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Can we start fixing relevant bugs to gameplay before fashion?

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It really grinds my gears when things like this:

Reduced clipping on the Primeval Dervish Outfit's skirt for norn characters when walking backward.

Get put as priority to fix over things like a skill not working as intended. I asked in post a while ago for some attention to a specific skill. it would really mean alot to me if you guys fixed shortbow #2 for thief.


The problem: you blast a smoke combo field and if an enemy is in the blast radius it reveals you instead.

The fix: make it like Heart Seeker. you hit the person first then you go into stealth. pretty simple.


please, thank you, and have a nice day.

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Why would you want armor modeler fix game bugs unrelated to armors?


Also this is not a bug. Attacks reveal you and blasts like cluster bomb are attacks. If there's an enemy in the blast radius, you're revealed because you attacked it. Take better care before blasting smokefield, or use shadow refuge when surrounded by enemies.

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The difference is in the finisher type:

- Leaps apply the stealth at the end of animation, because this moves you out of the field and limits how often it can be repeated. Therefore if you hit someone before it ends you will still stealth. Plus only the player using it gets stealth.

- Blasts are instant, and offer way more in terms of utility as it stealthes your whole party. The offset is naturally that you get revealed if you hit an enemy, this is to avoid people being able to just stand in one spot and have infinite stealth while doing damage.


In conclusion:

The devs are very careful with which skills they give leap or blast finishers, and which that do damage or not. This comes down to alot of factors, but most importantly is whether it can be spammed, other people's access to it and the inherent utility of the skill itself. So if you want Cluster Bomb to always stealth you, the sacrifice made will be it doing 0 power damage, or apply a condition. Which I'm actually in favor for, as using the sequence skill is almost always the better choice, unless you really need that blast finisher.



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  • 3 months later...

> @"rng.1024" said:, this is to avoid people being able to just stand in one spot and have infinite stealth while doing damage.





have you ever tried to do a second heart seeker through black powder after already stealthed then hit someone by accident? guess what happens, you get revealed. the same thing would happen if the change i requested was made. there would not be any infinite stealthing, or even being able to stealth TWICE for that matter if an enemy is around.


the only difference to gameplay would be i could get off one blast finisher to stealth my group AND myself, and of course hit some one with the attack.......ONCE. that is all that it would impact.


what happenes now: i stealth my whole team, and pay the price of revealed then die due to focus fire as being the only one visable. thief should not be punished for trying to help his team.

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> @"Haishao.6851" said:

> Why would you want armor modeler fix game bugs unrelated to armors?


> Also this is not a bug. Attacks reveal you and blasts like cluster bomb are attacks. If there's an enemy in the blast radius, you're revealed because you attacked it. Take better care before blasting smokefield, or use shadow refuge when surrounded by enemies.


that was my bad not to consider who does what.


see my reply to the other guy for what my change would do.

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