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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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> @"SlothPowah.1072" said:

> Gamedev is really hard dude. I'm just as frustrated as you about this, but whining about it won't make it happen faster.

Really? I'm not a game developer but, in fact, I'm a developer and if I am responsible of something like this I would get inmediately fired.


Don't tell me what should I can be whining about.



> @"Scarr.5964" said:

> I'm frustrated too, but it's not like they're lazy. I'm sure that there are several developers much more frustrated than you trying to fix it, also this is more or less free content...just wanna put that in context. Chill dude, you must have something else you can do for a second.


It's free content, but maybe we bought the game because they said this would be free so... It's free cause it must be free.


Not a second, 10 hours and those that remain. And I'm mad because it happens every time they implement something in the game; they break it. It's a nonsense!




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> @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> You clearly have no idea how production deployments of incredibly load intensive, complex systems work. No amount of testing on an application like this can test every variable that is brought on by thousands of players accessing the backend at once. It can be simulated, sure, but it's still a simulation and it sure cannot test against human ingenuity on how the game is played/used. This happens, get over it. This is nothing compared to some of the head scratching outages and bugs I've had to deal with in my career.


If the issue was on the new instances alone it would be one thing, when it affects the entire game, don't expect me to be sympathetic towards them. In the end, it's not my job to know how they do their job, I am here as a paying customer, expecting a working product. This is not what they delivered today, they delivered something broken that affected everything else in the game.

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> @"NEOTHEGAMER.9824" said:

> I Think the devs rushed this ep, i know that this should have been out a long while ago , but common guys try to give time to the devs for 1 more day(hopefully that will be enough)


No! the time was long enough


I think the devs at home sleeping and the intent`s try to fix the problems

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> @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> > @"Jazun.5862" said:

> > I adore that there are so many people that are sympathetic to Devs and the technology teams that are working on fixes for this issue but i have to say the real issue here is the release should have been rolled back by now. If your deployment strategy doesn't allow this it's time to look at the architectural decisions that were made that prevent this. I'm a DevOps engineer and i manage multiple deployment systems on very large production systems and i understand multi-platform systems like this are very complicated and hidden issues can come up. There are good arguments for ANet to take a better look at their deployment strategies and implementing configuration managed full stack environments is probably one of them but regardless of your environment or where you're at architecturally now, roll back strategies are principle to all deployment systems.

> >

> > I wish the devs good luck in hunting them bugs and fixing these issues but a serious look at your deployment strategy and SRE policies needs to be done in the post mortem of this incident.


> While I whole heartedly agree with you (DevOps Engineer here as well), I don't think games have the DevOps capability that many other software applications have. They take a LOT more time to build and roll back (from what I can tell) and it seems that the Game Development industry as a whole is very much still in the Waterfall Development process. The few game devs I've talked to (some fairly well know, most are not) are very resistant to Agile and DevOps methodologies.


That's very disappointing to hear but it does bare witness to a lot of the terrible deployments I've seen come from the gaming industry.

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> @"LPTimme.6173" said:

> please treat the devs as normal human beings. they're no machines. they still become tired, exhausted etc.. of course it is annoying not being able to play, but *beep* happens and the they will roll out a patch when the breaking bugs are fixed. (not the scarabs and roller beetles of course ;) )


> be kind. It's still just a game. <3


No, it's a service!

Which they didn't provide...

If your Internet went down because they messed up something, you'd be up their case all day! Same thing here, they messed up, their incompetence impacted people's lives in a real way. You can be a fan boy all day long, but that doesn't stop the matter that this is unacceptable, especially from a release that was already delayed to "polish it"... If this is "polished", i wouldn't want to see a "rough" release... What would that do? Format your hard-drives?

It's not like they're doing this out of the goodness of their hearts! The Roller beetle was designed to get people back into the game, and to sell skins.

Their silence about skin packs is another sign of their "goodwill"!


This is not the first time these issues arise, they should have had enough time to figure out where these connectivity issues when joining instances arise from and solve it.

They didn't do it, and this is just the worse kind of publicity. What kind of game company that has been on the "MMORPG" (GW1 wasn't a real MMORPG) business for 14 years, and has a nearly 6 year old game, and still fails a release this spectacularly and completely.

Not only that, but Living world has been the last shred of quality this game has, PvP is a stain, WvW is a joke, PvE is the only redeeming feature this game has left, and the latest releases have consistently come with issues and delays.

If people that have been playing this consistently for the last almost 6 years are questioning why they're still doing this, you can bet your pants that the influx of people that came in from Bless's flop will too!



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> @"MuddWolf.3586" said:

> The game, yes, has crashed many times. But everyone needs to keep a straight head. I know how much we all want to see what happens next, or just really want that new mount :). ArenaNet is trying very hard to fix this issue. I know were all excited, but just get a nice warm cup of milk, go to sleep, and wake up tomorrow morning when the issue will most likely be fixed. Good luck players! :)


The problem is They gave a promise that on this day the patch would be up and people had faith to believe it... However, this was not the case and I speak for many fans that truly love this game and work full time job that when we put time off to enjoy this new content and the are unable to play it on the day promised and will have to wait several days more till the next time you can play is extremely frustrating. When i go to sleep tonight i wake up at 4 am go to work at 5 am get off at 5 pm and have other obligations till 7-8pm then go to bead and repeat till the next off day. So now the day I set aside for this date they promised is well half wasted... I understand they are trying but there is no harm in stalling release another week to ensure this doesnt happen. I love this game and the way they do business, but it doesnt mean im not disappointed that I set time aside for this game.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> This afternoon’s build corrected several bugs and issues, but we want you to know that we’re aware that not all issues were fully corrected with the build, including one blocking player progress in “Forearmed is Forewarned.” We will continue to work on the remaining issues and will post an update tomorrow morning to let you know the status of those efforts.


> We sincerely apologize for the delay and thank you for your continued patience. Please know that we understand the impact this is having and we are doing what we can to resolve this quickly and get everyone into the episode. We’re looking forward as much as you are to this being resolved and everyone being able to play.


--- Sorry it's been an aggravating day for Anet. Thing's will hopefully improve in to tonight and in to tomorrow. May you all get some good rest and see you back tomorrow Anet!

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I just want to say a big "thank you" to the devs for working hard on this issue and correcting it. I mean technically this is all free content and I certainly have no right to whine about it not working properly. (I totally would if I had to pay monthly subscription). Keep up the good work! Looking forward to the beetle mount!

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> @"Hunter.6950" said:

> The patch was clearly not ready for today/this week. I'm pretty disappointed. In other new the fractal was nice and a great throw back to GW1.



Actually it was, the error was a total surprise and no amount of time would have fixed it since it had something to do with the patch going truly live

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Well, it's been a rather frustrating hour of getting completely disconnected from the game during the first new story instance and then not being able to log in, getting the 1083:5:7:1595:101 on every single character on my account. Hoping that they fix this issue tomorrow.

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"With the amount of gameplay and breadth of content in Living World, we noticed that we had an opportunity to make some adjustments to how we approach developing each episode that will help us hit our quality standards more consistently."Rubi Bayer May 29th18



Well good job Anet! This was the so called quality you were talking about? :D

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Yeah it's frustrating, I'm sure everyone of us was hyped about the new ep, but blaming the team won't solve it.

The thing I don't get, is why gw2 doesn't have any test server (such as overwatch has) where they can release it and test it and stuff. I think something like that could help prevent this kind of situation.

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> @"Kirigaya Kazuto.8547" said:

> "With the amount of gameplay and breadth of content in Living World, we noticed that we had an opportunity to make some adjustments to how we approach developing each episode that will help us hit our quality standards more consistently."Rubi Bayer May 29th18

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41775/season-4-episode-3-is-on-the-horizon#latest


> Well good job Anet! This was the so called quality you were talking about? :D


It is! The cs trash works flawlessly!

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> @"Exdrell.6934" said:

> Yeah it's frustrating, I'm sure everyone of us was hyped about the new ep, but blaming the team won't solve it.

> The thing I don't get, is why gw2 doesn't have any test server (such as overwatch has) where they can release it and test it and stuff. I think something like that could help prevent this kind of situation.


Agreed. A PTR or similar sort of beta server would definitely help mitigate these sorts of issues on big days like this. Would probably take some time to implement, but would be definitely be worth it.

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