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PvE condi build/gear?


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Hey all,


I'm currently running condi mirage mesmer doing HOT and POF. I'm using axe torch and staff and stuff dies pretty fast. Just a couple of questions:


1: I'm running dueling, illusions and mirage. Is this the best set-up?

2. I have 3 x ascended boxes i've stored from WvW but i'm not sure which type of stat to choose on it? I'm thinking carrion as i'll be doing WvW on this char as well as PvP or is Viper better?



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> 1: I'm running dueling, illusions and mirage. Is this the best set-up?


Best setup for what? Open world? Fractals? Raids?


In open world, that build works as a Shatter burst build. It cleaves well enough, and can survive decently also. In PUG Fractals and Raids with uncertain compositions and skill levels, it might be better than Chaos if Boon upkeep in your subgroup is poor. In coordinated, well-practiced groups, Illusions is not as good as Chaos, mainly thanks to the bonus condition duration that Chaos offers from Chaotic Persistence.


> 2. I have 3 x ascended boxes i've stored from WvW but i'm not sure which type of stat to choose on it? I'm thinking carrion as i'll be doing WvW on this char as well as PvP or is Viper better?


The gear you use for Fractals and Raids are mostly different from the gear you would use for WvW.

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