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Signet of the Wild's active


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Can Signet of the Wild's active get another change? Not only is Wild the only Signet where the active does not affect the pet, its active is also counter-intuitive to the synergy of Brutish Seals and Remorseless since it eats up Opening Strike due to it pulsing damage. Activating it away from an enemy so it doesn't consume Opening Strike with that synergy is also counter-intuitive since its a PBAOE snare.


Removing the damage wouldn't be enough as it's still a weaker option then Muddy Terrain and even Frost Trap as far as snares are concerned. Please, change the active to something that matches its passive (damage-oriented) and to also affect the pet. Thought we cleared this back with Signets of the Beastmaster grandmaster trait and this change to Wild's active still irks me due to being the opposite of that fiasco.


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Personally i would love to see a AoE Pull with the additional effect of increasing your and your pets ferocity for a short duration by a large amount.

So it pulls (creates an opening) and gives you and your pet a dmg boost (for bursts).

Would work well with CC oriented power traits and GS& Axe OH. Also could work well on druid CC builds and Hybrid oriented builds like axe/axe.

Another option would be to give it a pull and an Area stunbreak arround you and your pet.

Its passive effect could be implemented into the brutish seals trait, so you gain a big ferocity boost and fury for a short duration after usage of a signet.

Personally i would favor the former although i would like to see SotW to be a stunbreak.

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Not too sure about an AOE pull. With pet involvement, it would happen around the pet if its active, and Signet of Renewal already gets some heat of not pulling any conditions when its out of range, as well as Beast Ability traits that happen around the pet.


Oddly enough, in terms of working in Marksmanship - as far as Moment of Clarity or the Brutish Seals/Remorseless combo are concerned - I think I'd be happy if the active made you and your pet's next attack cause knockdown for like 2 seconds.


Lower the cooldown a tad, make the cast time instant, and wham! We got ourselves a Signet that's flexible with Moment of Clarity, the Brutish Seals/Remorseless combo, and in all modes including PvE where they can activate it to break defiance bars.

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Well, if they do apply the current effect to the pet, then I hope they remove the pulsing damage. I don't like how it eats OS immediately and craps on Remorseless when taking Brutish Seals.


Another alternative is going old-school and use Signet of the Hunt's old active as Wild's new one, where activating it grants you and your pet an Attack of Opportunity.


If they made the cast time instant and cooldown dropped to 25s to match the old Hunt while it had that active effect, then that would be pretty sweet and fit into Marksmanship.


Could then use it with Brutish Seals + Remorseless on-top of getting an Attack of Opportunity without Moment of Clarity. PvE people wouldn't activate it but that's fine since they don't anyway (and with good reason).

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> @"Wondrouswall.7169" said:

> Well, if they do apply the current effect to the pet, then I hope they remove the pulsing damage. I don't like how it eats OS immediately and craps on Remorseless when taking Brutish Seals.


> Another alternative is going old-school and use Signet of the Hunt's old active as Wild's new one, where activating it grants you and your pet an Attack of Opportunity.


> If they made the cast time instant and cooldown dropped to 25s to match the old Hunt while it had that active effect, then that would be pretty sweet and fit into Marksmanship.


> Could then use it with Brutish Seals + Remorseless on-top of getting an Attack of Opportunity without Moment of Clarity. PvE people wouldn't activate it but that's fine since they don't anyway (and with good reason).


The visual effect could put onto SoR. Indicates the Area where the ranger cleanses conditions. Per condition cleansed you and your pet gain resistance up to maximum duration, regardless of your pets position.

SotW grants an attack of opportunity with a 25s CD would be nice.

Still miss the stab on a skill for ranger and a short CD stunbreak would neat too, only reason why i slotted SotW some years ago.

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Yeah, the visual effect of Wild's active could be placed on Renewal, but I think that might be too much. It's just Kudzu's footfalls stacked into an AOE circle. Using the thin, light blue line indicator would suffice.


I do agree with gaining extra Resistance on Renewal's activation, but instead of per condition I think since it automatically pulls 13 conditions that +1s per ally would be a better alternative. Similar to Pain Absorption and the 5 ally target cap sets a duration cap.


A short digression, Wild's new active was one of those where I thought that would have been a great replacement for Frost Trap. It's practically an immobilization trap which suits Skirmishing well rather than a Signet.


Seeing how it was made to be created only by the Ranger and not the pet, it would benefit from the unblockable effect that traps have and Trapper's Expertise. Then again, I'd still rather have a Smoke Trap that breaks stuns.

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The entire Signet rework kind of left things confusing.

Not that the entire game follows the design pattern I'm about to mention, but basically, the signet active should be a thematically related "burst" of effect that is worth giving up the passive for.


For instance, the old Renewal of passive small condi removal, active full condi removal was a well designed interaction. I sort of understand why they got rid of that passive, but at the same time, other classes still have equally as strong or stronger passive removal, so the "passive" argument loses its effect on me, but I digress.


Signet of the Wild. What's worth giving up the Ferocity for? I'd take some might stacks and unblockable player/pet attacks for x seconds.


So then what do we do with Signet of the Hunt? "Break Stun and create a field that pulse immobilize."


Thoughts on Renewal? Remove range requirement, remove ally AoE condi pull. "Your pet gains x amount of resistance and pulls all condis to itself, gaining 1 second of additional resistance per condi pulled. You heal for y amount for every condi removed in this way (y = passive heal proc maybe)."


Stone....is actually great.


But yeah, regardless, agreed that changes would be nice :)

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> @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> Signet of the Wild. What's worth giving up the Ferocity for? I'd take some might stacks and unblockable player/pet attacks for x seconds.

> So then what do we do with Signet of the Hunt? "Break Stun and create a field that pulse immobilize."


> @"Kydar Schattendolch.6879" said:

> Just change SotW and SotH actives.

Seems just the change to make their use consistent, movement paired with movement restriction, damage paired with damage utility.


Wonder why it wasn't like this already.



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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > Signet of the Wild. What's worth giving up the Ferocity for? I'd take some might stacks and unblockable player/pet attacks for x seconds.

> > So then what do we do with Signet of the Hunt? "Break Stun and create a field that pulse immobilize."


> > @"Kydar Schattendolch.6879" said:

> > Just change SotW and SotH actives.

> Seems just the change to make their use consistent, movement paired with movement restriction, damage paired with damage utility.


> Wonder why it wasn't like this already.




Probably because they were going with an effect based off the Signet theme/name. Signet of the Wild, you become more wild and have more ferocity, active: you tap into the power of nature and use plants to root the enemies.


Hunt: you run faster so you can chase down/hunt your prey, active: you become unblockable so you can kill your prey now that you’ve gotten to it.


Thematically they both fit nicely, however mechanically Wilds just doesn’t fit at all, it’s not a bad active, but it’s sure as shit not worth dropping the ferocity as is unless you absolutely needed to.

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