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Is it time for power rev to have resistance?


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Do you guys think it is time for power rev (x/shiro) to gain some form of short duration resistance? Power rev is sort of in the same scenario that warrior was in before brawler's recovery and cleansing ire. It's to the point where the opportunities a rev has to burst are so limited in a team fight that they ultimately have to bail from a fight before key plays start to be made. Not only that, there is a pretty hefty gap in kiting potential even if a Rev kites well. I think a short duration resistance (2-3 seconds) either in a trait or a utility skill would go a very long way in making Rev awesome to play again. Perhaps put it on weapon swap somewhere, or maybe put it on Riposting Shadows (would be great for kiting moments) or even put it on Cleansing Channel instead of removing a single condi.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> So basically what op's is asking is since Rev are mostly immune to power damage & all, can Rev be more like Warriors & be immune to condis as well? is that what i'm getting?


You must be thinking of a particular Rev as most Revs I see are god awful, they are just moving punching bags that you can literally ignore until the rest of their team has been wiped, quite often you can kill a Rev by mistake.



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Rev doesn't really need it. What the game needs is for condi specs to be reworked so they require more than one brain cell to play. Too many abilities that dump 4-8 condis with instant cast time spammable AoE abilities. Too many classes that can spam invuln while spamming said AoE condi bombs at the same time and then teleport/stealth away while waiting for their cooldowns so they can just do it again. Anet needs to start asking themselves "Is this good for the game?" when evaluating what to nerf. The fact that they don't is the problem.


The balance teams refusal to gut cheesy spam builds is the #1 reason why Esports failed in this game.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Rev doesn't really need it. What the game needs is for condi specs to be reworked so they require more than one brain cell to play. Too many abilities that dump 4-8 condis with instant cast time spammable AoE abilities. Too many classes that can spam invuln while spamming said AoE condi bombs at the same time and then teleport/stealth away while waiting for their cooldowns so they can just do it again. Anet needs to start asking themselves "Is this good for the game?" when evaluating what to nerf. The fact that they don't is the problem.


> The balance teams refusal to gut cheesy spam builds is the #1 reason why Esports failed in this game.

Pretty much


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> You must be thinking of a particular Rev as most Revs I see are god awful, they are just moving punching bags that you can literally ignore until the rest of their team has been wiped, quite often you can kill a Rev by mistake.

This is only true for low rank pvp. In top250 there are quite a few amazing rev players.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Rev doesn't really need it. What the game needs is for condi specs to be reworked so they require more than one brain cell to play. Too many abilities that dump 4-8 condis with instant cast time spammable AoE abilities. Too many classes that can spam invuln while spamming said AoE condi bombs at the same time and then teleport/stealth away while waiting for their cooldowns so they can just do it again. Anet needs to start asking themselves "Is this good for the game?" when evaluating what to nerf. The fact that they don't is the problem.


> The balance teams refusal to gut cheesy spam builds is the #1 reason why Esports failed in this game.


I will just +1 this.

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Rev doesn't need Resistance. It's fine for condi to counter Power Rev. The issue is the condi application, not the lack of cleanse or Resistance. No other class is punished for a mistake as hard as Power Rev is punished for eating a condi bomb from a Scourge or Mirage.

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