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E-Spec: Mechanist


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I've been thinking of a spec that changes the toolbelt skill instead of the weapon skills. This way it doesn't eliminate the incentive to use the kits or the actual weapon itself.


Here's the idea:


_**Mechanist**_ is an elite specialization for the engineer that gives access to a mechanical suit that acts as mobile field support. Mech skills replaces toolbelt skills regardless of utility skill placement. It also allows them to wield a mace and learn augments.


# _Profession mechanic_

Summon Mech [F6]- Call down a mech suit, gaining access to new toolbelt skills. All skills have a limited number of use (charge system). Mech is destroyed once all the skills are used up. Lasts for 60 seconds.

F2. Anti Missile zone - Reflects projectile in a 180 radius arc in front of you. Lasts 5s.

F3. Restorative zone - Increases healing received by 33% in a 360 radius around you. Lasts 5s.

F4. Neutral zone - Reduces all incoming condition damage by 33% in a 360 radius around you. Lasts 5s.

F5. Anti Gravity zone - Creates a magnetic field that floats enemies in a 450 radius around you. 3 pulses. Channeled skill.


Note: all zones move with the mech except for anti gravity zone.

F1 remains the healing skill toolbelt due to medkit's F1 is the actual heal and if the mech replaces it, medkit would lose out on having it's self heal.


# _Weapon Skills_


1. auto 1 & 2 confusion, last chain removes 1 condi.

2. Charges forward, dealing damage and stop at the 1st foe hit. Knock back that foe when hit.

3. Slam the ground and cripples enemies in a 180 radius around you.


#_Slot skills_ (Augments)


*Nanoparticles - You regenerate health over time for 8s. Reduce incoming condition duration by 20%.

+Nanocoating spray - Grants aegis to allies in a 300 radius cone in front of you.


Utility 1 *Reactive Neurosynapse - Allies in a 180 radius automatically stunbreaks once CC'd.

Utility 2 *Grants fury in a 180 radius for 3s. Allies next 3 attacks will be accompanied by an aim assisted rocket.

Utility 3 *Melee attacks by allies gain a 5% chance to stun. Ranged attacks by allies gain a 5% chance to daze. 180 radius for 3s.

Utility 4 *bionic eye - Allies affected in a 180 radius gains bionic eye. Reveal enemy players in a 180 radius around effected ally for 3s.

+blind 5 enemy in a 300 radius cone in front of you.

Utility 5 *(if the 4 above is OP/underpowered/weird, this instead) Allies in a 180 radius gain quickness and swiftness for 1s every time they hit an enemy. Last 10s? ICD 1s.


Elite 1 - Allies in a 600 radius transfers conditions to an enemy they hit Last 10s? ICD 1s.


## List of Mechanist traits

Minor proficiency *Mace proficiency - You can wield a mace in your main hand.

Minor Adept *Robotics training - You learn to make golems into a functional mech suit for your own use. Gain access to **augments ** skills.

Major Adept - Mace skills gain reduced recharge. Mace 3 is now a blast finisher.

Major Adept - Reduce duration of movement impairing conditions. Additional reduction when in mech suit.

Major Adept - Mech skills gain additional charge.

Minor Master *Iron Plating - You gain toughness while mech suit is active. Gain concentration based on your toughness.

Major Adept - Mech skills grant boons per pulse.

1. Anti missile zone: retaliation

2. Restorative Zone: regeneration

3. Neutral Zone: protection

Major Adept -Mech skills grant combo fields.

1. Anti missile zone: dark field

2. Restorative Zone: water field

3. Neutral Zone: light field

Major Adept - Mech skills' area of effect is 33% larger and 2s longer.

Minor Master * Remove 1 movement impairing condition from allies when you dodge roll.

Major Adept - Increase reviving speed. Reduce cooldown of neutral zone and add 1 charge when successfully reviving an ally.

Major Adept - Mech suit dazes enemies upon activation. Grants you stability upon activation.

Major Adept - If mech suit runs out of charges before expiring, it explodes; damaging enemies and leaves behind a fire field in a 240 radius. Considered an explosion.


I haven't thought of any toolbelt skills for the utilities or the names for them and the trait names.

If an actual mech is a transform like a tonic because of technical limitations, I would just suggest the f5 animation would be like holograms attached to the character similar to the inquest suit instead. I don't want transforms because in slower computers it will take some time to load and that would be a problem in wvw. But if they can just attach it on top of the character model that would be awesome! Like taimi inside scruffy 2.0 or something.


Also, I didn't put much thought on the utility skills and weapon skills as I was really focusing on the toolbelt change initially lol.


Tell me what you think :)


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I would prefer Golemancer.


You have a Golem, similar to Ranger pets. Instead of having multiple golems, you just have one but opening the pet window with K gives you a menu that allows you to customise the golem. Effectively, you select different skills and stats/traits for the golem. This also affects it's appearance (i.e it equips a laser gun, shield, etc) which signals to other players what skills you've equipped it with (for counter play in PvP).


Your F skills are replaced with the skills equipped to your golem so you get a degree of control over it.


Mace main hand.

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> @"Lord Krilik.3692" said:

> I would prefer Golemancer.


> You have a Golem, similar to Ranger pets. Instead of having multiple golems, you just have one but opening the pet window with K gives you a menu that allows you to customise the golem. Effectively, you select different skills and stats/traits for the golem. This also affects it's appearance (i.e it equips a laser gun, shield, etc) which signals to other players what skills you've equipped it with (for counter play in PvP).


> Your F skills are replaced with the skills equipped to your golem so you get a degree of control over it.


> Mace main hand.


No more clunky AI companions ;)

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So the core idea is kinda same to what I suggested in "Weapon for the next Engineer Elite Specialization" thread.

> @"Bomboed.5697" said:

> # Elite spec: Technomancer

> **Role:** Long range constant damage DPS / melee range bunker-bruiser.


> **Weapon - Staff:** 1200 range power-based weapon.

> Electricity-based attacks. Good sustained damage against single target.

> Main attack applies _Conduction_ on target. Multiple targets with _Conduction_ create an _Electrical Circuit_ if they are near each other. All enemies in _Electrical Circuit_ take damage when any of them is attacked by Engineer's electricity attacks, but the more enemies in _Electrical Circuit_ the less damage each of them take:

> * 1 target - 100% damage

> * 2 targets - 80% damage

> * 3 targets - 60% damage

> * 4+ targets - 40% damage


> Some skills can apply _Conduction_ on multiple targets, while some other skills can consume _Conduction_ for a more powerful effects.


> **New ability type - Device:** creates a device that perform AoE effect during its duration. Works like Wells.

> Some _Devices_ hurt enemies, while other help allies and apply boons.


> **New class mechanic - Mech-suit:** all weapon skills generate _Power Charge._ This _Power Charge_ acts like a second health bar similar to Necro's Death Shroud when _Mech_ is activated by F5 key. F5 is a 1200 range _Leap_, which helps to engage melee combat after fighting at long range with Staff. _Power Charge_ depletes by taken damage and can be consumed by some _Mech-suit_ skills.

> _Mech-suit_ skills are mostly melee, but with some range options. _Mech_ attacks are slow, powerful, most of them has fairly long CDs. A lot of skills has a CC components like knock-back or knockdown.


> _Toolbelt_ skills are all changed to special _Mech-suit_ skilll called _Overdrive_. Each _Overdrive_ skill has a very powerful effect, but consumes a lot of _Power Charge _and can be used only **once** per _Mech-suit_ summon. This limitation engages players to switch between normal mode and _Mech_ mode more frequently.

> Engineer in _Mech-suit_ mode is quite tanky due to second HP bar in form of _Power Charge_, but staying too long in this mode costs a dps loss due too long CDs.


> Pressing F5 key when _Mech_ is actives engages a _Self-Destruction_ sequence and allows Engineer to leap away. _Self-Destruction_ destroys _Mech_ and consumes all _Power Charge_. _Self-Destruction_ deals a lot of AoE damage by default, but can have more effects with special Traits. _Self-Destruction_ effect are more powerful if more _Power Charge_ consumed.

> _Self-Destruction_ triggers automatically when all Power Charge is depleted, but with very weak effect.

> _Self-Destruction_ has a short time window that allows player to choose where to leap away.


> ## PROS:

> * Reliable long range option

> * Good constant single target damage as well as multi-target chain damage

> * Good sustain and bunker potential with Mech-suit

> * Engaging gameplay that encourages constant switching between long range damaging and close range tanking and CCing

> * **No AI involved**


> ## CONS:

> * Low synergy with Conditions

> * No in-build mobility except Mech's leap-in and Self-Destruction leap-away skills

> * Fairly long CDs

> * Toolbelt skills are locked in Mech-suit mode

> * Mech-suit attacks are slow and readable in PvP


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* "golemancer" would be a better name, given that that is already a thing mentioned in the game's lore

* the community has been pretty vocal in 100% not wanting ANY more AI or anything that even remotely looks like AI. If this mech/golem/whatever walks around and follows the player, it's already too much AI.

* condi removal on the 3rd hit of a weapon attack chain is super awkward to use.

* a knockback on skill 2 is kind of self-sabatoging. You charge in close only to knock them back? Why? Surely you want to charge to them, then combo it with the aoe slam on skill 3

* last 2 elite specs had melee weapons. Next one probably calls for medium or long range.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> eh...


> * "golemancer" would be a better name, given that that is already a thing mentioned in the game's lore

> * the community has been pretty vocal in 100% not wanting ANY more AI or anything that even remotely looks like AI. If this mech/golem/whatever walks around and follows the player, it's already too much AI.

> * condi removal on the 3rd hit of a weapon attack chain is super awkward to use.

> * a knockback on skill 2 is kind of self-sabatoging. You charge in close only to knock them back? Why? Surely you want to charge to them, then combo it with the aoe slam on skill 3

> * last 2 elite specs had melee weapons. Next one probably calls for medium or long range.


As I've said to a previous comment. I don't want to have more AIs. This is a mech suit that goes on top of players/rides with it like taimi's scruffy 2.0 or D.Va for that matter.


Yes weapon skills need more good ideas coz I didn't think about the weapons themselves. I just based it off guard mace auto which heals at the end. Any suggestions?

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As interesting as this is I'd rather have the AI pets and the Golemancer, with staff as the weapon. Make the Golems AI robots that perform similarly to Ranger pets but with each Golem's aspects/abilities determined by whichever of the respective turrets it's based on;


Support Golem(Healing Turret)

Bombardment Golem(MIssile Turret)

Gunnery Golem(Rifle Turret)

Thrash Golem(Thumper Turret)

Control Golem(Net Turret)

Pyro Golem(Flame Turret)


AI pets aren't the worst thing out there it would at least be something mobile for a change to distract other players from us and if anyone is in line to have them next I'd rather it was Engineers.


We'd be given Staff with a medium ranged(900 units) instant, electrical auto attack which would fork to other nearby targets around the intended target(five maximum) similar to the old rebounding attacks with Thief dual pistols. If passing through the Golem it would grant a small amount of healing as per druid staff -but only to the Golem. Certain ground target field/well attacks that would help to heal or defend the robot. In addition- for those who don't want to use staff we could still engage in melee with Tool kit and heal the Golems as we could with regular Turrets.


They would have synergies with Experimental Turrets pulsing their respective boons at intervals and with Purity of Purpose for support builds and receive additional healing from tool kit from players taking the Tools spec line. As well as benefiting from the explosives and firearms trees if wanting to take them solely for damage specs.


What's keeping me from wanting the combat suit E-spec is that that the concept takes away from the Asura racial elite skill. It's one of those things which makes Asura unique and fun to play as a race. Golemancer, with Golems based on Turrets, would at least build on something all Engineers, regardless of race, have access to.

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I'm just going to copy the prediction I posted on the thread about the "What New Elite Spec to Expect for 3rd Expac"

( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/42859/guess-what-new-specialization-your-profession-will-get )

I'd say we have a 50/50 chance of getting this:

> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Engie will become "Golemancer" and receive another set of aimless AI that lose their path, die in an instant and, most of the time, do nothing.


> - The elite spec mechanic will be a reflect-able marker projectile that you activate by selecting an enemy and pressing "F", making all your Golems randomly try to catch that guy with a random attack.

> - Using the Golems will consume a new resource, called "Psychic Link", which under 75% will root the Golemancer in place, and under 50% will put constant confusion on the Golemancer until he/she either stops using them or dies.

> - All the Golems will NOT look like asuran design, charr tech nor even similar to the royal watchknights, but will be based on the Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra style. And they will sound similar.

> - The elite spec weapon will be the greatsword. You will never wield it: you'll use it similar to warrior banners, sticking it in the ground to emit bonuses and orders to the golems. No, it will NOT have any effect on the user or allies. Only the golems.

> - The elite specialization equipment will consist on a Helmet called "[Mind](https://nypdecider.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/toys-that-made-us-spock-helmet.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1200 "Mind")" and a Greatsword called "[Control](https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-3218111-1-xjhziv8elkjvbn1mulkz.jpg "Control")". "Control" will have its own very helpful personality.



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Name it golemancer in your chase and please no more ai D: we have turrets and gyros already.


if we would get some range spec would be cool like someone above mentioned. Only melee is kinda boring :D ,however i want still a BATTLESUIT !

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To me, the Mechanist seems to be another defensive specialization.... like a scrapper with steroids, but we already have scrapper like a defensive specialization.



Anyway, if the new specialization have a teleport and no AI I would be happy. We are the only "Jack of all trades" that dont have teleports. 8(


On heavy armor, 2 classes had teleports (guard and rev), on light 2 classes aswel (ele and mesmer).... but on medium only one have it.


....and if that comes with a long range weapon, I will even clap with my ears xDDD


Actually, could be nice to have a specilization based movility with teleports/portals (different functionality than mesmer ones) called "Traveller" or a shit like that 8p



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If we're going with a Golemancer concept, I would want the controls scheme to be modeled after TitanFall, building on the Concept of the Power Suit elite from Asurans. Golem Customization is also brilliant in actually making this system work where previous ones have failed. 4 Slots for equipment defined as Melee, Ranged, Defense and Support, with the equipment choices defining the effects.


The question though is how handle utilities and the Tool belt. It could override the Tool belt to get access to the Golem skills, or it could be used to define the Golem's skills using modified versions. Mount up Ability would probably have to be the Elite skill as a Toggle. To address a number of issues with how the Golem is handled, F5 would have to Summon the Golem if its lost. When the Golem is Live, F5 becomes a ground target skill to command positioning, and pressed again to dismiss the golem back into "follow" mode.


Once mounted, the equipment choices become Utility skills, and improved on by having the pilot. Skills 1-5 become somewhat standard golem skills. Basic Melee on 1, a multi-hit melee on 2, ranged barrage on 3, ranged CC on 4, and Defense skill on 5. Healing skill becomes Auto repair for the Golem. I would also err on making it so if the golem dies while piloted, it downs the player; but also give a trait for auto eject.


For Espec utilities,..... this one I'm stuck on for a concept. I'm leaning strongly toward skills which share its effects with the Golem, or used to setup vulnerability that the golem can exploit. But its hard to think of something that wouldn't fit better if they were part of the F1-4 skills instead.

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> What's keeping me from wanting the combat suit E-spec is that that the concept takes away from the Asura racial elite skill. It's one of those things which makes Asura unique and fun to play as a race. Golemancer, with Golems based on Turrets, would at least build on something all Engineers, regardless of race, have access to.


Late reply ~ that's like saying we should delete engineer turrets because that concept takes away from the Sylvari racial skill seed turrets.

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I'd prefer a Golemancer over a Mechanist. Golemancer sticks better to the game's lore. Why does everyone hate AI so much? I've never found them completely useless and to be honest the Ranger's pets are a real pain at times, more so when I'm trying to rally and I have the Ranger shooting me with arrows and their pet is attacking too. I wouldn't think that a Golem that works as a pet wouldn't be that bad and they could always add additional golems with Living World updates that might help fix weaknesses that crop up down the line.

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I think this is an interesting concept that we are discussing. An elite spec that uses a battlesuit in some fashion would be pretty awesome, however we don't have a ranged spec (aside from pistols, all of our range requires turrets or kits). I think staff would work well as the weapon (even though I would like to see mace, not really my idea for a ranged weapon unless we go throwing hammers). As for the mechanic, I'm thinking maybe we keep the toolbelt, but each toolbelt skill changes into a different battlesuit version of itself when the suit is active. (kinda how the thief's stealth attacks are different when in deadeye). Still keep it support focused, Still call the utility skills augments, works with existing toolbelt skill traits like SD, makes the suit customizable by what utility skills you are using.


Just a thought.

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