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What's happened to Maguuma?


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People are morons is the gist of it. Maguuma used to be known for its map hopping groups to chase down the enemy zergs that outnumbered them. Somewhere in the past after most of the competent players left, people started calling that play style ppt when it is not.


You keep home BL somewhat under control, and you end up looting more bags in NA prime was how it was. Now those people call ebg maguumas home BL because they feel it justifies their laziness. I don't know why people think it's fun to spawn camp or constant push the same people back into their keep from SMC.


I hope mag stays unlinked until alliances, just so their broken views on how the game should be played don't spread to new recruits. As it stands they seemed to have sucked in the majority of like minded people from other servers already.


The only thing that mag has going for it is their carebear free team chat. Everywhere else is as PC as a Facebook mom's group

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > Guilds left. Most of its population by and large just goes straight to EB and won't do anything to help on other BLs or help guilds on the server, and just prefers to take SMC then sit in it spamming kitten in team chat or spawn camping other servers. This is why guilds have left.


> That sounds about wrong. Most guilds or commanders won't respond to calls on other maps, so why would pugs? Oh yeah go save a keep and get stuck ppting while waiting to get back into ebg, while the enemy map hops to avoid you to ppt something else, that sounds fun. Half the guilds on Mag don't even want pugs on them either and usually on the borderlands already, but no it's the ebg pugs fault for not saving something, not the guilds chasing ojs all day. A few big mouths conditioned mag for years to be a fight ppk server, and then people still expect the pugs to act like they ppters.


> Guilds left because if they ppt they get mocked for ppting or messing up kdr, they left because no link and mag can't ppt to keep itself in t2, they also left because they got bored of ppt server fighting under siege and left to play something else.


Yeah pugs have been conditioned by guilds the end result is the same and other guilds get chased off like my guild was.



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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > Yeah, lot of fairweathers not bothering to play this week. Whether it's disappointment at the no downstate week ending, or the sense of futility dealing with PPT tryhards like YB and NSP when we have ~~so little coverage~~ no coverage outside of NA prime, I don't know. I suspect we're going to be getting the JQ treatment of being locked and linkless for the next several months.


> "PPT try hards", lol. You mean the people that actually play the game mode of WVW? Is that who you are talking about? That's like complaining that people in PVP are trying to hold points.


The game mode is open world pvp. Structures are there to give us stuff to fight over and provide more variety than an arena or open plain.


What is choking the game mode is players obsessing over the score to the point where significant portions of the participants will actively avoid engaging in open world pvp - in a game mode devoted to open world pvp.


That is the difference between Mag and the other servers. Maguuma actually cares about open world PvP while the other servers overhelmingly prefer to sit in T3 structures or ktrain empty borderlands.


T3 structures are a blight on the game mode, because they kill competition rather than promoting it. Especially when some servers like to seige cap them.


The worst thing Anet did was weight the score towards holding structures with a "winner" for the week.



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Mag plays the same now as it did when we beat every other server including BG in t1, the only difference now is coverage. All that ever makes a difference in the outcome of this game is coverage. At one point Mag had PA/KAZO in EU, MGR/Sephi during SEA and Kingy's guild in OCX as well as a monster NA with a bunch of good guilds like Rekz/VR/KEK and some others I'm forgetting right now for some reason but it was 24/7 coverage with competent fight commanders in every time zone. Pretty much all we did back then was focus EBG first and then during NA we would end up in every map because of how many people we had. Any strat can work when you've got 24/7 coverage it makes no difference whether you spread out and try to hit many things at once or you just focus EBG it's all effective. Almost every guild that made Mag what it was has transferred off the server due to boredom or quit the game entirely. Once you play on Mag it's really hard to have fun anywhere else on NA because most NA servers are so PC it's painful so a lot of people just quit or went to EU where the culture is a lot more like Mag and where one active timezone generally has more actual fighting in it than all the timezones on NA combined.

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> @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > @"neven.3785" said:

> > The only thing that mag has going for it is their carebear free team chat. Everywhere else is as PC as a Facebook mom's group


> You haven't seen FA team chat then.




I have. Ultra tame unless it's gotten more interesting in a month.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> one active timezone generally has more actual fighting in it than all the timezones on NA combined.


That's the shameful truth of NA.

What purpose, to flip empty towers so you can match against other servers doing the same?


There's actually entertaining things to do elsewhere.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > one active timezone generally has more actual fighting in it than all the timezones on NA combined.


> That's the shameful truth of NA.

> What purpose, to flip empty towers so you can match against other servers doing the same?


> There's actually entertaining things to do elsewhere.


Yeah I dunno it's hard to describe just how different NA is from EU. EU reminds me of what NA was like at the beginning of the game when fight guilds would run around just looking for other fight guilds to fight instead of worrying about points. I don't know what happened on NA I really don't. How did everyone get so obsessed with gates and walls?

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > > Yeah pugs have been conditioned by guilds the end result is the same and other guilds get chased off like my guild was.

> >

> > Weren't you in KEK?

> >


> No I think he's in SoX lol


Lol ook.

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when people say guilds left, the only guild that's left mag in like the last 6 months is SoX... it's was KEK PYRO CTH for a while mag actually got more guilds in TBT EZ WaR. the issue is we really have nothing outside of NA. the only off hour we have is Riddle's guild WE who has like 15 people is about it.

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> @"MadBomber.3719" said:

> when people say guilds left, the only guild that's left mag in like the last 6 months is SoX... it's was KEK PYRO CTH for a while mag actually got more guilds in TBT EZ WaR. the issue is we really have nothing outside of NA. the only off hour we have is Riddle's guild WE who has like 15 people is about it.


It's always coverage.

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> @"Basharic.1654" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > > Yeah, lot of fairweathers not bothering to play this week. Whether it's disappointment at the no downstate week ending, or the sense of futility dealing with PPT tryhards like YB and NSP when we have ~~so little coverage~~ no coverage outside of NA prime, I don't know. I suspect we're going to be getting the JQ treatment of being locked and linkless for the next several months.

> >

> > "PPT try hards", lol. You mean the people that actually play the game mode of WVW? Is that who you are talking about? That's like complaining that people in PVP are trying to hold points.


> The game mode is open world pvp. Structures are there to give us stuff to fight over and provide more variety than an arena or open plain.


> What is choking the game mode is players obsessing over the score to the point where significant portions of the participants will actively avoid engaging in open world pvp - in a game mode devoted to open world pvp.


> That is the difference between Mag and the other servers. Maguuma actually cares about open world PvP while the other servers overhelmingly prefer to sit in T3 structures or ktrain empty borderlands.


> T3 structures are a blight on the game mode, because they kill competition rather than promoting it. Especially when some servers like to seige cap them.


> The worst thing Anet did was weight the score towards holding structures with a "winner" for the week.




Again, this is like complaining that in spvp people are sitting on points and trying to hold them to win the game, rather than fighting off points for no reason other than to kill another player. And if Maguuma REALLY cared about that, the pugs would actually leave EBG where you get plenty of open field fights.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> Again, this is like complaining that in spvp people are sitting on points and trying to hold them to win the game, rather than fighting off points for no reason other than to kill another player.


But in either case in PvP you're still fighting other players whereas in WvW it's possible to avoid fighting other players entirely.


> And if Maguuma REALLY cared about that, the pugs would actually leave EBG where you get plenty of open field fights.


Very rarely on NA in my experience. Usually you get one or two fights when you port in and hit something and if you win those the enemy just retreats behind a t3 objective and that's pretty much it.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > Again, this is like complaining that in spvp people are sitting on points and trying to hold them to win the game, rather than fighting off points for no reason other than to kill another player.


> But in either case in PvP you're still fighting other players whereas in WvW it's possible to avoid fighting other players entirely.


> > And if Maguuma REALLY cared about that, the pugs would actually leave EBG where you get plenty of open field fights.


> Very rarely on NA in my experience. Usually you get one or two fights when you port in and hit something and if you win those the enemy just retreats behind a t3 objective and that's pretty much it.


I have no idea who you are fighting, but for NA EST guilds on FA find plenty of fights outside of EBG. Some nights are better than others, but you guys act like outside of EBG, the only fights are behind T3 structures, which is just not true. And here's a tip, go to other BLs outside of EBG and make sure those structures don't reach T3, crazy concept, but it does work.

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I find it strange that Mag players historically completely ignore everything but SMC and their home garri and then pop on forums talking about how they want fights.

Then they complain that the people who took their towers/camps were "PPT" or Ktraining.

The fights are there. Mag players have historically actively avoided them and then pointed to the KDR as if they should have won.


You want fights? Go stop someone from taking Hills on your Home BL instead of avoiding battle.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > Again, this is like complaining that in spvp people are sitting on points and trying to hold them to win the game, rather than fighting off points for no reason other than to kill another player.

> >

> > But in either case in PvP you're still fighting other players whereas in WvW it's possible to avoid fighting other players entirely.

> >

> > > And if Maguuma REALLY cared about that, the pugs would actually leave EBG where you get plenty of open field fights.

> >

> > Very rarely on NA in my experience. Usually you get one or two fights when you port in and hit something and if you win those the enemy just retreats behind a t3 objective and that's pretty much it.


> I have no idea who you are fighting, but for NA EST guilds on FA find plenty of fights outside of EBG. Some nights are better than others, but you guys act like outside of EBG, the only fights are behind T3 structures, which is just not true.


Well yeah who wouldn't want to fight FA? You guys are free bags look at the numbers. You've managed to die twice as much as BG this week to get only slightly more total kills despite having the most activity in every timezone of any paired server in the game right now. Quite a feat.


>And here's a tip, go to other BLs outside of EBG and make sure those structures don't reach T3, crazy concept, but it does work.


I don't have any control over structures being t3 when I log in. That's a coverage issue.



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