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Dear Anet

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Dear Anet,

I humbly request a change in the way the mounts in the future are delivered.


Not having to pay is nice. However, the spawn camping required of the materials in the collection for the Roller Beetle is not.

Collecting all the things for the griffon was a pain, but this is just...


I have been up all night, spawn camping. Currently, I am sitting by the cave worms, who only seem to respawn every 2-3 minutes and there are over a dozen people in the caves with me. In the twenty minutes I have been here, I have killed many worms, but I can't get that oh, so elusive drop. And so I remain, spawn camping. I have not spawn camped this much since the days of WoW. I just hope the mount is worth it.


-Yours Truly

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I personally don't mind if i have to go around the world collecting things, however I do feel that they need to take a few things into consideration.


- Do NOT lock it to anything that requires groups, e.g world bosses. These are "personal" rewards and the means to require them should be personal as well, not group reliant.

- Increase the drop rate of these specific items if there are loads of others doing the same.

- Do NOT time-gate progression, if people want to go hardcore and finish it as quick as possible, then let them. This includes any events that take hours to spawn.

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It's true it's not fun. I may have been lucky and done it in probably 5-6 hours of gameplay. But waiting for an event to spawn on an uncertain time is just plain boring and not fun at all. And they do and do it for every collection. I remember waiting for a spawn of a broodmother in Wayfarer Foothills for the Nevermore collection. I had to wait for like 1 hour. What the hell? I mean why can't they make it either instanced stuff or items that spawn fast?


The problem with open world spawns is annoying, too but only momentarily.

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