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The Wolves of Tomorrow Guild

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**Salutations Guild Wars Family! I am Polar, leader and creator of the guild "The Wolves of Tomorrow".**


- **What is our guild about?**- Our guild is built massively on community and support with one another. We focus on a "pack" mentality where we try to be constructive and look out for our own. We are by no means a competitive guild other than that of PvP and WvW. Our focus is to enjoy the game and have fun while doing so. There are no rep requirements, but there are huge advantages of doing so. If you are looking for a guild where you can enjoy company of others, hang out on discord to chat, and really just chill then The Wolves of Tomorrow is a guild for you!



- **What are our goals? -** We are a new guild, which means our main goal is to gain more members and word of mouth. Once we develop the guild more properly we will focus on guild missions to acquire a guild hall, then structure the guild in a more standard fashion. We strive to help the community with everything we do and have a good attitude towards others!



- **What Rules do We Have?** - We don't have any rules that are too crazy. The only rule is that you leave everything out of the game. We do not discuss politics, religion, moral or ethical conundrums, or anything that can cause issues within the guild. We are a pack, we enjoy the game together as a family and focus on doing our best so that others can learn by our example. We do not contribute to elitist attitudes nor do we demean anyone in any way. We focus on our own and look outside of our own to bring others into our pack so everyone can feel more at home. We are Wolves.



- **Why should I Join Your Guild Instead of Others?** - It is entirely your choice. There are many guilds to choose from that are certainly larger than our own. I do hope you consider joining ours because I understand how great this guild truly can be and how great it can be by having you in it. If you are new to the game we will be happy to help and guide you through every event you wish to know within Guild Wars. We will do our best to grow as a guild while you grow as well. I do stress however joining our discord where we can better guide you through things within the game via microphone. Other than that I hope I answered most/all questions you may have.



- **How Do I Join the Wolves of Tomorrow?** - You can message me in game via my user ThePolarTitan.4025 Just give me your user, why you want to join the pack and we will get you an invite!


- Alpha Wolf

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