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Am I the only one dissapointed?


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> @zinkz.7045 said:

> > @Zenith.7301 said:

> > Issue is pvp holds holosmith back because holosmith burst is really strong, and if they don't split balance a buff to holosmith to be only PvE, the pvp crybabies will be back in force.


> As opposed to the PvE 'crybabies' who crying about the DPS in a game mode where even the "hardest" content is so easy it can be completed with nearly any sane composition or even by groups of 4-6 or some even by a solo thief before they nerfed it in certain cases.


As opposed to wailing on a castle door or smashing your face on the full counter button or ghost thief meme builds that require soooo much thought and effort lol. Don't kid yourself, pvp in this game is a broken joke.

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Personally, I enjoy playing my engineering again.

Yes Holo is a very different approach to what we had before then but it is good to be able to deal proper damage for once.


Having the heat bar to watch also makes it more interesting than just spamming the same skills without care. I have fond that once you are used to watch your heat bar, then it is easy enough.


The only thing I find missing is the lack of synergy with the other trait lines.

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I'm horribly disappointed by the whole class right now. Go into wvw and try to fight anyone, my bet is that you won't be able to win as engineer has next to nothing going for them that other classes don't do better. Mobility is bad, healing is bad, survivability is bad, damage reduction is bad, and then the new spec is bad too.


Is there any reason that the Photon Forge has to do damage to you when it overheats? Isn't it enough that it ends? Why does everything engineer has have to have a penalty attached to it as well? To take the fun out?

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I am pretty sure you do more burst with a timed blowtorch pvp condi build than what holosmith could put out in wvw.


A bit off topic but i feel like grenades got hella buffed. In zerker gear i am doing 900 damage normal hits (aoe) and 2250 + crits.


I am a scrub so i will say that a grenade static discharge build feels easier to play than a viper condi kit build.


Again i am not pro but i feel both squishy and heavy damage dealer in pve as zerker static discharge grenades.


I will try to link a build i don't know how to use the site.


But basically its the same as power bomber but instead of spamming 1# bomb skill you just spam 1-5# grenade skills and tool belt skills for heavy powet damage



Back on topic. I don't think holosmith is bad in pve i think the pve holosmith damage is fine. But in pvp its a bit punishing compared to a thief. But thief is meta so what other standard can we.measure up to in pvp.


I haven't tried condi holosmith but it looks fun. I just don't have a lot of gold or legendary gear to swap stats and try builds. Thanks theory crafters for your giant wallets hehehe :)

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Engineer will, and always be, the retarded brainchild in Anet family. They wont care about the class.


Better buff mesmers. Give that elementalist full focus for specialization that both flashy and powerful. Give the thief the burst damage they deserve.


Engineer? For "thematic" purposes give complex rotations that gets old with subpar value. Give artificial difficulty to a point you perform worse than a braindead warrior.

Tell me, is there any elite spec that penalize you for using older skills (which is actually the most important component of a class) that has no weapon swap? Imagine, a Weaver that can't use cantrips. Or a thief that can't shadowstep.


Screw the devs. They won't even give a single glance on the engi players being the bottom feeder when it comes to new content. I won't even look forward for the next expansion, as my Engi main gets lied upon TWICE. Flashy presentations and reveals, zero content.


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So the QT's new DPS benchmarks were recently released. I knew they were going to be bad news for Engi/Holosmith, but I didn't think they were going to be this bad...

On large hit boxes Holosmith is #15 in the rankings and condi engi is at #17. On small hit boxes Holosmith is at #8, while condi engi is at #10.

As a player that uses Engineer as their main class in all the game mode of Guild Wars 2, I am extremely disappointed with the ANet development of the engineer class. Holosmith was pitched to us as a high risk, high reward class. Unfortunately Holosmith feels more like a high risk, no reward class. Engineer is one of the most difficult classes to master in the game, but what's the point of playing Engineer when they are so under power. I can simply use a fairly easy to play class like Firebrand or condi Weaver and ridiculously out perform any engineer/Holosmith. ANet really needs to re-balance this game. They either need to bring down the DPS of all the other classes or give engineer a huge DPS boost.


QT DPS Benchmarks

[https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/benchmarks-path-of-fire/](https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/benchmarks-path-of-fire/ "https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/benchmarks-path-of-fire/")

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Why not keep PF up and just use auto attack + corona burst for damage? Use evades (must equip adrenal implant) to buff PF uptime and damage (must equip mine trail).

Equip rifle turret + static discharge, bomb kit and elixir R (or lazer disk). Also equip med kit + Rune of adventure + sigilo of energi.

While photon forge still up, the dmg will raises with.


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> @JETWING.2759 said:


> Why not keep PF up and just use auto attack + corona burst for damage? Use evades (must equip adrenal implant) to buff PF uptime and damage (must equip mine trail).

> Equip rifle turret + static discharge, bomb kit and elixir R (or lazer disk). Also equip med kit + Rune of adventure + sigilo of energi.

> While photon forge still up, the dmg will raises with.



I'm not sure you understand what qT does?


They take as many builds and playstyles into account to try to maximize DPS. The numbers they came up with were the best they could figure out, and I have no doubt in my mind they considered most possible options. Holosmith and engineer still come up short when compared to other classes and specs.

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> @Vagrant.7206 said:

> > @JETWING.2759 said:

> >

> > Why not keep PF up and just use auto attack + corona burst for damage? Use evades (must equip adrenal implant) to buff PF uptime and damage (must equip mine trail).

> > Equip rifle turret + static discharge, bomb kit and elixir R (or lazer disk). Also equip med kit + Rune of adventure + sigilo of energi.

> > While photon forge still up, the dmg will raises with.

> >


> I'm not sure you understand what qT does?


> They take as many builds and playstyles into account to try to maximize DPS. The numbers they came up with were the best they could figure out, and I have no doubt in my mind they considered most possible options. Holosmith and engineer still come up short when compared to other classes and specs.


i wonder how easy it actually is to account for a dodge build. it wont hit a high benchmark, but its also likely it can get close to its benchmark if youre able to dodge most of the time and fill the rest with strong toolbelts/utilities and pf4. pretty much every build considers itself lucky to hit 2/3 of its benchmark in a real fight. being able to hit 20-25k dps in a fight (not on golem) while spamming evade frames would be nothing to shake a stick at. im at least interested in it. maybe ill test some things. ecto gambling and griffon have me wincing right now and i think id want to try grieving with it in addition to zerk, because it would be a very burning only build and its easy to get duration for a single condi without sacrificing a whole lot.


innovation is hard. qt arent innovators. they take what looks good and polish it more than anyone else really wants to. not a bad thing, definitely helps and is valuable. but also not scripture.


edit: without optimizing anything on a condi or power build and just trying this out quickly, both get around 13-14k dps with all boons and all condis. so it seems like it would have a long way to go. needs to do about 25k with all boons/condis for it to be worth looking at imo. i couldnt quite sit in pf the entire time. thats not necessarily bad if you only duck out to use a couple other attacks once in a while as you primarily focus on staying in pf for longer than 6 secs every time. warping the standard condi kit build looks more promising for dps to me, but power can dodge more. a lot of traits are placed unfortuitously for both builds.

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> @insanemaniac.2456 said:

> id want to try grieving with it in addition to zerk, because it would be a very burning only build and its easy to get duration for a single condi without sacrificing a whole lot.


Without tryharding and trying to find the absolute best rotation, I hit about 27K in full Grieving, realistic with burning duration capped, flame turret and FT kit.

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There's a number of threads this could go in but I'll put it here. [From the Reddit AMA.](

"From the Reddit AMA.")


While most Engineer questions were not answered, one important one was.


Q (/u/toffikeks): Is it possible for photon forge to scale with the weapon rarity (damage)?

A (/u/anet_irenio): It isn't possible.


I don't get it, but I don't have to I guess. Next best thing is just buff the damage.


Only other Engineer related thing I saw was that they plan to look at weapons that weren't delivering the damage they wanted them to, Holosmith sword was part of the conversation although they didn't refer to it specifically.

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> @Krag.6210 said:

> > @insanemaniac.2456 said:

> > id want to try grieving with it in addition to zerk, because it would be a very burning only build and its easy to get duration for a single condi without sacrificing a whole lot.


> Without tryharding and trying to find the absolute best rotation, I hit about 27K in full Grieving, realistic with burning duration capped, flame turret and FT kit.


then i would say fuck the meta and try it in a raid and see how your dps compares to your fellow dpsers.


...i wasnt sure about flame turret and tried rocket boots

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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> Holo is fun, but is not very engie, and is TOO warrior for my tastes. I'm not disappointed of Holo itself... but I'm disappointed with Anet being unable or unwilling to help core engie or to create new gameplay without ditching the more essential aspects of the profession in the process.


Neglecting the other weapons as well as not giving us sword off hand is just a slap in the face when compared to the attention given to the weapons of the other classes. (not to mention the sheer amount and weapon swap).

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> @Afearthenrut.9154 said:

> > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > Holo is fun, but is not very engie, and is TOO warrior for my tastes. I'm not disappointed of Holo itself... but I'm disappointed with Anet being unable or unwilling to help core engie or to create new gameplay without ditching the more essential aspects of the profession in the process.


> Neglecting the other weapons as well as not giving us sword off hand is just a slap in the face when compared to the attention given to the weapons of the other classes. (not to mention the sheer amount and weapon swap).


Yeah. My theory is that engineer is the testing grounds for random ideas the devs have -- they implement them in about a day and never look back. We have so many ideas that are cool **in theory** but need to be fleshed out more to be viable. Holosmith is another case of this -- some dev thought "Jedi!" and they tried it out, and then left to go make the weaver.

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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> Holo is fun, but is not very engie, and is TOO warrior for my tastes. I'm not disappointed of Holo itself... but I'm disappointed with Anet being unable or unwilling to help core engie or to create new gameplay without ditching the more essential aspects of the profession in the process.


This mirrors my feelings rather well, The halo feels less engineer and more warrior. And for that I am disappointed. *shrugs*

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> @Vagrant.7206 said:

> > @Afearthenrut.9154 said:

> > > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > > Holo is fun, but is not very engie, and is TOO warrior for my tastes. I'm not disappointed of Holo itself... but I'm disappointed with Anet being unable or unwilling to help core engie or to create new gameplay without ditching the more essential aspects of the profession in the process.

> >

> > Neglecting the other weapons as well as not giving us sword off hand is just a slap in the face when compared to the attention given to the weapons of the other classes. (not to mention the sheer amount and weapon swap).


> Yeah. My theory is that engineer is the testing grounds for random ideas the devs have -- they implement them in about a day and never look back. We have so many ideas that are cool **in theory** but need to be fleshed out more to be viable. Holosmith is another case of this -- some dev thought "Jedi!" and they tried it out, and then left to go make the weaver.


Personally, I think that the holosmith is far better implemented than the soulbeast. A couple of minor changes would be welcome, but overall it's pretty good (then again, maybe I'm just getting distracted by the ability to hit like 20k with one skill and zero effort in PvE).

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> @"Unholy Pillager.3791" said:

> > @Vagrant.7206 said:

> > > @Afearthenrut.9154 said:

> > > > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > > > Holo is fun, but is not very engie, and is TOO warrior for my tastes. I'm not disappointed of Holo itself... but I'm disappointed with Anet being unable or unwilling to help core engie or to create new gameplay without ditching the more essential aspects of the profession in the process.

> > >

> > > Neglecting the other weapons as well as not giving us sword off hand is just a slap in the face when compared to the attention given to the weapons of the other classes. (not to mention the sheer amount and weapon swap).

> >

> > Yeah. My theory is that engineer is the testing grounds for random ideas the devs have -- they implement them in about a day and never look back. We have so many ideas that are cool **in theory** but need to be fleshed out more to be viable. Holosmith is another case of this -- some dev thought "Jedi!" and they tried it out, and then left to go make the weaver.


> Personally, I think that the holosmith is far better implemented than the soulbeast. A couple of minor changes would be welcome, but overall it's pretty good (then again, maybe I'm just getting distracted by the ability to hit like 20k with one skill and zero effort in PvE).


A single skill able to hit like that isn't necessarily good implementation. Allow me to explain:


* Weaver got all of their core weapons updated with new skills and animations (on top of a new weapon). A lot of time was spent fleshing out their new mechanic.

* Spellbreaker got two new weapons (dual daggers) and a new mechanic applied regardless of situation.

* Holosmith got a single new weapon to which the new mechanic applied. None of our 4 existing core weapons were updated for the new mechanic.

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> @Saraneth.6021 said:

> The whole heat thing is crap. Photon Forge doesn't even bring our DPS up to par with other classes and it's only temporary. While on cooldown the DPS is even worse. Like W.T.F? Unless it gets some major buffs Photon Forge needs to last forever. None of this over heating crap.


Yeah, I remember having a conversation with my fiancee about the launch trailer for elite specs -- Engineer was the only one singled out for having a downside to the new spec. And I remember saying -- If the damage isn't insane to compensate, this is just another "F*** you" to engineers.

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> @Vagrant.7206 said:

> > @Saraneth.6021 said:

> > The whole heat thing is crap. Photon Forge doesn't even bring our DPS up to par with other classes and it's only temporary. While on cooldown the DPS is even worse. Like W.T.F? Unless it gets some major buffs Photon Forge needs to last forever. None of this over heating crap.


> Yeah, I remember having a conversation with my fiancee about the launch trailer for elite specs -- Engineer was the only one singled out for having a downside to the new spec. And I remember saying -- If the damage isn't insane to compensate, this is just another "F*** you" to engineers.


i had the exact same conversation with my fiancee too xD

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I am another disappointed gamer. I bought an extra character slot just fot holosmith. I hate engi. I hate tool kits and those hard rotations and low dps despite all the hard rotations. Holosmith looked awesome and straight forward selfish dps class that can ditch tool kits. I was sold and bought PoF and max level boosted an engi. Holosmith sucks.

It is just an eye candy for PoF. Just like Greatsword reaper and Herald for HoT.

DD can do everything holosmith cab do if not better.

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