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The new Elite Spec NEEDS to be a minion master....


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I DEMAND a GIANT Bloody monstrosity with a Defiance Break Bar and Huge HP that can Run into a Zerg and Pound the ground for Aoe DMG.........


or atleast a fix on the minions so they worth something in team fights or anywhere meaningful that would be cool too.......


i mean lets face it WHATS a Necromancer is about ?


MINIONS...... and Necromancer in this game that uses minions is one of the worst...... they are literaly useless or outright unusable for Allot of the content in game....

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> @Hesacon.8735 said:

> Minions are fine in open world when you're alone. So there's that.


They can also sometimes help in certain fractals if the overall group is meh, since eg the last boss of uncategorized targets them with his fucking Agony Pistol aswell; which has so far been the reason of 99% of wipes I saw on that goddamn boss. Or the Aquatic Ruins jellyfish. Fuck that boss.

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Oh come on, I have this stupid idea of e-spec in which the LF bar become the life bar of a minion that you summon with F1, use F2-F4 to order him around and sacrifice it's life on F5 for you own survivability.


Ah here it is! I put it like that:



>I'll bet on a pet spec with a shroud skill system similar to scourge but focus on endurance hate.

>F1 will summon an annoying little will-o-whisp that will hit (slowly, it's obvious) at 900 range and would be called the "sin". (use life force as if it was it's life, using F1 again withdraw the summon)

>F2-F4 will need F1 summoned to be used (obviously otherwise it wouldn't be fun)

>F2 make your summon retreat from your target leaving a trail that hurt foes that cross it.

>F3 will be an aoe fear from your summon. It will last longer the closer the foes are from your summon (the dream of a fear that last longer than 1 second base come true!!!)

>F4 will be a channeled area that destroy incoming missile while weakening and poisoning foes in this area.

>F5 will sacrifice 10% life force every second to give it to you as barrier (last 5-8 seconds).

>Weapon will be axe off hand, skill set will be Mantra but they will only affect you and your F1 summon.

>Focus off the spec will be put on enhancing weakness and the bound between you and your minion. (obviously the F1 thingy will benefit from minion traits)

>Pretty sure that's bad enough.


I'm pretty sure that with the sustain it would have in WvW zerg v zerg, this useless minion could achieve immortality.


I can even imagine the name: **Sinner**

And a few traits and skills:


- Mantra of gluttony: active effect, consume conditions on you, grant life force for each condition consumed.

- Mantra of greed: Corrupt a boon into weakness on you foe, you gain this boon and some life force.

- Mantra of pride: grant you health and some life force.


- _Cull the weak_: You and your F1 minion do 10% more damage on weakened foe.

- _Sinner's vigor_: Weakness no longer affect your endurance regeneration.

- _Sinner's flesh_: Weakness you apply last longer, whenever you enter a weakened stat gain protection for 4 seconds (ICD 10 seconds)

- _Bound to death_: whenever you gain a boon grant this boon to you pet.


It would probably be worse then bad but anet could say: "Hey! we gave you some extra power dps! Ranger can probably jealous of you now!"


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> @Nyel.1843 said:

> So Sinner is Scourge 1.5? Because it really looks and plays like that. Sounds good though.


> I wish we get Mantras next (Mantra or Glyph is what I thought we could get next) and it would be awesome to have them named after the seven sins.


Not quite scourge 1.5. It's more core ranger 1.5.


You just summon an AI pet that hit the same foe as you and is bad at almost everything except surviving thanks to the life force you build. A spec with no dream of being a support (even if it is badly needed). Just you and a pet that can die if hitten to hard.

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the major prob of minions are the following


They don't have any Aoe dmg or anything serious for AOE stuff

In group fights they useless and die realy fast

Boss abilities almost instantly kill most of them

Their dmg is just Realy bad since they not scale anymore with the necros stat

they are to easily kited arround by players making them egual to useless


devs need to fix ALL these to make minions Viable...

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I would be OK with a minion build, but I would like them to be real skeleton and zombie minions.




I want to summon tons of actual once-living things (not amalgamation made of meat and bone) . Every time I kill a humanoid creature, I want to raise a skeleton. I want to swarm the batteflied with my minions, but I do not want to make little puppets of flesh.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> the major prob of minions are the following


> They don't have any Aoe dmg or anything serious for AOE stuff

> In group fights they useless and die realy fast

> Boss abilities almost instantly kill most of them

> Their dmg is just Realy bad since they not scale anymore with the necros stat

> they are to easily kited arround by players making them egual to useless


> devs need to fix ALL these to make minions Viable...


i mainly use 2 minions that i spawn to avoid fighting when im doing map events and want to just get to the location asap

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