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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"Thefarside.2178" said:

> > Wait, tomorrow morning? You guys are calling it a day? Players/fans/loyalist have waited over 10 hours and you are waiting until tomorrow? Got it.


> To be fair, the programmers/network people have been hammering at this for just as long. They need rest and time to let things settle in their brains. Tired programmers trying to fix a bug are a good way to make it worse.


> And I'm sure they're going to have a few people running some tests and checking a few things tonight, so they have more information to hand the fixers tomorrow morning. I may freely blame ANet for how bad this is going, but all the blame in the world doesn't give the fixers greater endurance.


I understand this point, however, I've worked as a Production Support/Admin and now dev at this point, we'd have to at least stay long enough to get the previous version up and running while the fixes are worked on.

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please treat the devs as normal human beings. they're no machines. they still become tired, exhausted etc.. of course it is annoying not being able to play, but *beep* happens and the they will roll out a patch when the breaking bugs are fixed. (not the scarabs and roller beetles of course ;) )


be kind. It's still just a game. <3

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The issues in game aren't the thing that bothers me most, it's the fact that it's become a regular thing with Living World releases. It's especially more unforgivable when you delay the release a few weeks from the normal cadence for "quality" standards. I REALLY hope that internally people are being held accountable and that there is a SERIOUS discussion on how to not let this happen again, because if not, you will be losing a lot of players not willing to put up with this.

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The game, yes, has crashed many times. But everyone needs to keep a straight head. I know how much we all want to see what happens next, or just really want that new mount :). ArenaNet is trying very hard to fix this issue. I know were all excited, but just get a nice warm cup of milk, go to sleep, and wake up tomorrow morning when the issue will most likely be fixed. Good luck players! :)

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> @"Sapphire Artemis.3062" said:

> > @"Thefarside.2178" said:

> > Wait, tomorrow morning? You guys are calling it a day? Players/fans/loyalist have waited over 10 hours and you are waiting until tomorrow? Got it.


> It's not the first time we've had to wait a day. Head of the Snake was delayed entirely for about 25 hours (A blizzard knocked out the studio's power). These things *happen*. Chill. Wait. Go back to other maps and grab some Mastery Points you don't have yet. Mount is gonna need a lot of them. Or do the Fractal. Or play another game. It's not like we pay a sub fee for GW2.



Jormag decided to troll us and only Balthazar knows why. Now Joko is doing the same thing because he's an evil mofo x3

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> @"webtoehobbit.4201" said:

> The issues in game aren't the thing that bothers me most, it's the fact that it's become a regular thing with Living World releases. It's especially more unforgivable when you delay the release a few weeks from the normal cadence for "quality" standards. I REALLY hope that internally people are being held accountable and that there is a SERIOUS discussion on how to not let this happen again, because if not, you will be losing a lot of players not willing to put up with this.


Umm... No that never solves issues: https://codeascraft.com/2012/05/22/blameless-postmortems/

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this is not the first time on guild wars 2 history with story login problems !

No Comunication on german Forum


Why say the patch notes Problem is fixed.

Login to sotry is possible max time in story 2 mins then game crash


Fix the Problem @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258"

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> @"Sapphire Artemis.3062" said:

> > @"Thefarside.2178" said:

> > Wait, tomorrow morning? You guys are calling it a day? Players/fans/loyalist have waited over 10 hours and you are waiting until tomorrow? Got it.


> It's not the first time we've had to wait a day. Head of the Snake was delayed entirely for about 25 hours (A blizzard knocked out the studio's power). These things *happen*. Chill. Wait. Go back to other maps and grab some Mastery Points you don't have yet. Mount is gonna need a lot of them. Or do the Fractal. Or play another game. It's not like we pay a sub fee for GW2.



You're talking at Serious Gamers. Whenever a patch drops and anything goes wrong at all, they throw a screaming tantrum the entire time until they get distracted and run off after the shiny. They're people with no experience at game development and design who think they're experts, who think they're owed everything for spending almost nothing, and who have no idea how pretty much every MMOG is. SWTOR? Good luck, you might get to log in a day or two after a content patch - because that's how long it takes to patch. Anything from Blizzard? Try next week, they might have things working after the servers stop crashing. You name it, every MMO suffers it, every one of these people shriek about it every single time. Like clockwork, because they demand instant gratification.

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guys if you actually read what Gail said:

"We will **continue to work** on the remaining issues and will **post an update tomorrow morning** to let you know the status of those efforts."

meaning they're still going to try and fix it asap, its just the community management team probably wants to go home. Give them time, coding shit gets complicated~

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