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Do we have the ability to UNLEARN a crafting discipline?

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I have several small-number crafters, for whatever reason. I also have every crafting discipline mastered on other toons. The problem is when I log in to make something specific, I don't know which Armoursmith is the maxed and which of the other 3 are just little smithers! Yeah, yeah I know....stickynote on my desktop screen or actual desktop. Be nice to be able to clean it all up though. Please, tell me this exists already. I looked high and low through the forums and internet but found nothing absolute.

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Crafting skills can't be unlearned or removed. You can only change which Crafting skills are active on a character. However, I might have a suggestion to help sort out who the main crafters are, and who your extras are.


The Character Selection screen shows icons of only the **active** Crafting skills on a character's portrait. Using this knowledge, you can mark who your "extras" are by giving them all the same 2 active Crafting skills. (Be sure it's a combo that your main crafters aren't using.)


For example..

Let's say.. One main crafter has maxed Leatherworker+Scribe.

A second main crafter has maxed Artificer+Chef.


The "extras" could be given Chef+Scribe as their active Crafting skills. That way, anyone marked with the Chef+Scribe combo would be one of the "extras" that aren't being used for crafting.


Of course, you can choose whichever Crafting skills you want for this purpose. Just be sure you can recognize it easily, and that none of your main crafters already have the same 2 active Crafting skills. (Though I recommend using Scribe as one of them. Mostly because it's probably the slowest and most expensive Crafting skill to max out, and the icon is a bit more unique than the others.. in a way.)

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