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SoS imploded?


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> @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > Meanwhile Fa is outblobbing bg in t2.


> BG is tanking. They are doing just enough ppt to stay in t2.


BG is not tanking. FA has very strong OCX/SEA/EU guilds and BG loses everything inculding their EBG keep because nobody is on for BG at that time. However BG does have almost 1.9 k/d lol...BG NA > FA NA, but FA OCX/SEA/EU > BG.

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > > Meanwhile Fa is outblobbing bg in t2.

> >

> > BG is tanking. They are doing just enough ppt to stay in t2.


> BG is not tanking. FA has very strong OCX/SEA/EU guilds and BG loses everything inculding their EBG keep because nobody is on for BG at that time. However BG does have almost 1.9 k/d lol...BG NA > FA NA, but FA OCX/SEA/EU > BG.


Most people on FA don't care about k/d. K/D don't win a matchup. If it did mag would have would have beat us because they had 2.1 k/d ( which is better than 1.9 lol...)

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> @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > Meanwhile Fa is outblobbing bg in t2.


> BG is tanking. They are doing just enough ppt to stay in t2.


BG isn't tanking, we just had guilds leave, I'm sure we're not the only ones.


I wish for once Anet would put wvw at the top of their priority list and reward their most loyal customers.

Sorry, what was I thinking, they have more gem store mount skins to pump out.

The game mode has been utterly mismanaged for years and is now on its knees.

GG anet, GG

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> Well TSYM and TL are on freeze for months and both guild leaders are more interested in other game... Wipe moved, GAL moved. i have seem almost Borlis Pass guilds running around.


SoS NA has imploded several times only with the past year. Neither TSYM nor TL will be coming back, both are gunning for CU. As for me, we put so much work into the server only to see it go to waste with pugs and guilds falling into the same habits. The only hope for SoS NA is to start over from T4 and retrain the pugs and have guilds who are opened minded. However, this is not a possibility as the OCX/EU/SEA PPT will always keep SoS' NA in a tier far above their ability.


Just my own opinion, and why I decided to start over on SoR (After of course learning what we can from JQ before the current pairing ends).

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> @"TheSun.4321" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > Well TSYM and TL are on freeze for months and both guild leaders are more interested in other game... Wipe moved, GAL moved. i have seem almost Borlis Pass guilds running around.


> SoS NA has imploded several times only with the past year. Neither TSYM nor TL will be coming back, both are gunning for CU. As for me, we put so much work into the server only to see it go to waste with pugs and guilds falling into the same habits. The only hope for SoS NA is to start over from T4 and retrain the pugs and have guilds who are opened minded. However, this is not a possibility as the OCX/EU/SEA PPT will always keep SoS' NA in a tier far above their ability.


> Just my own opinion, and why I decided to start over on SoR (After of course learning what we can from JQ before the current pairing ends).


Sun you always always does a competent stuff.


Ah, and good explanation.

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> @"TheSun.4321" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > Well TSYM and TL are on freeze for months and both guild leaders are more interested in other game... Wipe moved, GAL moved. i have seem almost Borlis Pass guilds running around.


> SoS NA has imploded several times only with the past year. Neither TSYM nor TL will be coming back, both are gunning for CU. As for me, we put so much work into the server only to see it go to waste with pugs and guilds falling into the same habits. The only hope for SoS NA is to start over from T4 and retrain the pugs and have guilds who are opened minded. However, this is not a possibility as the OCX/EU/SEA PPT will always keep SoS' NA in a tier far above their ability.


> Just my own opinion, and why I decided to start over on SoR (After of course learning what we can from JQ before the current pairing ends).


What's there to learn from jQ? how to throw a drunken tantrum until Anet concede to your demands?

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Good Riddance, the problem with the larger SoS guilds is they never use roamers to succeed in their goals. DOC crys for roamers to get off their maps when its us roamers who are actually doing anything ppt. SoS has a bunch of awesome smaller guilds who help each other out as a unit! Funny thing is the Morons in the Zerg guilds call us pugs when we are more organized then they are!

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> @"flyro.6083" said:

> Good Riddance, the problem with the larger SoS guilds is they never use roamers to succeed in their goals. DOC crys for roamers to get off their maps when its us roamers who are actually doing anything ppt. SoS has a bunch of awesome smaller guilds who help each other out as a unit! Funny thing is the Morons in the Zerg guilds call us pugs when we are more organized then they are!


Wait wait... Lemme get something straight.... DOC fancies themselves a 'fights guild'? Really?


What alternate universe are people living in?

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"flyro.6083" said:

> > Good Riddance, the problem with the larger SoS guilds is they never use roamers to succeed in their goals. DOC crys for roamers to get off their maps when its us roamers who are actually doing anything ppt. SoS has a bunch of awesome smaller guilds who help each other out as a unit! Funny thing is the Morons in the Zerg guilds call us pugs when we are more organized then they are!


> Wait wait... Lemme get something straight.... DOC fancies themselves a 'fights guild'? Really?


> What alternate universe are people living in?


Does fighting gates count? New meaning for GvG=Guild vs Gate?

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The issue with SoS NA is _not_ the fact that it's OCX coverage pushes NA up to a tier they can't handle. SoS NA handled itelf fine in T1 a few months ago.


The issue is that aside from just a couple really long term casual guilds, SoS doesn't 'into' guilds. SoS players may join guilds, but they remain SoS players, which means the only guilds who will come into SoS are the transient oldtimers (like TSYM and PRX), more casual guilds, or more, er, how to put this, _weird_ characters. Obviously, casuals and transients don't last very long against T1 blobs, and _weirdos_ are vulnerable to bullying (just like in high school kek).


What SoS needs is a good fight-oriented guild, but SoS likes to play the game like it's 2014 and garbage like map politics and server loyalty and being in Tier 1 matter, hence screwing themselves into an eternal cycle of only getting casual/'carebear' guilds on the server who can't stand the pressure of T1, while driving away better guilds with both unrecruitability and attitude.

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SOS did this to themselves after years of discouraging more hardcore fight focused guilds to prioritize a casual/ carebear attitude server. That's why you don't see really any guilds wanting to go to SOS despite their ability to stay in higher tiers. As much as they want people to "have fun" theyve actually done more harm. And that's why SOS is in the state that they are in.


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There is more to WvW then zerg fights tho SoS has an amazing Roaming community! The only reason zerglings dont want to come here is because the roamers rule the roost! And thats how BG was back in the day w/Riot and other roaming guilds!

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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > > Meanwhile Fa is outblobbing bg in t2.

> >

> > BG is tanking. They are doing just enough ppt to stay in t2.


> BG is not tanking. FA has very strong OCX/SEA/EU guilds and BG loses everything inculding their EBG keep because nobody is on for BG at that time.


Did you think tanking involved having all your normal bases covered?


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> @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > @"Aiga.3075" said:

> > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > > Meanwhile Fa is outblobbing bg in t2.

> >

> > BG is tanking. They are doing just enough ppt to stay in t2.


> BG is not tanking. FA has very strong OCX/SEA/EU guilds and BG loses everything inculding their EBG keep because nobody is on for BG at that time. However BG does have almost 1.9 k/d lol...BG NA > FA NA, but FA OCX/SEA/EU > BG.


BG can't even even hold fire keep. Every other week we fight BG you guys hold that keep nearly the entire week. Why's that?

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3+ months ago, BG was a humming (and bloated) place.


Then some major guilds left (and really the off-NA zones started first) which actually had little impact since T1 had next to nil competition there. There was a few major fight guilds that followed BG departure in the last few months mainly for "PUGs not in voice comm" issue which they could not handle. Then the Mal alliance began 3-4ish weeks ago to a BG population of a handful of good commanders left with 75% of population (or less) of what it had been. It probably would have been a good fight except it was a good 3-4 servers v 1 server thing so BG lost...no big deal for most because fun. And ironically, many of the ex-BG guilds that left months ago were linked to JQ or SBI somehow and had to fight again in T1.


With the flip/flop between T1 to T2 and back for BG, it has made at least two more major commanders leave (at least one to Mal alliance, some more are considering last I heard - some side deals are happening) because for the upcoming WvW changes based on alliances, the 24/7 team will still break the the best efforts of balancing alliances...remember that these are the commanders that handle the 50-man PUG zergs or do heavy fights and enjoy it. The more regular PUGs (the ones playing the meta classes) are beginning to follow those commanders to these servers this week because they were highly liked and coordinated and honestly, kick kittens.


BG still does have lots of PPT roamers. Commanders are in short supply though. BG fight guilds are pretty much gone now though except for some of the smaller number ones. However, now because SoS is imploding BG will continue flip/flop to T1. Probably 2nd this week and then 1st next week to be pushed easily back into T2 and then ...


^^^ BG is not purposely tanking, it's an organized mess at the moment (compared to a few months ago)

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