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so sick of mesmer

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i main rev and war. playing war is fine but playing rev vs. condi mirage just makes me wanna smash my keyboard, throw the pc out of the window and sue anet for pain and suffering.


everyone was complaining about mirages already. then chrono came up and chrono has been nerfed again, yeah cool. but condi mirage is still such a kitten of a build. who came up with making a class like that. cannot be stunned, cannot be caught and insane condi bursts. condi dmg is suppose to be over time... what has this game become that you just spam condis and people die within 3 secs when they cannot cleanse them.


and as i know gw2, the majority of the players is gonna hop on the mirage train again and que as mirage all season long.


i love this game so much but things like mesmers are the reason i barely played last season and will probably just not play ranked next season at all.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> Power Shiro clearly gets countered by condimes what doesn't mean that you can't kill a bad one when playing a lot better than him.


The skill gap has to be insultingly large and it’s still difficult.

It could literally not be any more of a counter.

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unfortunately the devs seem to like the power creep and oneshot stuff as they are adding more instead of going back to the pre HoT times where only thieves and mesmers where OP in my opinion

as to why condition can now burst harder and much safer as direct dmg builds I also have no clue what their toughts about that are

the balancing feels so dumb in so many ways nowadays

why should one even play on the frontlines as direct dmg dealer when you wont be able to hit anything which you have to deal dmg

when you just can go the easy way and throw so many condis from range and never have to worry about getting hit

apply a few condis run away no problem the condis still doing dmg although you are not fighting ...

I really which condis would only be soft CC and mild dmg (only 1 stack) mixed into the otherwise only direct dmg weapon skills


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> @"wanya.1697" said:

> unfortunately the devs seem to like the power creep and oneshot stuff as they are adding more instead of going back to the pre HoT times where only thieves and mesmers where OP in my opinion

> as to why condition can now burst harder and much safer as direct dmg builds I also have no clue what their toughts about that are

> the balancing feels so dumb in so many ways nowadays

> why should one even play on the frontlines as direct dmg dealer when you wont be able to hit anything which you have to deal dmg

> when you just can go the easy way and throw so many condis from range and never have to worry about getting hit

> apply a few condis run away no problem the condis still doing dmg although you are not fighting ...

> I really which condis would only be soft CC and mild dmg (only 1 stack) mixed into the otherwise only direct dmg weapon skills



I get a little tired of the condi whining, honestly. How many builds use condi and are meta? I know metabattle isn't the final authority, but just glancing at what they call meta you see 7 classes have builds that make the list and only 3 of them are condi (and 2 of those are specs specifically designed for condi, based upon their weapon unlock). The main offender (Mirage) is OP not because of condi damage, but because of their ridiculous mobility and evasion. I mean look at the meta build! It uses a power weapon primarily because Mirage Thrust is brokenly OP.


If they just killed Elusive Mind and brought Mirage Thrust within some semblance of reason, I doubt Mirage would be so strong. It's a pretty safe bet when a condi build is using a power weapon there's probably something OP there! LoL

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"wanya.1697" said:

> > unfortunately the devs seem to like the power creep and oneshot stuff as they are adding more instead of going back to the pre HoT times where only thieves and mesmers where OP in my opinion

> > as to why condition can now burst harder and much safer as direct dmg builds I also have no clue what their toughts about that are

> > the balancing feels so dumb in so many ways nowadays

> > why should one even play on the frontlines as direct dmg dealer when you wont be able to hit anything which you have to deal dmg

> > when you just can go the easy way and throw so many condis from range and never have to worry about getting hit

> > apply a few condis run away no problem the condis still doing dmg although you are not fighting ...

> > I really which condis would only be soft CC and mild dmg (only 1 stack) mixed into the otherwise only direct dmg weapon skills

> >


> I get a little tired of the condi whining, honestly. How many builds use condi and are meta? I know metabattle isn't the final authority, but just glancing at what they call meta you see 7 classes have builds that make the list and only 3 of them are condi (and 2 of those are specs specifically designed for condi, based upon their weapon unlock). The main offender (Mirage) is OP not because of condi damage, but because of their ridiculous mobility and evasion. I mean look at the meta build! It uses a power weapon primarily because Mirage Thrust is brokenly OP.


> If they just killed Elusive Mind and brought Mirage Thrust within some semblance of reason, I doubt Mirage would be so strong. It's a pretty safe bet when a condi build is using a power weapon there's probably something OP there! LoL


Rev main here.

I don't complain about condi thief or scourge.

Its mirage.

Elusive mind paired with sword ambush jaunt bkink portal and phase retreat is just so incredibly stupid.


Im honestly so sick of mesmer as well.


They also are everywhere. Every game seems to have 2 condi mirages and when theres a condi thief on top u dont even wanna play the game anymore and just afk and make it go over quivkly so you can get into a new game to fight reasonable classes.

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> @"Wichidi.9281" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"wanya.1697" said:

> > > unfortunately the devs seem to like the power creep and oneshot stuff as they are adding more instead of going back to the pre HoT times where only thieves and mesmers where OP in my opinion

> > > as to why condition can now burst harder and much safer as direct dmg builds I also have no clue what their toughts about that are

> > > the balancing feels so dumb in so many ways nowadays

> > > why should one even play on the frontlines as direct dmg dealer when you wont be able to hit anything which you have to deal dmg

> > > when you just can go the easy way and throw so many condis from range and never have to worry about getting hit

> > > apply a few condis run away no problem the condis still doing dmg although you are not fighting ...

> > > I really which condis would only be soft CC and mild dmg (only 1 stack) mixed into the otherwise only direct dmg weapon skills

> > >

> >

> > I get a little tired of the condi whining, honestly. How many builds use condi and are meta? I know metabattle isn't the final authority, but just glancing at what they call meta you see 7 classes have builds that make the list and only 3 of them are condi (and 2 of those are specs specifically designed for condi, based upon their weapon unlock). The main offender (Mirage) is OP not because of condi damage, but because of their ridiculous mobility and evasion. I mean look at the meta build! It uses a power weapon primarily because Mirage Thrust is brokenly OP.

> >

> > If they just killed Elusive Mind and brought Mirage Thrust within some semblance of reason, I doubt Mirage would be so strong. It's a pretty safe bet when a condi build is using a power weapon there's probably something OP there! LoL


> Rev main here.

> I don't complain about condi thief or scourge.

> Its mirage.

> Elusive mind paired with sword ambush jaunt bkink portal and phase retreat is just so incredibly stupid.


> Im honestly so sick of mesmer as well.


> They also are everywhere. Every game seems to have 2 condi mirages and when theres a condi thief on top u dont even wanna play the game anymore and just afk and make it go over quivkly so you can get into a new game to fight reasonable classes.


Like I said, I completely agree that there are some very obvious areas where Mirage needs to be toned down. But what is wrong with Mirage isn't its condi damage output. If condi itself were OP, more builds would play it. The problem is that the builds that do play condi in the current meta are quite strong for other reasons (thief, scourge, mirage).


I think what Mirage needs is better counter-play. You can't pressure them currently because the class is designed to avoid damage, but then on top of that you have stun break on dodge and spammable leap. If they take damage they can disengage at will. If they don't take damage, you can't get away from them and they will just bury you with condi application. But I think if you crack down on that spammy leap and let people stun them, the fact that mesmer has terrible healing/cleansing will come to bear. You just need to be able to make them back off a bit, and not on their own terms!


They may need more than that, but I think people generally underestimate the impact of counter-pressure in blunting enemy offense. It's all "too much burst condi" when I'm thinking the problem is that the Mirage always feels free to burst because you can't really apply pressure to slow that offense the way you should be able to.

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The fun part of all your complaints is that you think some specific things are the main issue, when in fact they're not. I often play without either sword or Elusive Mind and can still perform really well in 1v1s, especially against a class that I happen to hardcounter. Moreso, powershatter mirage has access to the same skills and yet you don't see many people complaining about it, nor many mesmers playing it, because power damage is much easier to counter.


The truth of the matter is:

1- Rev, sadly, sucks bad against condis. Once facet of light is gone, you're gg unless you run away.

2- Condition application in general is very strong. Not because condis per se are OP, but because most meta condi builds have close to no downtime in condition application (condithief missing steal being a kind of exception). So if you're playing a build that doesn't have a semi constant access to condiclear, resistance or evades, as could be a firebrand or spellbreaker or (poggers) s/d weaver, it all boils down to a simple "kill them quicker than their condis can kill you".


Now in the case of scourge, which could be considered the biggest condi offender, it's relatively easy. They're basically sitting ducks. It becomes harder against thieves or mesmers because, by design, they're very evasive.


If there was SOME kind of downtime in which the condiclass doesn't have access to insane condi pressure, the fights would be less onesided.


On a side note, mirage's axe, torch and pistol skills are extremely telegraphed, and can be evaded rather easily. I suggest y'all having issues facing condimirages to actually roll one and try playing it for a while, you'll learn to recognize what its weaknesses are, when they're most vulnerable and how to play around them, when to strike and when to fall back. Or just roll one of its counters and be done with it.

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> @"Kondor.2904" said:

> Since when rev is supposed to excel at 1v1s ?


if a mesmer is chasing you down he will catch u no matter what. blink, jaunt, pahse retreat sword 3 port portal blablabla


its not like i go a try to 1v1 every mirage i see. i avoid those fights as much as i can on rev. but when facing 2 mirages on the other team your forced to fight them anyways.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"wanya.1697" said:

> > unfortunately the devs seem to like the power creep and oneshot stuff as they are adding more instead of going back to the pre HoT times where only thieves and mesmers where OP in my opinion

> > as to why condition can now burst harder and much safer as direct dmg builds I also have no clue what their toughts about that are

> > the balancing feels so dumb in so many ways nowadays

> > why should one even play on the frontlines as direct dmg dealer when you wont be able to hit anything which you have to deal dmg

> > when you just can go the easy way and throw so many condis from range and never have to worry about getting hit

> > apply a few condis run away no problem the condis still doing dmg although you are not fighting ...

> > I really which condis would only be soft CC and mild dmg (only 1 stack) mixed into the otherwise only direct dmg weapon skills

> >


> I get a little tired of the condi whining, honestly. How many builds use condi and are meta? I know metabattle isn't the final authority, but just glancing at what they call meta you see 7 classes have builds that make the list and only 3 of them are condi (and 2 of those are specs specifically designed for condi, based upon their weapon unlock). The main offender (Mirage) is OP not because of condi damage, but because of their ridiculous mobility and evasion. I mean look at the meta build! It uses a power weapon primarily because Mirage Thrust is brokenly OP.


> If they just killed Elusive Mind and brought Mirage Thrust within some semblance of reason, I doubt Mirage would be so strong. It's a pretty safe bet when a condi build is using a power weapon there's probably something OP there! LoL


Mirage Thrust is the only good Ambush skill in PvP. You could be new to GW2 but Mesmers have been using Sword in all builds in PvP because of Blurred Frenzy and Illusionary Leap.


The condition application is primarily from shatters and when torch 4/5 are off cooldown and staff 1 spam with staff 5.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"wanya.1697" said:

> > > unfortunately the devs seem to like the power creep and oneshot stuff as they are adding more instead of going back to the pre HoT times where only thieves and mesmers where OP in my opinion

> > > as to why condition can now burst harder and much safer as direct dmg builds I also have no clue what their toughts about that are

> > > the balancing feels so dumb in so many ways nowadays

> > > why should one even play on the frontlines as direct dmg dealer when you wont be able to hit anything which you have to deal dmg

> > > when you just can go the easy way and throw so many condis from range and never have to worry about getting hit

> > > apply a few condis run away no problem the condis still doing dmg although you are not fighting ...

> > > I really which condis would only be soft CC and mild dmg (only 1 stack) mixed into the otherwise only direct dmg weapon skills

> > >

> >

> > I get a little tired of the condi whining, honestly. How many builds use condi and are meta? I know metabattle isn't the final authority, but just glancing at what they call meta you see 7 classes have builds that make the list and only 3 of them are condi (and 2 of those are specs specifically designed for condi, based upon their weapon unlock). The main offender (Mirage) is OP not because of condi damage, but because of their ridiculous mobility and evasion. I mean look at the meta build! It uses a power weapon primarily because Mirage Thrust is brokenly OP.

> >

> > If they just killed Elusive Mind and brought Mirage Thrust within some semblance of reason, I doubt Mirage would be so strong. It's a pretty safe bet when a condi build is using a power weapon there's probably something OP there! LoL


> Mirage Thrust is the only good Ambush skill in PvP. You could be new to GW2 but Mesmers have been using Sword in all builds in PvP because of Blurred Frenzy and Illusionary Leap.


> The condition application is primarily from shatters and when torch 4/5 are off cooldown and staff 1 spam with staff 5.


Daze from sword procs ineptitude.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"wanya.1697" said:

> > unfortunately the devs seem to like the power creep and oneshot stuff as they are adding more instead of going back to the pre HoT times where only thieves and mesmers where OP in my opinion

> > as to why condition can now burst harder and much safer as direct dmg builds I also have no clue what their toughts about that are

> > the balancing feels so dumb in so many ways nowadays

> > why should one even play on the frontlines as direct dmg dealer when you wont be able to hit anything which you have to deal dmg

> > when you just can go the easy way and throw so many condis from range and never have to worry about getting hit

> > apply a few condis run away no problem the condis still doing dmg although you are not fighting ...

> > I really which condis would only be soft CC and mild dmg (only 1 stack) mixed into the otherwise only direct dmg weapon skills

> >


> I get a little tired of the condi whining, honestly. How many builds use condi and are meta? I know metabattle isn't the final authority, but just glancing at what they call meta you see 7 classes have builds that make the list and only 3 of them are condi (and 2 of those are specs specifically designed for condi, based upon their weapon unlock). The main offender (Mirage) is OP not because of condi damage, but because of their ridiculous mobility and evasion. I mean look at the meta build! It uses a power weapon primarily because Mirage Thrust is brokenly OP.


> If they just killed Elusive Mind and brought Mirage Thrust within some semblance of reason, I doubt Mirage would be so strong. It's a pretty safe bet when a condi build is using a power weapon there's probably something OP there! LoL


The most OP thing about Mirage is it's survivability, I agree (and while we're on that, people focus a lot on EM but don't talk nearly enough about the clone spam and just how huge it is for Mirage to be so damn difficult just to fucking target), but the condi damage on Mirage is also busted. It can condi burst you almost as quickly as a power shatter and just as quickly as a Scourge can condi burst but a Scourge's condi bombs are big, obvious pulsing AoE's and have far more counterplay. Mirage does it while being incredibly difficult to pinpoint and see what he's doing among the sea of clones and visual noise, and has dazes and other shit to lock you down for the burst on top of that.

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Will never forget I was forced to leave my main class(rev) and had to play another just because of mesmer fiesta.

Will never forget that they keep ignored the necessary nerfes for mirage

Will never forget who took away the joy of the fighting and turned pvp into a hellhole


I will never forget, will you?

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