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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> The thing is, this is a business that has taken your money. You are not the employee, you are the consumer. If you were the employee and screwed up your job this badly, you would be rightfully yelled at.


> The moral is, don't kitten up your job regardless of your profession.



If life was so black and white, but it never is. If one person did their job perfectly, does the consumer sort them out from the others who made a mistake? Or vice versa? No, they don't care. They want to blame something to justify their negativity. Like I pointed out before, there's patches for just about every game that exists today. To fix things, even small things. Which means that every game that gets patched isn't perfect. And we only take notice when it ruins what we're doing. And yet there will always be a new patch for things we may never encounter ourselves, but still exist. Do we get mad because we have maybe a one in a million chance of some bug happening, or do we get mad when we actually encounter something? The only reason "The customer is always right" is because you can't argue with them even when you're right. You missed the point about when I said imagine you being the dev when things happen. You will always get blamed even when things are out of your personal hands. How often do we care to stop and think about it? How much easier it is to just point a finger at someone involved and cast blame. Your post just reinforces how entitled we have become. And to be technical, no one pays for living world content. It's free content. :3



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What I find most concerning is that even after delaying the release of this chapter by almost a month, we STILL have such game-breaking bugs, and of a level and severity that we haven't seen before. (I mean, nobody could even get to the new map for hours after launch, and although the Network Error 1083 bug seems to have been fixed now, lag spikes are still atrocious.) If ANet is telling the truth about these bugs not showing up during their testing, then I can only conclude that the flaws lie in third-party infrastructure like Amazon's servers. ANet really needs to consider dumping them and going back to their old servers (or, if they're locked into a contract, NOT renewing it once it expires.)

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> @"Silitha The Mystical.5480" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > This or something like it does happen with every single lw release. It even happens with expansion launches. It's time for anet to start functioning like a business and deliver on promises to paying customers.


> Oh really? Since when? Please explain. Oh wait, you can't because something this bad hasn't happened before. There has NEVER been a bug this bad with ANY living story. That is a fact. Sure there are some connectivity issues for some users but not for everyone like this one has. Again, get off your high horse and quit crying like a spoiled brat. You must be new to the gaming community or something. lmfao. Have fun in your little "everything has to be perfect" world!



You are wrong, it actually did happen with the last LS episode prior to this one. You probably weren't here for the launch of that LS episode or you don't remember.

And it actually happened for all the episode in LS4. And yes, they did have to fix it in the night for us European so no one in Europe that was not home the next day could play until the evening.


This disconnecting issue is more likely to be caused by a bad sizing (both in quantity and in specs for each one of them) of the servers. This is called SCALING, you have to be certain that your system can be scaled very fast.

I know what I'm talking about since I work in the IT department of a big company and we had some issues because of that.

You have always to be prepared for the worst case scenario of how many people are connecting for that particular event and what that means in terms of overall performance (servers, network, application). If you don't do that you have some issues like this one here.

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> @"Silitha The Mystical.5480" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > This or something like it does happen with every single lw release. It even happens with expansion launches. It's time for anet to start functioning like a business and deliver on promises to paying customers.


> Oh really? Since when? Please explain. Oh wait, you can't because something this bad hasn't happened before. There has NEVER been a bug this bad with ANY living story. That is a fact. Sure there are some connectivity issues for some users but not for everyone like this one has. Again, get off your high horse and quit crying like a spoiled brat. You must be new to the gaming community or something. lmfao. Have fun in your little "everything has to be perfect" world!



This happens every new living story, either you can't get in at all, or it let's you complete a portion of it then kicks you out without credit. Pof's launch was plagued by this. I was one of the first done with it, I had to play every episode several times.


I, like many other people with decades of online gaming experience, also know how to use a forum search function. Take a look at the posts that flood this board at every lw launch.


Perfect isn't possible, but functional sure is. And that is what we should rightfully expect, not some untested and delayed bullshit.

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> @"Cercie.1025" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > The thing is, this is a business that has taken your money. You are not the employee, you are the consumer. If you were the employee and screwed up your job this badly, you would be rightfully yelled at.

> >

> > The moral is, don't kitten up your job regardless of your profession.



> If life was so black and white, but it never is. If one person did their job perfectly, does the consumer sort them out from the others who made a mistake? Or vice versa? No, they don't care. They want to blame something to justify their negativity. Like I pointed out before, there's patches for just about every game that exists today. To fix things, even small things. Which means that every game that gets patched isn't perfect. And we only take notice when it ruins what we're doing. And yet there will always be a new patch for things we may never encounter ourselves, but still exist. Do we get mad because we have maybe a one in a million chance of some bug happening, or do we get mad when we actually encounter something? The only reason "The customer is always right" is because you can't argue with them even when you're right. You missed the point about when I said imagine you being the dev when things happen. You will always get blamed even when things are out of your personal hands. How often do we care to stop and think about it? How much easier it is to just point a finger at someone involved and cast blame. Your post just reinforces how entitled we have become. And to be technical, no one pays for living world content. It's free content. :3




If a fast food restaurant forgets your fries, do you go back and ask for them or do you say 'fuck me, I guess they're having a hard day' and go home? Accountability for a business is not optional, it is mandatory.


They market the game as having this content, then fail to deliver.

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> @"Lyanna.9875" said:

> > @"Silitha The Mystical.5480" said:

> > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > This or something like it does happen with every single lw release. It even happens with expansion launches. It's time for anet to start functioning like a business and deliver on promises to paying customers.

> >

> > Oh really? Since when? Please explain. Oh wait, you can't because something this bad hasn't happened before. There has NEVER been a bug this bad with ANY living story. That is a fact. Sure there are some connectivity issues for some users but not for everyone like this one has. Again, get off your high horse and quit crying like a spoiled brat. You must be new to the gaming community or something. lmfao. Have fun in your little "everything has to be perfect" world!

> >


> You are wrong, it actually did happen with the last LS episode prior to this one. You probably weren't here for the launch of that LS episode or you don't remember.

> And it actually happened for all the episode in LS4. And yes, they did have to fix it in the night for us European so no one in Europe that was not home the next day could play until the evening.



Not wrong. Played that day, no problems for me. And same with all previous.

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Just tried to go into the instance for the attack on the city and, welp. There goes my client. Can't log into any characters anywhere in the game \o/


I think it's whatever this thread is but ya. Good job on the major bug, anet! I'm just going to wait for the fix I guess...Not like I can do anything else right now :(

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I, too, had an issue getting back into the game after trying to do the instance with the last patch. After getting dc'd I logged into a character that was parked in central Tyria (Rata Sum). It took a couple of times but got logged onto that char. Once I did, I logged back onto the char that was kicked from the LS instance in Desert Highlands with no problem then hopped onto another char and continued to game with no problems.


Please do not include me in your "everyone" statements. I have not had issues like this with every LS, nor have I had many issues at all. (btw, I have over 12k hours in the game). It is understandable that peoples expectations have not been met, but they are your expectations. Anet is working on the problem. This was obviously an unexpected problem and perhaps one that did not show in their testing. I doubt very much that they planned to release the content knowing this problem was present and that they would spend the next 12-24 hours fixing it. To assume so is unwise.


After returning to GWs from a little hiatus in another game, it is refreshing and comforting to be back "home" with a company of people who genuinely care about the game they are producing. It shows. It shows in the content, the artwork, the QoL upgrades, the dialogues ... everywhere you look. To many, however, who have only played this game for years they do not realize how awful it is 'out there' with other companies who don't care.


I commend Anet for continuing to keep us updated on their progress and their hard work. Many companies do not, but instead leave people guessing. I commend Anet for continuously bringing us new content (not reskinned content), and all of the other new goodies that comes with every new Living Story, expansion, et al. It is a lot of work and it is greatly appreciated.

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Issues occur with every patch in any game on varying scales. There's no way for developers to feasibly test how things will interact in the live environment with all the users connected. While I don't agree that every patch has a game-stopping bug that hits on this large of a scale, each release still receives multiple corrective patches in the week(s) post GoLive. This is literally how all games in the industry work, and every company that updates their games runs the risk of a bad roll out regardless of the internal testing done.


This issue is hitting at a really bad time, which is making it feel worse than it is. We're more than a full month beyond the latest proposed release window set in the release cadence. That isn't a fun feeling, and we're ALL equal in the fact that those posting here are anxious to get their hands on the new content. Unfortunately, that didn't play out today. Some unforeseen kitten crap hit the fan, and instead of sitting idly-by, Anet got all hands on deck to start figuring out why and correct it so we could get to playing! You can argue that this is their job, but at the end of the day this job ain't flippin' burgers. It's a collective endeavor vested in coming up with ways to push an aged engine to do things it was never meant to, and dammit if they don't have a knack for achieving amazing things!


Ultimately? Yes. This sucks. Not just for us, but for the devs too. They don't spend months and months working on content for it to break. They make it to be played; To be experienced. They make this game for us. So when things don't go as planned, it's not just you that has to deal with it. It's all of us; Devs and players alike. Anet is on top of this, and I'm sure everyone over there is stressed out beyond belief! We all understand that you're upset that you can't play your video game right this moment. We all are... but consider that this game isn't just a hobby or escape for the devs. It's their job. Their livelihood. Maybe lay off them with the complaints and entitlement for a day and let them get their work done so we can all enjoy this long-awaited and much-anticipated episode together.


The episode is coming out. You'll be playing The Quick and the Chitinous: Tyria Drift before you know it! Now let's be chill, keep reporting updates from our end, and do our part to get this fixed!

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Issues with Forewarned seem to be fixed, at least for me. Was able to complete it and exit with no problems. Got into the new map and was able to run around and do stuff with no issues at all. Tried to do the last mission, Be My Guest, and was kicked out with the same network error as before that everyone else has been having today. Cant log in anymore. I'm very glad they got the issues seemingly fixed with the Forewarned mission but now it seems they need to work on the last one. Hopefully, this will be a great learning opportunity for all those who design and implement living story. Its not bad/broken/failed content if you learn from it. Be patient guys, there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel.

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A lot of people have managed to get in and are doing the story and missions without much issue at the moment.


I'm on an NA server and it's getting to be the quiet hours. Perhaps what happened was a massive congestion issue? This new chapter may have been hyped a little too hard due to the announcement of the new mount and all.


Remaining issues, glitches, and bugs are sure to be fixed within the coming day with staff having worked on it all of this one until it was time to go home. I'm quite happy with the results of what they could accomplish so far--such as rolling back my character to gain dialogue that I missed during a glitch.


Nothing is perfect. If something isn't working, the best you can do is report it and do something else for a little while until it's fixed. Especially those of you claiming that all of your characters are trapped in loading limbo! Report whatever errors there are so this can be fixed up thoroughly. And most of all: Be patient. Even I sat around and waited about 6 hours in the Griffon Parking Lot before deciding to go play something else for a little while.

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> @"Luna.9640" said:

> Infinite loading or a Crash to character select or both.


> ![Edit: Add random Network Error too ](https://i.imgur.com/svPG4si.png "")


> Feeling kinda salty but we had to wait extra weeks just so the very 1st instance turned out to be bugged and an-accessible ?


> And this is not the first time LS instance get same bug - it happened few times in the past but seems like devs can't fix it.


getting this in Domain Of Kourna at the star of the "blast your way into the moon fortress" instance.


As soon as canach goes to blow the door (or just before) while fighting off the undead, i have gotten this disconnect at least 5x.... each time i get the network error... it locks my character out for at least 10 minutes.


I have gotten the network error also outside in the open areas a few times as well.

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> @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> > @"Luna.9640" said:

> > Infinite loading or a Crash to character select or both.

> >

> > ![Edit: Add random Network Error too ](https://i.imgur.com/svPG4si.png "")

> >

> > Feeling kinda salty but we had to wait extra weeks just so the very 1st instance turned out to be bugged and an-accessible ?

> >

> > And this is not the first time LS instance get same bug - it happened few times in the past but seems like devs can't fix it.


> getting this in Domain Of Kourna at the star of the "blast your way into the moon fortress" instance.


> As soon as canach goes to blow the door (or just before) while fighting off the undead, i have gotten this disconnect at least 5x.... each time i get the network error... it locks my character out for at least 10 minutes.


> I have gotten the network error also outside in the open areas a few times as well.


oops sorry... quest is called "be my guest"

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> @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> > @"Luna.9640" said:

> > Infinite loading or a Crash to character select or both.

> >

> > ![Edit: Add random Network Error too ](https://i.imgur.com/svPG4si.png "")

> >

> > Feeling kinda salty but we had to wait extra weeks just so the very 1st instance turned out to be bugged and an-accessible ?

> >

> > And this is not the first time LS instance get same bug - it happened few times in the past but seems like devs can't fix it.


> getting this in Domain Of Kourna at the star of the "blast your way into the moon fortress" instance.


Yes me too..



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Also having issues with Be My Guest. Initially I crashed right after the cutscene after the explosion at the gates. Then, once I skipped it, I was able to get to later portions. However I dc'd again partway through. Later on it logged a check point for me, first in the sewers and then in torture room, but it took many more disconnects before it updated to them. Now whenever I try to make a little more progress I disconnect faster and faster. I haven't been able to make it past the first hall way and my furthest completion was the hallway with the frost traps.


As an aside, a guild mate said they didn't get an option for skipping the cutscene at all and then crashed immediately afterwards as well. She hasn't tried again.

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