're building strictly Power/Precision/Ferocity as offensive stats, then damaging Condition application is negligible. You're taking what I said as "Who cares about the Conditions, just play Power!" when what I'm actually saying is "**If** you're building Power, then who cares about the Conditions."

> >

> > If the argument you're trying to raise is whether there's more value in Hybrid versus straight Power, I'd say Hybrid gives you more general value, however pure Power is definitely a way you can build if you choose to. He asked if he should ignore a Condi stat when building for Power, and the answer is pretty obviously yes. Had he asked how to build Hybrid or Condi, then things would be a little different (although as this thread has unfolded it's become clear that he was saying Power when he actually meant Hybrid, so this whole discussion is moot to a point) although I'd still generally say that Expertise doesn't really matter.


> I can only disagree with you zero solstice.


> Expertise lengthen the duration of all conditions not just damaging conditions. When you play a power build you have some use for vulnerability that directly improve your damage as a power dps. In a different way you also want to have impairing movement condition last longer so that your foes have an harder time to kite you. It's also useful for you to have weakness last longer so that your foe have an harder time dodging your hits.


> Expertise is not a condi build only stat. Expertise is as valuable for power builds that it is valuable for condi builds. It's the same way for concentration, it's not a power only stat, it's a stat that benefit both power builds and condi builds.


It's fine that you disagree, it makes for more compelling discussion. You're definitely right about Concentration being an ambiguous stat, but that's due to the nature of boons: Not only do boons cover an extremely wide range of utility including damage, healing, CC-protection, durability increases, and even immunity to every condition, but boons also generally have respectable base durations, which means they actually scale well with their proper stat. You will never see someone dump 450 points into Expertise just to increase their Fears from a 1 second duration to a 1 1/4 second duration and their Cripples from 2 seconds to 2 1/2 seconds, but you'll absolutely see people dump 450 points into Concentration in order to make their Stability go from 6 seconds in duration to 9 seconds and their Might from 10 seconds to 13 seconds. On top of that, Concentration has a way better distribution across gear, whereas the only marketable stat for Power-based Expertise is Vigilant. If you're Power-based, you're not running a Scepter, at which point the majority of your conditions are extremely shallow in duration, with the ones that aren't low being almost 100% uptime on their own anyway (Unholy Feast Cripple as an example, combined with Spiteful Spirit).


The argument that Expertise is just as valuable for Power builds as it is for Condi builds is fundamentally flawed by the fact that Condi builds make every one of their conditions better, whereas Power builds would only be making non-damaging conditions better, so your Expertise is worth less than theirs 100% of the time. Weakness comes from almost nowhere on Power builds outside of corruption, and if you're running Curses in a Power build then you have no trouble with Weakness uptime anyway, Vulnerability is extremely easy to access with Axe and Focus without devoting stats to their durations, and movement impairing conditions are plentiful due to reapplication alone with Shade abilities, or even with Chill if you're running Reaper. There is no decent reason that I see for a true Power spec to devote any of their resources into Expertise instead of Power, Vitality, Toughness, Precision, Ferocity, or Concentration.

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I've been keeping up with your inputs, and I must say in regards to the 'Expertise is good/not good for Power Builds' debate: I'd argue it is and isn't. Yeah yeah I'm not helping but in a way it is useful, but not useful enough to warrant a lot of it. Axe/Focus (I currently run Axe/Focus + GS on my Power build) can burst 20+ stacks of Vulnerability onto the target (if not max) very quickly, but these stacks don't 'stick' and your consistent Vulnerability application with Axe will be around 12-15. This is also while facing a single enemy and utilizing Focus 4 so it hits the same target all 3 times, mind you. Expertise essentially could boost your consistency to closer to 20, but the real question is will it be worth sacrificing Precision and/or Ferocity? Grieving is the only gear set, at the moment, that provides Power, Precision, Ferocity and Condi Damage, but none offer remotely the same stats in favor of Expertise over Condi Damage. Hence why Viper's is/was still so heavily meta. It's the only Power set that gave Power and Precision (key stats for a Power build) with Expertise, though Condi Damage is obviously a wasted stat unless you're running Deathly Chill or something.


Also, as was stated previously, I confused 'Power Scourge' with 'Hybrid', due to the fact I thought since my main damage was going to be focused around Power it would still make it a Power build. Complete ignorance and stupidity on my part, so I apologize. Expertise has its uses, but I must agree with Expertise being better for Condi rather than Power. Out of all of the years I've been playing Power Reaper, I've never once needed Expertise. Not saying it's useless or not worth building into, just saying personally I've never found a use for it on a Power build.


Now that may sound extremely hypocritical compared to the title of the thread, but this thread is about Scourge rather than the traditional Power Reaper, and we all know Scourge is very heavilty Condi-focused so that's where my original question came from. Since Scourge is so Condi heavy, I was wondering if Expertise would've been a wise synergy option but as also stated previously, I learned (in this specific case) it's not really needed.


Here's the build I've settled on: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRUQRArf7YnE9CN9iV9CO2As9ilgBTqpt0ea631+6gNKBEAiAA-jxRBQBN7kA8U9DZV9H/t/AAeCAUT5HaVCGA4A48m38mHc+5nf+5n30nf+5nf+5nf+5nHA-e


I am a fan of Death Magic and even though Deadly Strength only adds an additional 70 Power, that's still equivalent to another piece of gear. Not to mention, if my theory is correct, when I summon a Sand Shade I should get a 14% conversion bonus instead of 7% (if Shades are functioning the way I keep hearing in regards to Shroud skills/traits). That'll be 165.2 rather than a 70 Power bonus. The Grandmaster Traits I agree aren't that great, and I doubt Unholy Sanctuary will proc by summoning a Shade, but since I'll be throwing out Condis like crazy Corruptor's Fervor should be perma-capped in any fight, which will help a little bit in a fight. I'm thinking about going with Death Nova though, for when I go on a mob killing spree or something. In general: I'm aware Soul Reaping and Dhuumfire with VP is the norm, or even Blood Magic for the sustain, but I think we should be fine as is. I don't like running Parasitic Contagion without Blood Magic, and Lingering Curse works well with Scepter (which is actually one of my more favorite weapons). Not a fan of weapon swap Sigils, I went double Scepter to keep Lingering Curse permanently and I'm still debating on Dagger off-hand or Focus (Dagger is more Condi-focused, has great Condi removal, but Focus has Vulnerability, Regen and more Boon strip). I do want to note that I value stats a lot more than timed-effects, and I hate Corruption Utilities cuz I hate tearing into myself, leaving myself weakened and vulnerable, to do the same to the enemy. I also am still learning mechanically, so I'd rather go the safe route and Punishment skills are a lot more fun to use in my opinion.

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My feedback:


1. You don't need blood magic. Neither your weapons nor your skills (save one well of darkness) synergize. Meanwhile there are huge befefits to be reaped if you go spite with Signets of Suffering - 90 more power, 30 more healing power, 50% stronger signet of vampirism passive, shorter cooldown on plague sending and traits that matter for power builds (free mights, some vulni or improved axe skills).


2. I would ditch terror and go path of corruption instead (unless it's a pve build that's for non PoF maps). Terror needs more traits and skills to really work. You don't have much of those in this build. Meanwhile corrupting 2 boons every 5s in aoe without side effects (like corrupt boon) is diamonds, if only for removing protecion off enemies. You get condi conversion and corrupt in one!


3. If you need better sustain, ditch the staff and go dagger for some good old Life Siphon, great life force generation, and holding them inside your shade with dark path. Or grab an axe for some ranged power.


4. You got burning after punishment skill use traited, but literally only one punishment skill, on top of it all being an elite with huge cooldown. Ditch the well of darkness and go for trail of anguish for badly needed stab + stunbreak + something that actually synergizes with your sadistic searing.

Of if in dire need of on demand protection you can go for spectral armor.


5. Ditch sant savant and go for demonic lore if it's not an spvp build. There's a lot of damage in there. Instead of sigil of bursting grab sigil of malice, it'll equalize the expertise loss from lack of sand savant. The extra burns and stronger torment should prove worth the sacrifice.




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> @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

> My feedback:


> 1. You don't need blood magic. Neither your weapons nor your skills (save one well of darkness) synergize. Meanwhile there are huge befefits to be reaped if you go spite with Signets of Suffering - 90 more power, 30 more healing power, 50% stronger signet of vampirism passive, shorter cooldown on plague sending and traits that matter for power builds (free mights, some vulni or improved axe skills).


> 2. I would ditch terror and go path of corruption instead (unless it's a pve build that's for non PoF maps). Terror needs more traits and skills to really work. You don't have much of those in this build. Meanwhile corrupting 2 boons every 5s in aoe without side effects (like corrupt boon) is diamonds, if only for removing protecion off enemies. You get condi conversion and corrupt in one!


> 3. If you need better sustain, ditch the staff and go dagger for some good old Life Siphon, great life force generation, and holding them inside your shade with dark path. Or grab an axe for some ranged power.


> 4. You got burning after punishment skill use traited, but literally only one punishment skill, on top of it all being an elite with huge cooldown. Ditch the well of darkness and go for trail of anguish for badly needed stab + stunbreak + something that actually synergizes with your sadistic searing.

> Of if in dire need of on demand protection you can go for spectral armor.


> 5. Ditch sant savant and go for demonic lore if it's not an spvp build. There's a lot of damage in there. Instead of sigil of bursting grab sigil of malice, it'll equalize the expertise loss from lack of sand savant. The extra burns and stronger torment should prove worth the sacrifice.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRUQNArfWn0ICV2gN9CO2As9ileBDaMVACARRt3V7S/vWYXsA-jBSBQBaZfA0qEEAPBgnqPwZnCgxq8rhq/cuFGCAcAcezb+5BWf91Xf91r6rv+6nv+5nf+5lCYUtWA-e



I already posted above my 'new' build that I'm settling on, and btw I do agree with all of your points that's why I was working on changing it. The original build was just a dummy build where I started and was learning, the 'final' (though I am open to suggestions, gotta stay open-minded) one is in my recent post but here it is again:




Also, I already stated in my recent post that I hate Corruption skills, not a fan of harming myself to harm others. It's just not my style. My Power build actually runs Signets of Suffering with Spite/DM/Reaper (I'm a fan of DM as I stated prior). No longer running Staff, I'm going double Scepter with Torch/Dagger off-hands to permanently maintain Lingering Curse. My goal is to kill before I'm killed, and a lot of my response here is already addressed in my previous comment. Sigil of Malice I would only go if I were going full Condi, but as I also already stated I'm looking to burst with Power and Condis not run around stacking 50+ Bleeds/Torments/Burns to melt health bars. In other words, I don't want to have to stack a lot of Condis to do serious damage. Quality over quantity is another way to put it. But yeah a lot of my replies are already in my previous comment above, so I won't write an essay repeating myself.

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