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Path of Fire Deluxe Upgrade pricing

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With the game being on a big sale with 50% off right now I was wondering what the price of the Upgrade (so only the extras if you have the expansion already) in the gemstore was, and to my surprise (or maybe not so much surprise) the upgrade right now is more expensive than the deluxe package with the expansion included in the store.

So I was wondering as well if there are plans to adress this, if it may have been an oversight or if this is actually intended for whatever reason.

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I do know that but the deluxe upgrade in the gem store does not have a discount..

Else I would have bought it! :)

The pof deluxe bundle (With pof base game) does have a discount

Was trying to figure out which one was cheaper....

And if it was even possible to buy the discounted one


But ill follow my gut feeling with a no -_-

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The Gem store upgrade will probably never see a discount, as its a "difference in value" to the base price. They do discounts on packages for $$$ because its an influx of cash, where as discounting something in gems doens't result in new cash flow, and in some cases makes Gold>Gems conversion enticing enough to avoid buying gems (and thus avoid spending money). Its the rough part of the business model, since gold having value is inversely proportional to their earnings potential for the Gem store.


And yes, I am aware of how the Gem exchange works...... but realize that if a gem price was discounted, it would have to trigger a certain amount of trade volume to raise the value of gems enough to be worth selling. Right now the Gold value of gems are roughly at an all time high of ~20g per 100gems..... but 20g is a few days of full Fractal daily runs; where as a legendary weapon (a project big enough to warrant offsetting cost of) is still around $150 worth of gems if sold to the exchange. Gems might be worth the most gold they've ever been, but the game has inflated enough that the practical value of that gold has diminished a little. Theres also huge increase in expected expenditures for players compared to 3 years ago when HOT launched. The number of gold sinks have increased substantially, but the number of gold sources have also increased as well...... and the only thing keeping the sinks (which are mostly large, one time investments) is our desire to have multiple characters geared up, as opposed to maintaining a single Main character. Legendary weapons used to be a sign of pure decadence; but now they're being pushed for as a long term goal every player should eventually look into. The economy is now fairly balanced.... but its doing so on a tight rope that changes tension whenever player population sees a short term shift.



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