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Favorite and most disliked map in the game ?

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**Verdant Brink** was the first map I thought of when looking at the thread title. Glad to see I'm not the only one. Love the 3d nature of the map, the gliding, etc. Was a tough challenge, and GW2 doesn't have enough of those. Was a bit disappointed with the other HoT maps after having so much fun in Verdant. The other HoT maps are challenging but the 3d isn't as well thought out. Still like all the HoT maps a lot though, even Tangled Depths. PoF didn't do the 3d stuff at all, which is a shame.


Just spent some time farming shovels (guild hall) in Silverwastes. That event chain is pretty good. And I like the underground stuff. Map isn't much to look at but the activities are fun.


There was a map in Season 1 that had a long climb to the top and a really long dive to some puddles below. I remember enjoying that map quite a bit.



Don't really have a least favorite map. Probably one of the Orr maps. Those mobs are annoying.





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Verdant Brink is my most disliked map in the entire game. It's not because the gameplay is bad; it's actually fairly good. It's because thematically and environmentally it doesn't make any sense at all. Where the maps around it have naturalistic landscapes with a sense of place, Verdant Brink is just some weird platforms-in-space thing that, when thinking about the canonical lore of the Maguuma, is just easier to pretend doesn't exist.


Probably my favourite, at this point in time, is Crystal Oasis. I'm quite impressed by the lighting in Amnoon, where I'm spending a lot of time at the moment, even if I'm not playing in the hinterlands much. My favourite map for map completion has been Fireheart Rise, largely for the campaign against the Flame Legion rather than any particular level design.

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