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Loot box open & more loot box & bags, open more loot box & potions & so on...

Vieux P.1238

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I'm just sick & tired opening loot boxes to find more loot boxes & more bags to open. & when you done opening them, there's more loot boxes to open.

Can we just open 1 loot box & just drops all the loot in ur bags plz.

**Opening so many loot boxes in Gw2 has the most unrewarding feel attach to it. **

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> I'm just sick & tired opening loot boxes to find more loot boxes & more bags to open. & when you done opening them, there's more loot boxes to open.

> Can we just open 1 loot box & just drops all the loot in ur bags plz.

> **Opening so many loot boxes in Gw2 has the most unrewarding feel attach to it. **


that what happen when you farm PVP if you want less box to open go istan and sell all

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> I'm just sick & tired opening loot boxes to find more loot boxes & more bags to open. & when you done opening them, there's more loot boxes to open.

> Can we just open 1 loot box & just drops all the loot in ur bags plz.

> **Opening so many loot boxes in Gw2 has the most unrewarding feel attach to it. **


That sounds good on paper, but in practice, if everything dropped instantly into inventory, we (as a community) would quickly start to take all of the loot for granted and forget how much we're actually getting in mats. As a case in point: spirit shards drop automatically into inventory these days at a fairly decent clip from foe deaths and champ bags (among other sources), and yet there are tons of people who still think the only way to obtain them is to max masteries and farm XP.


Another advantage to the current system is that allows us to save loot until we are ready to process it. For example, I dump into the bank all those _loot boxes of loot bags of loot_. When I have "a lot", then I open in one session. I consequently (a) spend less time processing loot and (b) get to choose when I process versus when I play. Paired with things like the PvP bank or the Obsidian Sanctum (or various convenience items), GW2's loot is more manageable for me than just about any game I've ever played.


And finally, overhauling loot tables is a massive undertaking. It's hard to change the system without upsetting a variety of delicately-achieved economic equilibria. That's why, for example, HoT & Vanilla Tyria loot still used the older styles. That's why there continue to be 20 kinds of _Fallen Adventurer's Backpacks_ and 25 kinds of _Gilded Strongboxes_.


I think it's worth ANet's time to consider what sort of changes they'd make and how. But I think 98 times out of a 100, they'll conclude that the costs outweigh the benefits. At least, until some future expansion where they hit on a new underlying mechanic that makes it all worth the time it will take.


tl;dr there some advantages with the current system and even if there weren't, it's incredibly costly to change it

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> I'm talking about loot boxes that feel's like your opening Matryoshka doll

> https://corriegus.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/semenov_traditional_nesting_doll_1.jpg



Good idea for an in-game April Fool's joke. For 24 hours nothing drops loot, only more bags that are inside of other bags.


But yeah, I hear you. I've often thought that matches played should yield a bit more silver and reward tracks should maybe give more direct currency to use like dungeon tokens or currency for maps, rather than Matryoshka dolls. Judging from Na's post though, I'm sure this is more difficult than balance than it seems though.


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