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I want DuoQ back


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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > No duo queue! Play on a level playing field. Stop getting carried by mates.


> People generally don't like soloq in any game, perhaps take a hint from the largest and most successful competitive game, League of Legends, where they tried having a team que and a soloq (removing duoq). What were the results? Ah, that's right, duoq remained a possibility in soloq because the amount of people who would que up for a soloq only setting was too low; and this is on a game with a large population, so it shouldn't come as a surprise why GW2's "ranked" pvp is completely lacking in competition and why the whole esports thing didn't even last a second.


> Also, duoq isn't for being carried, because if you lose to a duo with one person being carried, then congrats, you admitted to losing a 4v5.


I get your point about the interest in duo queue. However, this isn't league of legends. Sure, we might lose some interest with removal of duo queue but then there are many other ways to encourage more players to queue up. Duo queue offers an unfair advantage to a team. All I'm saying is that I would like to see it gone. I'm sure many would disagree and that's their opinion.

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People who strictly want solo queue need to either make a friend or play a one player game. Not having duo queue is ridiculous and no one is getting carried in that situation because that by default means one of the players is too bad to make it on their own. That isn’t even a sensible argument..


Are people opposed to duo queue just afraid of competition? Why even queue up for a competitive match to begin with?


The only thing not having duo queue accomplishes is further driving the nails in the PvP coffin which is an already dying game mode because ANet listens to all the wrong people.

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> just throw games to remain under 1600


> the small handful of people I know who still suffer through pvp are doing it. so are many others, and they won't stop until we get duo back


> enjoy our throws lol


> enjoy your 'competitive experience' lol


I really hope that encouraging a game throwing culture through these forums gets a closer look and proper action. Having an opinion is one thing but using match manipulation to try and enforce a change should not be acceptable. I feel that you and others who throw games should not be able to play the game.

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> @"Sinful.2165" said:

> People who strictly want solo queue need to either make a friend or play a one player game. Not having duo queue is ridiculous and no one is getting carried in that situation because that by default means one of the players is too bad to make it on their own. That isn’t even a sensible argument..


> Are people opposed to duo queue just afraid of competition? Why even queue up for a competitive match to begin with?


> The only thing not having duo queue accomplishes is further driving the nails in the PvP coffin which is an already dying game mode because ANet listens to all the wrong people.


Matchmaking cannot take into account the synergy and communication advantage that a duo brings in.

Just because you and some others want to play ranked pvp with your friends it doesn't mean everyone else should go play with a friend.


Why do you forget that there are other pvp game modes too that you can enjoy with friends? I'm sure you know about AT and unranked modes.


Most people who leave the game feel it's dying. But that's just natural attrition. The game is doing well considering how old it is.


I really hope Anet does not listen to these "wrong people" and instead gets rid of duo queue altogether from ranked to make it an "even playing field".

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"Sinful.2165" said:

> > People who strictly want solo queue need to either make a friend or play a one player game. Not having duo queue is ridiculous and no one is getting carried in that situation because that by default means one of the players is too bad to make it on their own. That isn’t even a sensible argument..

> >

> > Are people opposed to duo queue just afraid of competition? Why even queue up for a competitive match to begin with?

> >

> > The only thing not having duo queue accomplishes is further driving the nails in the PvP coffin which is an already dying game mode because ANet listens to all the wrong people.


> Matchmaking cannot take into account the synergy and communication advantage that a duo brings in.

> Just because you and some others want to play ranked pvp with your friends it doesn't mean everyone else should go play with a friend.


> Why do you forget that there are other pvp game modes too that you can enjoy with friends? I'm sure you know about AT and unranked modes.


> Most people who leave the game feel it's dying. But that's just natural attrition. The game is doing well considering how old it is.


> I really hope Anet does not listen to these "wrong people" and instead gets rid of duo queue altogether from ranked to make it an "even playing field".


PvP population has been hemorrhaging heavily because of the blunders Anet keeps making with regards to team queuing (you know, the multiplayer bit of mmorpg?) and class balance.


I appreciate that they are trying with what resources they have. Some changes feel like they weren’t even quality tested before rolling out live (initial deadeye dodge roll stealth mechanic for example). Letting the clown fiesta of mirage and scourge poison WvW and PvP balance for *so* long. Buffing builds that absolutely did not need it.


It’s clear they really don’t have a good grasp on what needs to happen. They’ve already driven off a huge chunk of the former PvP population because nobody can play with each other. Don’t bother mentioning unranked again, it’s not a competitive game mode. Ranked is 100% the place for people to practice as a group for things like AT. If you want a solo level playing field, I suggest Anet make unranked solo queue only with the exception of guild teams for missions (since most guilds doing PvP missions have like one competent person and the rest are just roped in to help get the mission done, typically PvE peeps with no real vested interest in PvP in my experience anyway).


Solo rank with the flawed match making and people throwing via rage afk or disconnects is just a roll of the dice, the rank involved is not really a true representative of skill in any form. You can get lucky and take a title even if you don’t deserve it or be really good but get shafted by bad players because RNG.


They screwed up PvP by appealing to the squeakiest wheels on the forums (the very vocal people with no friends). People who enjoyed playing PvP in premades were in game doing that, meanwhile a minority of haters complain on the forums and Anet seems to think appeasing that group is the wisest course of action. It’s baffling, really.

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> @"Sinful.2165" said:

> Ranked is 100% the place for people to practice as a group for things like AT. If you want a solo level playing field


I agree with your assessment of lack of balance in the game and the developers constantly targeting wrong elements to Nerf or buff. However, that doesn't mean ranked becomes a practice field for ATs. Individual players are positioned on the leaderboard based on ranked seasons. I'd like to see it as balanced as it can get. Balancing a class might be hard but getting rid of duo queue is easy.

Lets keep ATs and ranked games as two separate things. Enjoy AT with friends and compete Solo in ranked.


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It is no secret that playing in team even duo vs single queue gives you unfair adventage. If you cannot climb by yourself, then do not look for escuses for this adventage. If you want to play duo, play unranked. If you want play full tryhard go automated tournaments with whole 5 man team.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > just throw games to remain under 1600

> >

> > the small handful of people I know who still suffer through pvp are doing it. so are many others, and they won't stop until we get duo back

> >

> > enjoy our throws lol

> >

> > enjoy your 'competitive experience' lol


> I really hope that encouraging a game throwing culture through these forums gets a closer look and proper action. Having an opinion is one thing but using match manipulation to try and enforce a change should not be acceptable. I feel that you and others who throw games should not be able to play the game.


hey homes, it's not like I designed a system that encourages people with friends to throw games. anet made that, not me


plus, it's not like anet bans all the afkers who ruin this games PvP, so there is zero chance of punishment for throwing


so accept the consequences of the flawed system, I mean you're here arguing for it in the forums. I'd rather have duo, or even team queue available regardless of rank so you don't need to throw games to play with a friend, and were able to better avoid afkers (by choosing team members). but hey, you apparently think it's super competitive to have a system that encourages throwing games, so eyyyy reap what you sow my dude


@"Virelion.4128" it's so comical that you think DUO queuers are just doing it for the rank climbing advantage- when a ton of them throw games to keep being able to DUO. it's obviously about fun and friendship, no one is impressed with rank in this mess of a PvP game lol


like if my pal can climb to plat 2 solo, what the heck kind of advantage would DUO even give him? he's already basically max rank solo already. what you're scared he might hit plat 3? oh goodness how terrible for him to be plat 3. how unfair lol


surely it would be much better if there was a system that encouraged him to throw games to remain under 1600 rating so he can actually have fun in PvP (solo queue is not fun for him, duo is)?


yeah man, throwing games in low plat, yeah so good for the competitive nature of the game. 10/10 baby

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@"choovanski.5462" - all you're saying is that for the convenience of those, who are already throwing games, duo queue should be back. They are manipulating matches and should not be rewarded in any way.


You are entitled to your opinion surely; but we just have to disagree.


I understand that many of you would like to play with friends; however, then an individual based leaderboard and competitive season makes no sense.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > just throw games to remain under 1600

> >

> > the small handful of people I know who still suffer through pvp are doing it. so are many others, and they won't stop until we get duo back

> >

> > enjoy our throws lol

> >

> > enjoy your 'competitive experience' lol


> I really hope that encouraging a game throwing culture through these forums gets a closer look and proper action. Having an opinion is one thing but using match manipulation to try and enforce a change should not be acceptable. I feel that you and others who throw games should not be able to play the game.


It's not about encouraging the culture though, it's just a sad reality. I won't play PvP anymore because of it either.

The argument that one should not play the game has been made many times in the past too but on the other shoe when premade players were telling the ones who wanted solo queue to either play something offline or to form a team themselves.


TLDR: down the bottom.


Speaking for myself here but I got Guild Wars 2 the MMO, I started playing PvP alone and eventually found a community as I thought I would from MMO's.

Then I started to queue with said community and made friends along the way, I joined a no rep guild and used it as a contact list...

We would organise random fights amongst each other and would sometimes go full rep to queue 15+ people at the same time in hopes of being pit against each other, we would have prize pools for the winners too, it was a good scene and quality environment to be in... There was also constant trials and errors of what classes/builds worked best together too, who could fill specific roles the best and so on and I can't say for other guilds but mine always kept score against the other premade guilds, and some of those did to us too....

it was truly a competitive scene....




While many players were in game enjoying their experience, it turned out a small handful of solo players somehow convinced a game company to change their product based off the few, in a tenacious and vile way that brings a dirty taste to your mouth as the poll to have a trial run of duo queue was clearly a lie... I have supported this company, and they blatantly lied to me.

Not only that, but they made me feel like the biggest fucking idiot ever, I voted yes to that trial because usually a trial is just that, if it doesn't work out then it can be reverted but at the time I thought the idea to have both Solo/Duo queue and team queue was an excellent idea, I checked out the poll and no where did it state that one would replace the other, so again, I felt cheated and lied too when the implementation was made.




They have built upon this system, further restricting people from playing together due to top players being at the top (and so they should be, they outplayed you off and on the field so to speak) and the same people who asked for everyone to play under these conditions are now complaining about the effects it had to the population and match quality, balance also being involved as now we play Yolo queue and some builds that wouldn't normally fare well against any organisation are now dominating most games.




TLDR: I agree with Choo because this is literally what some players asked for.

I didn't throw purposely unless you call being a spirit ranger a purpose throw or zerker ele, but I made sure I never went into platinum... Then I landed in plat by playing D/D ele and stopped playing the mode altogether.


> @"choovanski.5462" said:


> enjoy your 'competitive experience'



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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> @"choovanski.5462" - all you're saying is that for the convenience of those, who are already throwing games, duo queue should be back. They are manipulating matches and should not be rewarded in any way.


> You are entitled to your opinion surely; but we just have to disagree.


> I understand that many of you would like to play with friends; however, then an individual based leaderboard and competitive season makes no sense.


oh don't worry dude. I'm currently working on making everyone on my friends list quit this game and move to For Honor, a skill based game with teamplay and Devs who actually care


enjoy your shrinking population and all the match making issues it causes




as @"sephiroth.4217" says, we don't do proper throws we just hop on awful meme builds. it very hard to catch my dude


totally feel for him. loss of team queue killed PvP for me, loads of people quit. I quit too. but I've got a handful of pals who still play, and they drag me into matches- which is fun, playing with friends is fun. but we have to throw games if we win too much, so we can continue having fun

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> @"choovanski.5462" Enjoy the new game mate!


I will dude thanks :)


hopefully I can clear out my friends list soon and we can all be out of your way, and moving onto greener pastures :)


it's awesome playing a game with test servers where that Devs play with streamers and take balance suggestions, now that's an idea anet should steal

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A core tenet of any social technology (be it apps, social media, games, etc) is to grow the population and community through word of mouth. Marketing statistics suggest that word of mouth beats out almost any ad campaigns. People want to do things with their friends. If they like the game and can play with friends, they will tell their friends, who will tell theirs, etc etc. Blocking people from playing together in a multiplayer game is such a braindead move it's legitimately self-sabotage.


Simply separate solo queue and 2+ queue. On the one hand you can go hardcore and try to operate on solo skill and high ranking players there will be respected. For duo+ queue, people can have fun and the game mode will grow.


I don't know if that's the exact solution, it's just an idea. But only having the single system we have now is completely antithetical to a healthy growing community. For the people that are worried about match throwing and whatnot, they can stick solo and that's great for them. But don't lock out the people who could spread the game irl by playing with friends at a dedicated level.

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> @"Elrond.9486" said:

> A core tenet of any social technology (be it apps, social media, games, etc) is to grow the population and community through word of mouth. Marketing statistics suggest that word of mouth beats out almost any ad campaigns. People want to do things with their friends. If they like the game and can play with friends, they will tell their friends, who will tell theirs, etc etc. **Blocking people from playing together in a multiplayer game is such a braindead move it's legitimately self-sabotage.**



it's actually insane how many people don't understand this simple fact


like, my girlfriend likes PvP and rpgs- but will I recommend GW2 to her? nope dude, because we can't even play it together


the fact that people can't understand the relationship between the removal of team queue and the huge drop in population blows my mind. sometimes I think they have just never had a friend before, and don't understand how it works

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Really? I want duoQ to be removed even in lower ranks.


> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" - all you're saying is that for the convenience of those, who are already throwing games, duo queue should be back. They are manipulating matches and should not be rewarded in any way.

> >

> > You are entitled to your opinion surely; but we just have to disagree.

> >

> > I understand that many of you would like to play with friends; however, then an individual based leaderboard and competitive season makes no sense.


> oh don't worry dude. I'm currently working on making everyone on my friends list quit this game and move to For Honor, a skill based game with teamplay and Devs who actually care


> enjoy your shrinking population and all the match making issues it causes




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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" - all you're saying is that for the convenience of those, who are already throwing games, duo queue should be back. They are manipulating matches and should not be rewarded in any way.

> >

> > You are entitled to your opinion surely; but we just have to disagree.

> >

> > I understand that many of you would like to play with friends; however, then an individual based leaderboard and competitive season makes no sense.


> oh don't worry dude. I'm currently working on making everyone on my friends list quit this game and move to For Honor, a skill based game with teamplay and Devs who actually care


> enjoy your shrinking population and all the match making issues it causes


> --


> as @"sephiroth.4217" says, we don't do proper throws we just hop on awful meme builds. it very hard to catch my dude


> totally feel for him. loss of team queue killed PvP for me, loads of people quit. I quit too. but I've got a handful of pals who still play, and they drag me into matches- which is fun, playing with friends is fun. but we have to throw games if we win too much, so we can continue having fun


Ive been wondering about that game how is it man? Whats it like in general?

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Half these people aren’t even reading WHY team queue needs to come back and Anet has zero clue what they are doing to grow a multiplayer game.


Waiting for anything else to release so I can jump off this sinking ship. Meanwhile I’ll go play my single player MMORPG and QQ by myself.


$425 down for Camelot Unchained, I have way more faith in Mark’s ability to pull off amazing realm vs realm than I do in Anet fixing anything relevant.

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