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In game mount accessories

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Hi, I have a suggestion to enhance the mount experience.


I was thinking, keep the awesome skins for the buying, but in dungeons, fractals, raids, achievements and pvp, you can offer things like different styles, features, and effects, such as more or less spikes, different stripes, and different types of scars. Various effects for the mounts such as the mounts breathing smoke, maybe an effect from Mists PvP or WvW that makes the regular mounts glow or have mist around them, or a bridle with skulls. Also accessories for the base mounts that can be random drop or craftable saddles and bridles, maybe some account bound, some tradeable. Armorsmith has armored saddle, jeweler saddle be all ornate. And these all only count for base mount models and maybe only 1 skin and 1 effect can be active together, so different beak on the griffon with a red mist at once. Or scars and different kind of saddle.


I can't wait to get my griffon, but that will be the end of the hunt. I am a mount hunter, it's what keeps drawing me back to WoW. I spent 3 years sending 7 characters weekly to a raid to try and get a mount. Even though GW2 is the superior game, it just didn't draw me the same way WoW could. Then GW2 got mounts! Guess who hasn't even looked at WoW in several months. But now I have the base mounts and I've been working on the griffon. Once I have the griffon, that will be the end of the mount hunt. The thrill is over. All I can do is buy the skins (weeabo ninetails, my fav) that are offered in the gemstore. I will, but that's one sided and no thrill. It turns the game into just a gold farm for gems and doesn't really reward players. But I also realize Anet wants its money. I feel like just a few simple add ons to the base mounts will incentivize players to finish crafting on alts, and to try for achievements they might not otherwise see as an instant 80, perhaps hide things in older content for the new people, and it makes people who only have the core game to see it and think "perhaps I do want PoF." Perhaps bring people who have never PvPed or WvWed into that content, and those who have never raided to actually make friends in the game. Could also make guild unlockable mount addons to bring guilds together.


Thanks for reading. ^.^

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Wvw doesn't and shouldn't have mounts

They won't give small pieces of armor/textures for mounts since they would need to fit all mount skins (think the exalted mounts) and we don't need auras on mounts unless you actively want the game to be uglier.

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So basically you're suggesting to add some rare drop in some raid/dungeon to customise the mounts, like the Chak Egg Sac. Idk, I don't see the need to add even more glowing accessories and sparkling auras, but maybe adding 1 slot to the mounts could be the next farming thingy (only for fashion war though, for the ones who care, no stats, or it would be unfair towards people without PoF).

I don't see how this will incentivate to finish the crafting on alts and try for achievements, like you said. It would just move a bit the farming threshold, giving you something more to do. You'd fill that additional slot too, sooner or later.


I don't want to bring you down, but since you seem to like particularly the mount collection (both in WoW and GW2), did you try [Riders of Icarus](https://kotaku.com/the-first-ten-minutes-of-riders-of-icarus-the-mount-co-1783152639 "Riders of Icarus")?

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> @"RaverSynth.5786" said:


> I can't wait to get my griffon, but that will be the end of the hunt. I am a mount hunter, it's what keeps drawing me back to WoW. I spent 3 years sending 7 characters weekly to a raid to try and get a mount.


Hello fellow mount hunter:




I haven't played WoW in years, but mount hunting was one of my favorite activities.

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > @"RaverSynth.5786" said:


> > I can't wait to get my griffon, but that will be the end of the hunt. I am a mount hunter, it's what keeps drawing me back to WoW. I spent 3 years sending 7 characters weekly to a raid to try and get a mount.


> Hello fellow mount hunter:


> https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/korialstrasz/kurfu/collections/mounts


> I haven't played WoW in years, but mount hunting was one of my favorite activities.


> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > @"RaverSynth.5786" said:


> > I can't wait to get my griffon, but that will be the end of the hunt. I am a mount hunter, it's what keeps drawing me back to WoW. I spent 3 years sending 7 characters weekly to a raid to try and get a mount.


> Hello fellow mount hunter:


> https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/korialstrasz/kurfu/collections/mounts


> I haven't played WoW in years, but mount hunting was one of my favorite activities.


I didn't know that whole thing existed for WoW... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Oh god, the itch is coming back. I need that emerald drake.... You've done a terrible thing. XD




I loved my main so much that I deleted my already 80 ranger who was a Charr with a dumb name I don't care to repeat, and created a sylvari ranger and had to just level her from 40 with a scroll (already used my insta80) because I wanted to be able to say "So I was playing on Cylthan...." I'm so close to my griffon but now I have anxiety because once I'm done, that's it. I don't want Anet to add more mounts, I just want something mount related to continue working towards. It's so dumb that WoW has a drake in every color and I have to spend years of my life to run dungeons over and over in the hope that I have that momentary FUCKING OMG YES! (even though that is what keeps bringing me back) when they could just as easily had dyeable mounts. I'm just hoping Anet decides it wants in on some of what WoW's got and creates a draw for the hardcore mount hunters. There were a lot of us in WoW, and I'm sure there's a lot in other games that I've never played.

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But... I'm genuinely puzzled, since I've never played WoW. What can you do when you collect so many mounts? Do you use them all, depending on the situation? Or it's just like any other achievement? Isn't it the same like working towards a long achievement in GW2? Why the mounts in particular?

What about collecting all the pets for a ranger? Too easy? Miniatures? There are a lot of miniatures in many colours. Why mounts and not miniature?

Even if they introduced more colours for our mounts, they would be always five types in total. The gap from 5 to 289 is quite huge to fill...

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> But... I'm genuinely puzzled, since I've never played WoW. What can you do when you collect so many mounts? Do you use them all, depending on the situation? Or it's just like any other achievement? Isn't it the same like working towards a long achievement in GW2? Why the mounts in particular?

> What about collecting all the pets for a ranger? Too easy? Miniatures? There are a lot of miniatures in many colours. Why mounts and not miniature?

> Even if they introduced more colours for our mounts, they would be always five types in total. The gap from 5 to 289 is quite huge to fill...


Mounts in WoW only serve one function.... faster open world travel. Flying mounts also have the option of bypassing obstacles, but are mostly on rails. (And to get it off rails requires an achievement that makes the Explorer title in GW1 feel reasonable). Mount skins in WoW are functionally no different then they are in this game.... they're just there to show off to others, with the rare/achievement based ones giving a bonus of +5 to +100 to Ego stat. But GW2 has you using the different mounts on a regular basis; which makes high effort/high cost skins a problem when you aren't in an place that the mount's mechanics are benefit. I would equate this problem with Off-hand Legendary skins, as most don't find enough usage across enough classes and common builds to be seen on a regular basis. Binding of Ipos is a great looking skin for a lot of casters..... but how often do you use focus across all your characters? How many Howlers or Minstrels have you seen compared to either Flameseeker or Shooshadoo? I've seen more Dreamers (which most people despise) then any of those 4 individually.


Non-legendary skins have this advantage of being relatively cheap by comparisons, and thus are easier to switch away from if a better skin comes along. But after investing up to 2500g into a single skin that maybe half of your characters can use, and only half of that having a matching motif for, you're gonna wanna get as much mileage out of it as possible. WoW also has them clearly tiered, making their prestige level obvious, and thus certain skins more desirable on that notion alone.

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I like the idea. I wouldn't want most of it, but it sounds cool. I do like the idea of dangling skulls tied to my saddle. Don't listen to the naysayers. Ugly is an opinion that, surprise, not everyone shares.


> @"Urud.4925" said:

> But... I'm genuinely puzzled, since I've never played WoW. What can you do when you collect so many mounts? Do you use them all, depending on the situation? Or it's just like any other achievement? Isn't it the same like working towards a long achievement in GW2? Why the mounts in particular?

> What about collecting all the pets for a ranger? Too easy? Miniatures? There are a lot of miniatures in many colours. Why mounts and not miniature?

> Even if they introduced more colours for our mounts, they would be always five types in total. The gap from 5 to 289 is quite huge to fill...


Why have more than one skin for all of your armor? You can't use more than one at a time, so there isn't a point to having more. The answer to that question will, in turn, answer yours.


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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> Why have more than one skin for all of your armor? You can't use more than one at a time, so there isn't a point to having more. The answer to that question will, in turn, answer yours.

The answer to this question (for me) is: I only try to actively acquire the skin that I like/plan to use. So I would also take only 1 skin for my mount. (But at the moment I don't like any of the available skins, so I'm just going with standard ones, I didn't even change the palette)



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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > Why have more than one skin for all of your armor? You can't use more than one at a time, so there isn't a point to having more. The answer to that question will, in turn, answer yours.

> The answer to this question (for me) is: I only try to actively acquire the skin that I like/plan to use. So I would also take only 1 skin for my mount. (But at the moment I don't like any of the available skins, so I'm just going with standard ones, I didn't even change the palette)




Do you have more than one skin you have used? Maybe you found something you liked better later on.


The answer, since you are refusing to try, is that people like to change their appearance, and would like their mount to match. This game is full of people hunting skins, and that is the endgame for most people, which is why it is called fashion wars.


In WoW, people also like to change their appearance. Why would someone want to spend weeks farming for a sword to go with their red outfit, just to ride on top of a purple mount, just because that was the first one they got? New mounts are constantly coming out, and many players like the new ones better than the ones they had.


Just because you only need one skin, doesn't mean everyone wants that. If you just try to think outside of your own head, you will find you have few questions like this.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> But... I'm genuinely puzzled, since I've never played WoW. What can you do when you collect so many mounts? Do you use them all, depending on the situation?


It is fashion wars. You either use the very rare ones to show off, or you use a random mount addon to pick one of a subset. There are no mechanical advantages to any of them, and they have no combat use, so it really is just fashion wars. :)

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