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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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Not sure if this helps/has been said before b u t, mine was fine starting the story, i was about half finished i think when weird things like mounts stopped working, character began attacking on his own, etc, then i got disconnected like everyone else. Couldnt log in since on that character on the newest map but can log in on any other character if theyre not on that map. Servers maybe cant handle the amount of people hopping on the new episode ? Not sure, either way, hope its fixed soon.

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Just been reading through all posts in this thread and I think I may have a new one to add to the list... Was working on “a bug in the system” when it changed from one step to the next it came up with “this is not your instance...” at the start of the chat; not being in a group/party etc it seemed a tad strange!


It sounds like the inter-server switching has a bug ? Whether this is in game code or Amazon servers not keeping up with the game I would not like to guess at. I know how difficult it is to test things in the sandbox and then face new obstacles when going live. Keep up the good work devs and see you on the other side ;-)

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Yesterday I couldn't enter the Forearmed is Forewarned instance. My game always crashed. Today, it seemed I could enter the instance, and then there was a dialogue. Then, I had to stun an Awakened. I don't know how though, it said I had to use some skill to stun it. An arrow was pointing to my skill bar, but I couldn't find it. After some time, I gave up looking for the skill and walked towards the Awakened. Just before I was in range, the game crashed. The difference with yesterday is that the music kept playing and that the game didn't go back to the launcher. I'm going to wait a few hours now before I'm going to try it again and do something else. Let's hope it'll be fixed! Good luck Anet!

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Well, 3 times tried the Be my Guest, 3 times disconnects and network errors after. This has to be the worst LS release (technical-wise) ever so far, Anet. Never before have you released something with so many bugs and disconnects. I prefer to wait longer for something stable so that I can enjoy the story and lore behind than to go through something half-arsed and buggy. Because if you have us try to log in every five minutes, first it takes the fun out of it and second - it's poor performance on your side.


So, both love you and hate you right now. :/

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my game lost connection after timi deployed the eneryshield at the gate of the moonfortress and I got the error game-client lost connection Code = 7:11:3:191:101

restarting the game and logging in with another charakter reset the instance for the charakter who was trowen out.

by my second attemt to the instance i got trowen out while chasing braham with the same error as before

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"LPTimme.6173" said:

> > please treat the devs as normal human beings. they're no machines. they still become tired, exhausted etc.. of course it is annoying not being able to play, but *beep* happens and the they will roll out a patch when the breaking bugs are fixed. (not the scarabs and roller beetles of course ;) )

> >

> > be kind. It's still just a game. <3


> No, it's a service!

> Which they didn't provide...

> If your Internet went down because they messed up something, you'd be up their case all day! Same thing here, they messed up, their incompetence impacted people's lives in a real way. You can be a fan boy all day long, but that doesn't stop the matter that this is unacceptable, especially from a release that was already delayed to "polish it"... If this is "polished", i wouldn't want to see a "rough" release... What would that do? Format your hard-drives?

> It's not like they're doing this out of the goodness of their hearts! The Roller beetle was designed to get people back into the game, and to sell skins.

> Their silence about skin packs is another sign of their "goodwill"!


> This is not the first time these issues arise, they should have had enough time to figure out where these connectivity issues when joining instances arise from and solve it.

> They didn't do it, and this is just the worse kind of publicity. What kind of game company that has been on the "MMORPG" (GW1 wasn't a real MMORPG) business for 14 years, and has a nearly 6 year old game, and still fails a release this spectacularly and completely.

> Not only that, but Living world has been the last shred of quality this game has, PvP is a stain, WvW is a joke, PvE is the only redeeming feature this game has left, and the latest releases have consistently come with issues and delays.

> If people that have been playing this consistently for the last almost 6 years are questioning why they're still doing this, you can bet your pants that the influx of people that came in from Bless's flop will too!





i just can repeat myself. everybody makes mistakes. the content is FREE and u cant always test all bugs beforehand. bugs will always appear that's pretty normal and testing things internally or live under much more stressed servers etc. DOES make a huge difference.


But as well as i am called a "fanboy", guys with such unnecessary negativity might just be called "haters".

I don't know why i try to explain logical things to people who just dont want to try to understand.


Have fun hating i dont have the energy to argument with people full of anger and negativity.

I won't answer anymore.



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Can people stop pretending that we haven't paid for this? It's produced with a portion of the profits that we provided by buying Path of Fire, and general upkeep from their insanely successful Gem Store. People have every right to complain and criticise Anet for the state of this launch, because they've paid for it. It's a service, the service isn't working. Gucci.

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Just now, after selecting a character that is stationed in the Desolation, not the Desert Highlands:


**"Network error.**


**Please check your Internet connection and try again. (Code=1083:5:7:1596:101)"**


I still have not reached the new map, still waiting on "Forearmed Is Forewarned." ;)



> @"Nikita.6192" said:

> Anet also STILL hasn't managed to fix the 'switch to WIN10 Desktop', when you move to another zone. I was hoping this would have been finally addressed with this patch, but seems to be too much to handle.


I don't think that's an issue on the game's side but rather with Windows 10, no?

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> @"Ynvir.4079" said:

> I prefer to wait longer for something stable so that I can enjoy the story and lore behind than to go through something half-kitten and buggy.


It doesn't seem like you prefer to wait longer to avoid the bugs if you've tried it three times already. If you really did, you would have caught on that this was a poor release and just waited it out. No one is forcing you to play it on the release date.


At this point people should just expect to hold on for a day, all LS patches are like this. That's not in defense of Anet, it's just how it is.

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> @"Twyn.7320" said:

> Can people stop pretending that we haven't paid for this? It's produced with a portion of the profits that we provided by buying Path of Fire, and general upkeep from their insanely successful Gem Store. People have every right to complain and criticise Anet for the state of this launch, because they've paid for it. It's a service, the service isn't working. Gucci.


Sometimes shit happens, they're fixing it so you'll get your service, your whining won't speed up the process. Gucci (whatever the heck that is)

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I was laughing at Taimi's pun on the much hated bounty ambushes last night: _"But we can send you now to prepare for the battle. Make sure we're not transported in an ambush. Ha, ha."_


Today I am more like, "Okay, Taimi, I _think_ I'd prefer an ambush over not being able to proceed with the story." ;)


> @"Shizlam.4310" said:

> Gucci (whatever the heck that is)

I was wondering the same thing. Gucci is a famous, overpriced designer brand. What it has to do with anything is beyond me.

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I really think this topic page needs to be shut down by the devs. Too many rude people complaining here. The devs are not robots. They're human beings with human levels of being able to do things before getting tired. Learn some patience please players. No game should be considered real life ever.

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People complaining that Dev's didn't stay till later trying to fix problems, You really don't want tired people working on fixing issues like this they likely to create more. They will fix it but they are human and need sleep themselves to work well.

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