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Vallun's Balance Change Suggestions for next Patch


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> good stuff. ill add some of my own thoughts:


> warrior

> revenge counter - remove the resistance

> burst mastery - remove adren gain, double damage from 7 to 14%

> brawlers recovery - 9 sec cd


> holo

> crystal config - eclipse - one stack of stab and barrier on first hit only

> holo 2 - 2 to 5 sec

> holo 3 - 6 to 8 sec

> holo 4 - 10 to 15 sec

> holo 5 - 15 to 20 sec

> prime light beam - maybe halve the field duration from 10 to 5 sec


yea nerf warriors only real reliable condi remove and buff the cancer that condis are...

and yea lets just put more passiv stuff on him and take away some of the proactive gameplay, just slap 7%dmg on it and take away the recource gain for warrior, not to mention that this will completely remove the combo from f1 to weapon swap to f1, yea remove the higest burst combo of warri because apparently you didnt see it coming from a mile away

im all for removing passiv traits like auto endure pain and balanced stance, if we get some active gameplay instead, but you? you just want to mindlessly play around with passive numbers lol way to go



oh and i think you didnt quite get the premise of revenge counter, the idea behind it is to let them stack condis on you to then copy them onto your enemy (they will still most likely not rly hurt because warris tend to go power and the copied condis scale with the warris condi dmg) so he needs qute some resistance to survive those stacked condis...and revenge counter gives like 2 seconds...


i get the feeling you are a condi mirage abuser thats gotten smashed by spellbeaker

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > good stuff. ill add some of my own thoughts:

> >

> > warrior

> > revenge counter - remove the resistance

> > burst mastery - remove adren gain, double damage from 7 to 14%

> > brawlers recovery - 9 sec cd

> >

> > holo

> > crystal config - eclipse - one stack of stab and barrier on first hit only

> > holo 2 - 2 to 5 sec

> > holo 3 - 6 to 8 sec

> > holo 4 - 10 to 15 sec

> > holo 5 - 15 to 20 sec

> > prime light beam - maybe halve the field duration from 10 to 5 sec


> yea nerf warriors only real reliable condi remove and buff the cancer that condis are...

> and yea lets just put more passiv stuff on him and take away some of the proactive gameplay, just slap 7%dmg on it and take away the recource gain for warrior, not to mention that this will completely remove the combo from f1 to weapon swap to f1, yea remove the higest burst combo of warri because apparently you didnt see it coming from a mile away

> im all for removing passiv traits like auto endure pain and balanced stance, if we get some active gameplay instead, but you? you just want to mindlessly play around with passive numbers lol way to go


> edit:

> oh and i think you didnt quite get the premise of revenge counter, the idea behind it is to let them stack condis on you to then copy them onto your enemy (they will still most likely not rly hurt because warris tend to go power and the copied condis scale with the warris condi dmg) so he needs qute some resistance to survive those stacked condis...and revenge counter gives like 2 seconds...


> i get the feeling you are a condi mirage abuser thats gotten smashed by spellbeaker


just spit ballin here no reason to take it all personally. warrior has a ton of power creeped traits that all combine to make sb op. never mind the burst mastery adren nerf as it hits core war. brawlers recovery tho is pretty lol, its really strong for a master trait. revenge counter is the most lol, i know what the premise is, you dont know what power creep is.

oh nice lol accusing me of playing condi mirage... that hits close to home. i get the feeling you are a sb and dont want it brought back to reality.

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What if, and I'm just spitballing here, they reworked Weaver's Bolstered Elements to where it gave a unique boon for each of the different stances as opposed to stability for every stance? Stone Resonance & Lesser Stone Resonance could still give stability, Twist of Fate could give resistance, Primordial Stance could give might/fury, Aquatic Stance could give protection or something, Unravel could ~~be scrapped and replaced by an entirely different skill~~ give quickness. Haven't thought too deeply about how good of a change this would be, but it seems like it'd trade sword Weaver's access to tons of stability (something that's annoying to deal with) for an effective means of dealing with condition burst outside of the Water traitline.


I don't know the best way to make Weaver better. There are some skills that aren't necessarily too weak, I just happen to find them inexplicably difficult to land. Like, you play something like Holosmith and it's impossible to miss your attacks when you're in range, you play Weaver and you have to line up skills like Gale Strike perfectly for them to land and enemies will nonchalantly side step them all the time

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > good stuff. ill add some of my own thoughts:

> > >

> > > warrior

> > > revenge counter - remove the resistance

> > > burst mastery - remove adren gain, double damage from 7 to 14%

> > > brawlers recovery - 9 sec cd

> > >

> > > holo

> > > crystal config - eclipse - one stack of stab and barrier on first hit only

> > > holo 2 - 2 to 5 sec

> > > holo 3 - 6 to 8 sec

> > > holo 4 - 10 to 15 sec

> > > holo 5 - 15 to 20 sec

> > > prime light beam - maybe halve the field duration from 10 to 5 sec

> >

> > yea nerf warriors only real reliable condi remove and buff the cancer that condis are...

> > and yea lets just put more passiv stuff on him and take away some of the proactive gameplay, just slap 7%dmg on it and take away the recource gain for warrior, not to mention that this will completely remove the combo from f1 to weapon swap to f1, yea remove the higest burst combo of warri because apparently you didnt see it coming from a mile away

> > im all for removing passiv traits like auto endure pain and balanced stance, if we get some active gameplay instead, but you? you just want to mindlessly play around with passive numbers lol way to go

> >

> > edit:

> > oh and i think you didnt quite get the premise of revenge counter, the idea behind it is to let them stack condis on you to then copy them onto your enemy (they will still most likely not rly hurt because warris tend to go power and the copied condis scale with the warris condi dmg) so he needs qute some resistance to survive those stacked condis...and revenge counter gives like 2 seconds...

> >

> > i get the feeling you are a condi mirage abuser thats gotten smashed by spellbeaker


> just spit ballin here no reason to take it all personally. warrior has a ton of power creeped traits that all combine to make sb op. never mind the burst mastery adren nerf as it hits core war. brawlers recovery tho is pretty lol, its really strong for a master trait. revenge counter is the most lol, i know what the premise is, you dont know what power creep is.

> oh nice lol accusing me of playing condi mirage... that hits close to home. i get the feeling you are a sb and dont want it brought back to reality.


ofc im a warri player, i have over 4k hours on warri, thats why i feel like i have the experience on it to talk about changes like that

brawlers recovery is basically the only reliable condi remove that warrior has and when playing against a condi specc, removing 1 condition every 5 sec isnt that strong tbh, there are just so many ways to apply new stuff,

imo resistance isnt even reliable, because many times it will just get ripped and you die miserably afterwards or you get overloaded and then die when it runs out

funny to hear about powercreep from you, since you wanted to crank up the dmg numbers even further (remember those +7% dmg?), whilst taking defensive stuff away

thats **literally** powercreep right there


every class was hit by powercreep btw, not just warri, thats why wvw is so kitten atm


on a sidenote, im not even playing revenge counter because i feel like its not worth it :^) its basically useless against power builds and thus only exchangeable when playing against condis only

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> good stuff. ill add some of my own thoughts:


> holo

> crystal config - eclipse - one stack of stab and barrier on first hit only

> holo 2 - 2 to 5 sec

> holo 3 - 6 to 8 sec

> holo 4 - 10 to 15 sec

> holo 5 - 15 to 20 sec

> prime light beam - maybe halve the field duration from 10 to 5 sec


Lul. Engineers already get ping-ponged with the stability nerf we received. If I don't run at least 2 stunbreaks right now, I get stunlocked almost indefinitely between scourges, warriors, firebrands, other holos, mirages, and reapers (!). Holo cannot exist in melee range and not have that stability. Warriors can attest to that issue, as can most classes that melee in this weird post-PoF meta.


Your other suggested changes to holo tell me that you don't actually play it, or core engineer. If you want to "nerf" photon forge, there's a really simple way to do it -- increase heat generation for skills you want to nerf. That means less time in Forge, and less damage potential, without taking away skills that actually make it useful when compared to our other, more worthless kits. Your suggestions would just have us autoattacking most of the time, which isn't fun to play, nor is it particularly useful for the majority of situations.




I think more than enough has been said about scourge and mirage. These two specs are overperforming in ways associated with their basic design, and it's unlikely that simple number changes will resolve that.


Warrior, I'd reduce the damage or CC on Rampage, quite frankly. It's like somebody took photon forge and doubled (or even tripled) its damage and CC potential. If it wasn't for rampage, I'd say the class is in a good place where a good warrior can get away and reset, hold out long enough to make a difference when outnumbered, and deal a lot of potential damage in 1v1s.


Condi thief isn't fun to play against, period. You're just playing guessing games with dodges, and there's almost no counterplay to it other than AoE spam and hope something lands. That's bad design and needs to be reworked. I had to change to conversion holo the other day because I keep encountering this asinine build and I have to cleanse like a motherfucker when I guess a dodge wrong.

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Revenant doesn’t really need preemptive nerfs, honestly; it will still only do well and be played well by good players even with some nerfs to Mirage and other condi classes.


Also it should be noted that arenanet pretty clearly intends for revenant to have 25 stacks of might near permanently. This is seen through their balance decisions. They have repeatedly directly nerfed weapon skill damage INSTEAD of nerfing our might generation over the years. Additionally, making Incensed Response and Nefarious Momentum stronger clearly shows they want us to maintain 25 stacks to do our best damage.


**Also the Invocation Traitline is currently overperforming due to a bug.** Roiling Mists is also giving the bonus boons from Call of the Mists when traited. This means that it is currently possible to maintain 25% quickness uptime (with leadership runes) simply through legend swapping. _This should get fixed first before any nerfs are handed out to other things_ as this bug increases our sustain damage by a fair amount.


I also don’t think Shackling Wave is an issue, honestly. As long as every other class has their massive burst skills I don’t think Revenant having one is a problem. Also **its easy to outplay Shackling Wave.** Pretty much all of Power Herald’s major damage comes from 450 range, so **if you don’t want to take major damage from revenant, stay outside of 450 range.**. Additionally you can also get behind or to the side of the rev since the Wave is literally a cone in front of him and at close distance it can be easy to miss it entirely. I use both of these tactics consistently to negate a huge chunk of revenant damage when I fight them.


Also if the complaint about Wave is the Phase Traversal + S4/5 combos, then I don’t know what to say. There’s literally two things revenant can do to break distance and that’s run up to you or teleport. PT is also super telegraphed in comparison to most other shadowsteps. If you’re fighting one and not expecting a teleport engage + combo it would be like fighting a thief and not expecting the steal burst combos. Also if a revenant rolls up on you from afar and bursts you unexpectedly, awareness helps...it’s not like we have stealth.

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Adding to the post above, if Revenant really goes on you doing PT+whole sword combo he's out of all energy and becomes a punching bag, unable to use skills unless he swaps legends. Realistically, you rarely see such engagements against any good players, the sword skills are more often than not spaced out to prevent going too dry on energy to react to counterpressure.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> Also it should be noted that arenanet pretty clearly intends for revenant to have 25 stacks of might near permanently. This is seen through their balance decisions. They have repeatedly directly nerfed weapon skill damage INSTEAD of nerfing our might generation over the years. Additionally, making Incensed Response and Nefarious Momentum stronger clearly shows they want us to maintain 25 stacks to do our best damage.


I don't know that it's entirely fair to look at the things they've nerfed in the past and say that this is a clear, thought-out design decision when the same balance team has buffed Shatterstone like 8 times. It seems more like they throw changes up onto the board in hopes that some of them will stick.


They nerfed the might generation from Corona Burst on Holosmith and that was a good change, I think limiting Rev's ability to maintain high might stacks would be a great way of balancing their damage. Power Herald is a spec that you basically can't run away from, they have tons of superspeed and can Phase Traversal every 5 seconds or something like that while invoking Shiro, so limiting their ability to maintain 25 stacks of might would make it possible to punish players who can't secure kills quickly.


> I also don’t think Shackling Wave is an issue, honestly. As long as every other class has their massive burst skills I don’t think Revenant having one is a problem. Also **its easy to outplay Shackling Wave.** Pretty much all of Power Herald’s major damage comes from 450 range, so **if you don’t want to take major damage from revenant, stay outside of 450 range.**.


Lmao, okay. Let me just do that. This is the GW2 equivalent of "Just click on their heads 4Head" in FPS games

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> @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> I don't know that it's entirely fair to look at the things they've nerfed in the past and say that this is a clear, thought-out design decision when the same balance team has buffed Shatterstone like 8 times. It seems more like they throw changes up onto the board in hopes that some of them will stick.


Other specializations and how they're balanced isn't relevant when talking about revenant. Only revenant changes are relevant to revenant. And as mentioned above it's not "just the things they've nerfed," but more specifically "the things they've nerfed and the things they've buffed." Revenant has always had ways to maintain 20-25 stacks of might if it wanted to, so it's a fair assumption to make that if they nerfed our base damage AND gave us more ability to get 25 stacks of might, that this is the intended design choice.


> They nerfed the might generation from Corona Burst on Holosmith and that was a good change, I think limiting Rev's ability to maintain high might stacks would be a great way of balancing their damage. Power Herald is a spec that you basically can't run away from, they have tons of superspeed and can Phase Traversal every 5 seconds or something like that while invoking Shiro, so limiting their ability to maintain 25 stacks of might would make it possible to punish players who can't secure kills quickly.


To say they have "tons of superspeed" is not true. We have superspeed on our Impossible Odds upkeep skill and that's it, which also costs 10 energy to activate and has an 8 energy per second drain on it. **This is the only access that Power Herald has to superspeed, outside of one trait that NO ONE takes. It's also bugged at the moment and only gives about 70-80% of the intended superspeed uptime.**Also the "Phase Traversal "every 5 seconds" doesn't take into account the energy cost of it. Phase Traversal costs **35 Energy** which is the equivalent of 7 seconds of energy regen. This means that to chase you down, we use a huge chunk of energy to do it. We also have to be in Shiro, meaning if you start running after we swap to Glint (There's a giant animation over our head and icon on our bar), we have to wait 10seconds before we can use any port besides Sword 5 (600 range). Additionally, if we're out of energy, we have to wait 7 seconds before Phase Traversal and then to continue to follow you we **have to commit to continuous 7 second recharge Phase Traversals until we catch up while also staying in Shiro.** If that happens you've likely regrouped with allies at that point and we're left with low/zero energy and less defensive options.


Also we don't maintain 25 stacks of might out of combat due to the way our traits work. We have to be in combat to get most of our might generation. This means our initial burst is actually weaker (in terms of damage per ability) than our sustained in combat damage. If you decrease Revenant might generation it effectively decreases the sustain damage for Revenant while maintaining **the exact same** initial burst damage. Which in turn makes us less useful/more useless since our initial burst isn't as high as other classes that compete for our role. One of our perks is that we're able to maintain high damage throughout.


> > I also don’t think Shackling Wave is an issue, honestly. As long as every other class has their massive burst skills I don’t think Revenant having one is a problem. Also **its easy to outplay Shackling Wave.** Pretty much all of Power Herald’s major damage comes from 450 range, so **if you don’t want to take major damage from revenant, stay outside of 450 range.**.

> >

> Lmao, okay. Let me just do that. This is the GW2 equivalent of "Just click on their heads 4Head" in FPS games


I mean if you don't want legitimate advice from a revenant about how to fight against one and avoid key abilities, then that's fine, you're entitled to not take my advice. However, as mentioned further down I **personally use this advice** when fighting other revenants and, guess what? It works! Obviously it's going to be more or less effective based on what class you play and your build, but it's useful knowledge regardless.

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Ok first of all, nothing on firebrand + scourge combo? Wtf you on vallun, for real?


Second I’ll address my main, rev.

Thing is with might is that unlike other classes, revenant’s damage with 0 might is pathetic. Sword 2 with marauder scholar, fury, and Assassin’s precense will crit for 700~ on each projectile. Sword 4 will hit for like 3.5k tops and that is only if all strikes hit the same target, etc.


revenant nerfs in the past made it so without might you are worthless, but buffed further the might capabilities of the build, landing you in 25m easily.

The one thing that is overtuned in rev right now is sword 4. Other than that, if you want to reduce my might give me back some base damage. I only start hitting like thief autos at more than 10-15 might.

Also with the amount of corrupts from scourge and thief stealing and annulments everywhere, there’s enough opportunity to render a rev useless for a little while by stripping it.


I’ll add for a bit that rev wasn’t meta since PoF came out, and it just now starts to pop into an almost meta state, and you aim to gut it before it gets the chance.


TLDR; only issue is sword 4. Might is fine because of heavily nerfed base damage.


P.S and fix the RM bug and rev loses quite a but of quickness thus damage uptime.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> ofc im a warri player, i have over 4k hours on warri, thats why i feel like i have the experience on it to talk about changes like that

> brawlers recovery is basically the only reliable condi remove that warrior has and when playing against a condi specc, removing 1 condition every 5 sec isnt that strong tbh, there are just so many ways to apply new stuff,

> imo resistance isnt even reliable, because many times it will just get ripped and you die miserably afterwards or you get overloaded and then die when it runs out

> funny to hear about powercreep from you, since you wanted to crank up the dmg numbers even further (remember those +7% dmg?), whilst taking defensive stuff away

> thats **literally** powercreep right there


> every class was hit by powercreep btw, not just warri, thats why wvw is so kitten atm


> on a sidenote, im not even playing revenge counter because i feel like its not worth it :^) its basically useless against power builds and thus only exchangeable when playing against condis only


ok well we could discuss details all day but if in most instances a class needs to be 2v1'ed or can stall for 2+ minutes then its over performing imo.

on the power creep part, since its an overall nerf, well, its not power creep. power creep is when something gets buffed and overshadows the previous thing (both gw2 xpacs).


> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> Lul. Engineers already get ping-ponged with the stability nerf we received. If I don't run at least 2 stunbreaks right now, I get stunlocked almost indefinitely between scourges, warriors, firebrands, other holos, mirages, and reapers (!). Holo cannot exist in melee range and not have that stability. Warriors can attest to that issue, as can most classes that melee in this weird post-PoF meta.


> Your other suggested changes to holo tell me that you don't actually play it, or core engineer. If you want to "nerf" photon forge, there's a really simple way to do it -- increase heat generation for skills you want to nerf. That means less time in Forge, and less damage potential, without taking away skills that actually make it useful when compared to our other, more worthless kits. Your suggestions would just have us autoattacking most of the time, which isn't fun to play, nor is it particularly useful for the majority of situations.


alright well i would be happy with just 2 and 3 seeing cd increases. theyre ridiculous. 2 sec cd on a 600 range leap is ridiculous (not to mention its damage). practically perma stab is ridiculous (outside of 1v1s). this doesnt have to do with just pvp either. anet doesnt make solely pvp based changes. so... lets not treat this as such.

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> @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > Also it should be noted that arenanet pretty clearly intends for revenant to have 25 stacks of might near permanently. This is seen through their balance decisions. They have repeatedly directly nerfed weapon skill damage INSTEAD of nerfing our might generation over the years. Additionally, making Incensed Response and Nefarious Momentum stronger clearly shows they want us to maintain 25 stacks to do our best damage.

> >

> I don't know that it's entirely fair to look at the things they've nerfed in the past and say that this is a clear, thought-out design decision when the same balance team has buffed Shatterstone like 8 times. It seems more like they throw changes up onto the board in hopes that some of them will stick.


> They nerfed the might generation from Corona Burst on Holosmith and that was a good change, I think limiting Rev's ability to maintain high might stacks would be a great way of balancing their damage. Power Herald is a spec that you basically can't run away from, they have tons of superspeed and can Phase Traversal every 5 seconds or something like that while invoking Shiro, so limiting their ability to maintain 25 stacks of might would make it possible to punish players who can't secure kills quickly.


> > I also don’t think Shackling Wave is an issue, honestly. As long as every other class has their massive burst skills I don’t think Revenant having one is a problem. Also **its easy to outplay Shackling Wave.** Pretty much all of Power Herald’s major damage comes from 450 range, so **if you don’t want to take major damage from revenant, stay outside of 450 range.**.

> >

> Lmao, okay. Let me just do that. This is the GW2 equivalent of "Just click on their heads 4Head" in FPS games


Why are you expecting that you should be able to get away from power revenant? Chasing ability to catch anything but maybe thieves and mirages is one of the few things that this class can do well. Do you have the same complaint about thieves, or Mirage or LB ranger? Their effective range and chasing ability outclasses revenant, and outside of LB ranger those builds all have better 1v1 potential.


Your facts are wrong on how well revenant can chase but others have addressed that already.


If superior positioning doesn't work to avoid sword 4, have you tried dodging? Like I'm serious it's a 0.5 seconds cast, and revenant doesn't even have other powerfully skills you need to dodge anymore.


Sword 2, just facetank it hits like 2k total, it's basically 3 mini auto attacks with a tiny bit of "range". If the revenant doesn't dodge right before or after this filler skill, they are probably getting punished.


Sword 3, be near allies or dodge once to evade most of the damage.


Sword 5, lol just walk any direction and 3/4 times the second big hit will miss.


Staff 5 strafing so the rev can't get the full hit in usually makes this hit like 2k. A "good" hit these days is like 4k because of PvP only skill nerfs. We have a LOT of PvP only skill nerfs which is why revenant is reliant on 25 might.


Other than sword 4 and the two elite skills maybe, what's left to dodge that you can't save a dodge for sword 4? Even sword 4 needs 25 might and a full glass trait setup and Marauder to hit 8k or 9k on a no armor and vulnerability inflicted target, how is that so unreasonable?

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> Why are you expecting that you should be able to get away from power revenant? Chasing ability to catch anything but maybe thieves and mirages is one of the few things that this class can do well. Do you have the same complaint about thieves, or Mirage or LB ranger? Their effective range and chasing ability outclasses revenant, and outside of LB ranger those builds all have better 1v1 potential.


The other major strength being the ability to have 25 stacks of might basically all the time (the thing people are talking about)? Unless you have heavy condition pressure on your team, power rev is one of the most oppressive things to fight in this game because their chase potential and damage are both through the roof. And as has been alluded to, the 'heavy condition pressure' specs (i.e. condi mirage, thief, and scourge) are the things most players want nerfed. But nobody is going to change your mind and convince you that power rev is actually Really Good so I don't know if it's worth trying to have a discussion

edit: I mean you're telling me to facetank an ability that applies 1 1/2 seconds of chill, I'm thinking maybe you're not trying to discuss how strong Rev is in good faith lol

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> @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > Why are you expecting that you should be able to get away from power revenant? Chasing ability to catch anything but maybe thieves and mirages is one of the few things that this class can do well. Do you have the same complaint about thieves, or Mirage or LB ranger? Their effective range and chasing ability outclasses revenant, and outside of LB ranger those builds all have better 1v1 potential.

> >

> power rev is one of the most oppressive things to fight in this game because their chase potential


Your l2p problems are showing lol


> @"Solaerin.8635" said:


> edit: I mean you're telling me to facetank an ability that applies 1 1/2 seconds of chill, I'm thinking maybe you're not trying to discuss how strong Rev is in good faith lol


I'm telling you to facetank it because it is so weak that it is not worth a dodge. You have bigger shit to dodge. The time a rev casts sword 2 should be the time you bite the bullet and punish them with something worse. Do you not know what a trade off is? I'm telling you that if you want to win you facetank sword 2 so you can dodge sword 4.


But sure revs are just the Terminator in GW2, completely unstoppable nerf them now Anet /s

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For revenant, I want to see buffs in everything that isn't used in Glint/Shiro sword/sword + staff builds because the build diversity is terrible. Renegade skills+ short bow's #2 and #3 skills need to be changed: the #2 never hits and does less DPS than auto attacking and the #3 just applies one or two stack of torment unless used from max range on a rooted foe.

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Crying about rev when there are less than 5 people each region that are decent at it?




You know both sword off hand skills do **less **damage than pre nerf precision strike ? Which would be quite balanced in the game now.


You guys have to skill up. The devs gave guaranteed win **AGAINST** rev past few seasons. How you got farmed earlier seasons was more realistic showing balance wise. Rev still far cry from OP or really even not weak.

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> Your l2p problems are showing lol


Notice how you had to cut the quote in half and not include the whole thing. I'm not even complaining about Rev, I'm just saying it's incredibly strong and if you were to over-nerf the classes that naturally counter it then it might become the new over-the-top spec. It seems like you're taking people saying "Rev is currently really strong, actually" as a personal attack on your skill or something

> I'm telling you to facetank it because it is so weak that it is not worth a dodge. You have bigger kitten to dodge. The time a rev casts sword 2 should be the time you bite the bullet and punish them with something worse. Do you not know what a trade off is? I'm telling you that if you want to win you facetank sword 2 so you can dodge sword 4.


And I'm telling you that chill is a really strong condition. Like, you're massively under-valuing a key skill and in the same post telling me that I don't know how to play lmao

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> The issue is that he doesn't use energy sigils on both weaponsets and adventure rune on his onebutton spam hard to play pp deadeye during he whines about every other class he meets in pvp, otherwise he would be unstunnable too.


Also knows every spot on the map to stand where movement skills won't reach because of los map glitches so he can pull of his 1 button magicianry. Without doing that he wouldn't be able to kill a ham sandwhich. This guy shouldn't be offering balance on tying shoes.

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> @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > Your l2p problems are showing lol

> >

> Notice how you had to cut the quote in half and not include the whole thing. I'm not even complaining about Rev, I'm just saying it's incredibly strong and if you were to over-nerf the classes that naturally counter it then it might become the new over-the-top spec. It seems like you're taking people saying "Rev is currently really strong, actually" as a personal attack on your skill or something


You're the only person around here saying it's strong lol. You've also shown your unwillingness to take advice on how to win such as what skills to tank so you can dodge sword 4 and how to position yourself to not get hit by sword 4.


It's just impossible to avoid a frontal cone 0.5 seconds cast attack right? We used to do that same damage in an instant 360 degrees AoE around us, so it is indeed YOUR L2P problem if you can't deal with sword 4.


> > I'm telling you to facetank it because it is so weak that it is not worth a dodge. You have bigger kitten to dodge. The time a rev casts sword 2 should be the time you bite the bullet and punish them with something worse. Do you not know what a trade off is? I'm telling you that if you want to win you facetank sword 2 so you can dodge sword 4.

> And I'm telling you that chill is a really strong condition. Like, you're massively under-valuing a key skill and in the same post telling me that I don't know how to play lmao


Chill on a power rev is like so OP bro oh no a mildy better cripple for 1.5s potentially. You know you don't even have to dodge sword 2 because you can also just walk away and you probably won't take the full 2k in horrible, oppressive (/s) damage?

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > @"Solaerin.8635" said:

> > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > Your l2p problems are showing lol

> > >

> > Notice how you had to cut the quote in half and not include the whole thing. I'm not even complaining about Rev, I'm just saying it's incredibly strong and if you were to over-nerf the classes that naturally counter it then it might become the new over-the-top spec. It seems like you're taking people saying "Rev is currently really strong, actually" as a personal attack on your skill or something


> You're the only person around here saying it's strong lol. You've also shown your unwillingness to take advice on how to win such as what skills to tank so you can dodge sword 4 and how to position yourself to not get hit by sword 4.


> It's just impossible to avoid a frontal cone 0.5 seconds cast attack right? We used to do that same damage in an instant 360 degrees AoE around us, so it is indeed YOUR L2P problem if you can't deal with sword 4.


> > > I'm telling you to facetank it because it is so weak that it is not worth a dodge. You have bigger kitten to dodge. The time a rev casts sword 2 should be the time you bite the bullet and punish them with something worse. Do you not know what a trade off is? I'm telling you that if you want to win you facetank sword 2 so you can dodge sword 4.

> > And I'm telling you that chill is a really strong condition. Like, you're massively under-valuing a key skill and in the same post telling me that I don't know how to play lmao


> Chill on a power rev is like so OP bro oh no a mildy better cripple for 1.5s potentially. You know you don't even have to dodge sword 2 because you can also just walk away and you probably won't take the full 2k in horrible, oppressive (/s) damage?


While I don't agree that revenant is the God tier he's making it out to be, revenant is still very strong when facing power builds. The damage output on a revenant sat by a Firebrand is unparalleled. The quickness nerf toned the auto-attack down a bit though.


However, sword 4 with quickness is a .25 cast time. That is impossible to react too, you need to anticipate it and dodge before the Rev casts it (due to reaction times and ping). Revs also deals with spellbreakers really well and have around 60% winrate against them. (Personal experience, may differ with other players.)

As for Deathstrike, the skill is indeed very clunky to hit. But if it hits, it hits for ~7k with might. That coupled with a good sword 4 is close to 16k damage during the time span of a second.

I can speak for most people when I'm saying we don't want another meta dominated by revenants.


I'm all for giving revenants sustain in terms of condition clears and stability outside of retribution as a trade for shaving sword offhand. But rev is by no means as bad as people making it out to be.

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