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Apology, and Gratitude, To ArenaNet

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I will start elaborating my feelings here, so that you know Why I feel the need to apologize and to thank you. The black lion chests have always been a thorn in my eyes because there's items in it you can only get through the RNG. Then came the RNG mounts, I was so disappointed. It felt like betrayal, (much like the black lion chests) because it worked against the whole "fair" concept, on which ArenaNet sold the original guild wars 2.

Frankly, I dislike the "pay real money for RNG" thing, so much, that I makes my skin crawl and takes part of the enjoyment of a game from me. I even lost my motivation to play the game due to this. And I complained loudly on the forum, because quite frankly, I was angered because of this. I felt that "You've just undermined the hours I've spent in this game and all the money I paid for and in it" - not rational, I know. I've gotten more outa those money that for anything else I've ever paid for. But feelings seldom are rational.


Now, as I've come back I see that you've made the RNG in mounts optional... THIS completely Eliminate the complaints I had about it. Sure it's 3 times the price. That's FINE!

Now, in fact, I've found myself looking at that 1200gems contract, seeing it as a token of "You're Listening to us". Which, I find to be quite satisfying.

It's not the first time you listen, you often, if not always, do. I've seen this on several occasions. Over the years I've been bragging about you to my friends because, you always were better. I find myself humbled, over the fact that so little can turn everything upside down... Shame on me for that... [And yes, compared to every other RNG - loot box game out there, GW2 have exceedingly little RNG...]


For years, I thought that I had trust in that you weren't just greedy money-eyes, like so many others seems to be, when the test of the trust came, I lost that trust. So I feel a need to apologize, deeply, for doubting you. Even though you've shown us all, time and time again, that the doubt is unfounded.


So, Thank you, ArenaNet, for Listening to us.

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> @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

> The mounts are only RNG to a point. Yes each single skin is random, but you can only receive one skin of that type. Now of course its a bit more expensive that way because its not bundled like the others


Please don't comment without reading the post...


> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Single purchases are still overpriced. However that's what they were designed for - direct money grab. Let's enjoy mounts for what they are and celebrate whales who fund my free content.


They are extremely over priced. But That's besides the point of this post.

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Not to forget that... It is totally optional. Nobody is forced to it. We can play the game without mount skins. Many players have no mount skins and enjoy the game all the same. If we don't want to invest real money, we can use the gold we earn in game to get gems. That's a long work but several of my friends do it like that. And last but not least, we can also invest real money if we want it. All in all, I therefore believe that as is now, the system is a pretty much OK. :)

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> @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

> The mounts are only RNG to a point. Yes each single skin is random, but you can only receive one skin of that type. Now of course its a bit more expensive that way because its not bundled like the others


I actually think the RNG is more fair than the direct buy in this case. Since you can't get duplicate skins, it's not quite like "gacha" RNG systems in other games. In contrast, buying skins directly is dramatically overpriced. It should be 800 gems _at most_, and even that's a bit dubious.

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I still consider making the mounts overpriced instead of RNG a slap to the face, but they also released some mount bundles that were priced somewhat decently. So I don't go off on Anet like I used to, but I still consider them to be far from magnanimous.


Especially since fashion and customization are pretty important in GW2, and if you have PoF you're on your mount a solid 70% of the time in open world.

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