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[Idea] I did not buy the Awakened Mounts Pack

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I really like their style, I always had a thing for egyptian-mummy-mystical things and really gave it some thought. But in the end, I didn't buy them, for one reason that may seem picky but is very important to me.

The "base body" of the mounts are bound to be fully dyed in the same colour. We cannot dye the fur/spikes/feathers in different colours than the rest of the body, and the mounts, even though their armor is splendid, have no body tatoo or patern of any sort. Furthermore, the eyes are bound to be the same colour as the gems too. And of course, this is because there is currently a maximum of 4 dye channels we can have on the same item.


So, this gave me an idea, perhaps unrealistic but I'd still like to share it. What if we could give clothes to mounts? For example, the Awakened Mounts Pack would give the signature armor, and a "naked" mount separately. This would allow to consider the mount and its armor as two separate items, allowing for dedicated dye channels. Mount skins eligible to armor wearing (those with the exact same shape as the base mount) would display an armor slot when equipped, in which we could drag our unlocked mount armors.

There are currently 3 mount packs that _look like_ they could easily benefit from this treatment: Awakened, Wintersday, and Exo-suit. That is, because they are "merely" base mounts with additionnal armor.

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While I agree that the base mount should have looked more like an awakened mummy and less like the commander stole the armor off an awakened abomination and slapped it on their mount, I heavily disagree with everything else. the dye slots for these & the Exo-suit pack are, I would argue, the best use of the slots thus far. Fur/feather/scale patterns would not make sense with the Awakened theme, _The eyes are gems _ so it makes sense that they are on that slot, and 4 dye slots work just fine for what is presented to us.


Your latter idea is cool and with a few changes, I would really prefer that to what we have now. Sadly, to do what your asking for would mean that the whole mount interface be reworked from the ground up along with completely re-doing all the mount models, separating out the 'armor' and making sure all of it works with everything else. if it's too costly for the team to split outfits into separate armor skin pieces then this idea is REALLY not fesable for them at the moment.

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> @"DawnSketch.7105" said:

> While I agree that the base mount should have looked more like an awakened mummy and less like the commander stole the armor off an awakened abomination and slapped it on their mount, I heavily disagree with everything else. the dye slots for these & the Exo-suit pack are, I would argue, the best use of the slots thus far. Fur/feather/scale patterns would not make sense with the Awakened theme, _The eyes are gems _ so it makes sense that they are on that slot, and 4 dye slots work just fine for what is presented to us.


Well you can perfectly dye the eyes and gems the same, it's all about customization. Moving on to the outfit topic, what is difficult doesn't seem to be separating each peice of equipment, but rather making sure that each of them fit with all the existing armor skins, and that nothing overlaps. Now with the mount-armor thing, it's more like an outfit for the mount that you can swap around your naked mount. I don't think it's _that_ hard, but I'll concede I am not a 3D animator ~~yet~~.

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