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What's the difference in using minstrels's instead of harrier's stats?


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Question is in the title; I'm new to druid so I looked up [sC]'s website for a druid build and they recommend full harrier's. I understand that as a druid I also want to share boons like might and regeneration so +healing power and +concentration is what I am looking for but why minstrel's isn't even mentioned as a alternative? It gives you more healing power and therefore bigger heals. Does it provide too less concentration to effectively share your boons or is it because of the high toughness and that you don't want to tank in most/all cases? That said: how high should my concentration be to share my boons properly and what could be the maximum number for toughness if I would mix harrier's with minstrel's (because ascended harrier's trinkets are - atleast for me at the moment - hard to obtain)?

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Minstrel as an alternative is fine, but it will always depend on you and the party you are in.


If you and your party are well off with the encounter and its mechanics, then slot full Harrier. If not, then start with full Harrier, ask for the tank's toughness, and slot in Minstrel pieces to the point where you do not exceed their toughness.


SC lists optimal builds and comps. Experienced players and groups that use Harrier do not require the extra survivability or heals Minstrel provides, which brings it back to: It will depend on you and the party you are in.


Note that full Minstrel with Magnanimous Oil and Monk Runes nets 80% boon duration, which is fine, and will increase for each piece replaced with Harrier when attempting to drop below the tank's toughness.

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It's always good to have both sets. The boon duration doesn't really matter, as both sets have more than enough to upkeep all of your boons.


Harrier's brings a small amount of extra damage and doesn't have toughness, making it an ideal choice as a "one-size fits all" set. It's worth noting that you need to be careful that your healing power is higher than any chronos running Minstrel's as they will take regen priority quite easily, especially if you don't have healing power infusions.


Minstrel's makes you practically invincible at fights where tanking isn't decided by toughness (e.g Matthias, Cairn, Soulless Horror etc). The damage loss is minimal due to most of your damage coming from the Iboga.


For fights with toughness tanking where the druid needs to survive heavy damage, Ideally you'll want to start with Harriers and slot in Minstrels until you're just below the tank toughness. This is good for places such as Xera, Deimos (Hand kiting), Dhuum (Greens+Kiting) etc.


Since you're just starting out I'd definitely recommend going for full Harriers. It'll save you worrying about toughness, and the high boon duration (95%) gives you a nice buffer while you get used to the rotations. Once you're more familiar with Druid and the different raid comps you can comfortably drop your boon duration much lower (0-50% depending on the comp) and slowly ramp up your damage.


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