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Four QoL Requests

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > > > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > > > @OP, you know you can hop into the PvP lobby, sell your stuff, then exit back to your PvE location?

> > >

> > > Same goes for WvW, although the individual services are more spread out.

> >

> > If that works the same way as hopping out to a guild hall or Mistlock Sanctuary does, you might not be able to get back to the same instance of the map you left. (Painful recent memories of leaving a Tier 5 Dry Top map and coming back to a Tier 2 map.) No fun finding out that meta map is full and you're in the overflow map now, or forgetting that you can't go back into a successful Dragon's Stand map to open noxious pods because it blocks newcomers from coming to loot in the last 15 minutes.


> Didn't know that.

> But why would you WANT to leave a T5 Dry Top in the first place?


Heh, I was playing an alt without permanent harvesting tools, and was in the middle of mining an orichalcum node about ten minutes before the storm when my pick ran out. Without thinking I popped out to Mistlock to buy a new one and return to the same spot...only to end up in an overflow map.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > > > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > > > @OP, you know you can hop into the PvP lobby, sell your stuff, then exit back to your PvE location?

> > >

> > > Same goes for WvW, although the individual services are more spread out.

> >

> > If that works the same way as hopping out to a guild hall or Mistlock Sanctuary does, you might not be able to get back to the same instance of the map you left. (Painful recent memories of leaving a Tier 5 Dry Top map and coming back to a Tier 2 map.) No fun finding out that meta map is full and you're in the overflow map now, or forgetting that you can't go back into a successful Dragon's Stand map to open noxious pods because it blocks newcomers from coming to loot in the last 15 minutes.


> Didn't know that.

> But why would you WANT to leave a T5 Dry Top in the first place?


You wouldn't, that's the point. A lot of people are suggesting leaving the map to go to PvP lobby, GH or WvW. That works in some situations but there are definitely situations where it does not work.


Item #3 is the one I want most. I see that a lot. Saw it just a few days ago someone dropped something that blocked reward chest after Specimen Chamber. I see it a lot at bank NPCs in LA.


I'd also like to see them do something related to Item #4. Even just having the list default to collapsed would be a huge improvement for me.


Item #1 would only work if you have the bank space. If that's the case why not just put unneeded items in the bank to free that space in your bags? I think this idea is too subjective, that is too specific to OP. OP wants to be able to deposit minor runes/sigils directly to bank. If they do it for minor runes/sigils, why not do it for everything? I'd like to be able to deposit rares directly to my bank but I don't see that happening. Other people might want to be able to direct deposit other items. Why should minor runes/sigils which are generally considered junk get special treatment like that?


Item #4 doesn't apply to me as I don't use the deposit materials but it sounds like a great idea for those who do use it.

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> @"rajmaj.4576" said:

> I'd love a keybind to deposit all, as I have hit compact too many times, then spent more time than I would have liked reorganising my inventory

Aside from the invisible or safe bags and boxes, there is the option to move the "compact inventory" button away from the "deposit all materials" one:

Options Menu -> User Interface -> Move Inventory Compact Option.


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> @"Bollocks.4078" said:

> Item #1 would only work if you have the bank space. If that's the case why not just put unneeded items in the bank to free that space in your bags?

I assume OP meant into Material Storage, not regular bank. There is however several reasons why *that* is incredibly unlikely to happen.



> Item #4 doesn't apply to me as I don't use the deposit materials but it sounds like a great idea for those who do use it.


Wait, what?

Why would you *not* deposit materials as you're playing? If only to get it out of your bag and sell it in batch rather than as you go?


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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"kitten.4078" said:

> > Item #1 would only work if you have the bank space. If that's the case why not just put unneeded items in the bank to free that space in your bags?

> I assume OP meant into Material Storage, not regular bank. There is however several reasons why *that* is incredibly unlikely to happen.


OP said bank. I assumed that's what he meant. Most people here know that it would be just silly to think they'd add minor runes and sigils to material storage.


> >

> > Item #4 doesn't apply to me as I don't use the deposit materials but it sounds like a great idea for those who do use it.


> Wait, what?

> Why would you *not* deposit materials as you're playing? If only to get it out of your bag and sell it in batch rather than as you go?



Why on earth would you think that? That's almost as silly as wanting minor runes and sigils in mat storage would be. To clarify then, I don't use the deposit **ALL** materials. I would've thought that's easily understandable from my statement based on context. I right-click deposit individually. I have my reasons.

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> @"Bollocks.4078" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"kitten.4078" said:

> > > Item #1 would only work if you have the bank space. If that's the case why not just put unneeded items in the bank to free that space in your bags?

> > I assume OP meant into Material Storage, not regular bank. There is however several reasons why *that* is incredibly unlikely to happen.

> >

> OP said bank. I assumed that's what he meant. Most people here know that it would be just silly to think they'd add minor runes and sigils to material storage.


> > >

> > > Item #4 doesn't apply to me as I don't use the deposit materials but it sounds like a great idea for those who do use it.

> >

> > Wait, what?

> > Why would you *not* deposit materials as you're playing? If only to get it out of your bag and sell it in batch rather than as you go?

> >


> Why on earth would you think that? That's almost as silly as wanting minor runes and sigils in mat storage would be. To clarify then, I don't use the deposit **ALL** materials. I would've thought that's easily understandable from my statement based on context. I right-click deposit individually. I have my reasons.


Because I can't imagine the hassle of depositing materials individually when there is an option to send all, or keeping some materials in my inventory continually without placing them in an invisible bag. But then, I use almost only sorting bags, which is apparently rather uncommon to do. Sorry for drawing hasty conclusions, I clearly didn't think my response through :)

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:


> Because I can't imagine the hassle of depositing materials individually when there is an option to send all, or keeping some materials in my inventory continually without placing them in an invisible bag. But then, I use almost only sorting bags, which is apparently rather uncommon to do. Sorry for drawing hasty conclusions, I clearly didn't think my response through :)


My thoughts exactly. I keep my bags separated because it gives me a more logical structure to work in and to organize my inventory. Using one or to invisible bags makes sure that i don't have issues when depositing materials, but they also do not appear on the trading post in my sell list and they are not affected by the salvage-all. So even if i do have unidentified gear in my inventory, i place it in my invisible bags so i can still use salvage-all on the already identified items.


Runes and sigils that can not be sold / removed with one click are more of a hassle for me. A quick sell on the market for multiple mats together for which my material storage is already full could also be very beneficial. Something to clean our inventory rather quick after salvaging all is very welcome.


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