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Armor Druid Heal


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Hey Guys,


im building a Druid Healer for Fraktals and Raids.

Atm i have alrdy 3 Harrier armor parts and the Weapons with Harrier stats.

So i still need 3 more Armor parts and the rings,back etc.


Should i get a full Harrier set? Or should i mix with Minstrel and Magi?

What is the best Setup for Druid? I read alot about full Harrier not optimal (overhealing)



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I would just do full Harrier, or at the very least do Harrier Armor and weapons and then either cleric or Magi accessories.


And it’s true that it does overhealing, but that’s not exactly a bad thing since your main goal is to buff allies with might and spirits and glyph of empowerment, healing is just a nice bonus.

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You're there for boons primary, heals secondary, cc thirdly, and personal dps a far distant 4th. I'd always error on the side of getting the best boon duration then maximizing healing potential while having decent self survivability. Squeaking out an extra 500-1000 dps because you're worried about overheal doesn't seem worth it to me. 99.9% of people won't notice how you cleared the fractal or raid boss 5 seconds quicker, but they will notice wiping because healing wasn't good enough.


Imo, go with ~65% harrier with a few pieces of minstrel. Something like [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQFAWm0riFGBDOqWVzqOjuSXMgJc9tCAA-jByGQBLVpyEVCSuLAgQ2fgnq/QQlVA4BAcTdACAKA-e). The only concern you have is sometimes bosses are tanked by the player with the highest toughness. Just make sure whoever is tanking has higher than you do (1383 is not very high).

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I've been doing fractals and raids for a long time. Just go with full harriers man. You won't need the extra toughness with the amount sustain you have. I mean with qucikdraw and your warhorn. You have never ending might and regen. So staying alive shouldn't be a problem. Also who the heck is tanking with 1383 armor lol.

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