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What's your favorite profession?

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> @"sylvnfox.7086" said:

> OMG I love this, the class everyone complains is the worst in the game is most popular by a good margin. LONG LIVE THE NECROMANCER!


I think that actually says more about a vocal overrepresentation of necromancers on the forums than it does about the game. Polls like this are always fun and interesting, but the most accurate data will always be the gw2efficiency stats, since they tap directly into the game's API and can give an indication of both the population of professions (including alts) and the actual playtime of professions. Necro is technically the 5th most played profession, with Guardian actually being outright top.


That said, while I do like necros and keep going back to them every now and then, Rev is far and away my favourite profession in terms of both theme and general utility.

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clearly mesmer, it was and is my only profession since 3 years and it is the only character that has the story and map completition....and of course the only one with some maxed crafting professions..... i hope they buff some other classes instead of nerfing the mesmer any further...or just nerf the mesmer for pvp / wvw....not pve... <3

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