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Blue/Green UNIDs

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Salvaging unids directly is probably the worst choice and if its more profitable for yourself to identify and then salvage or to sell on the tp pretty much depends on your own magic find. But if you dont have at least 500% MF or more when you ID them, you are probably better off listing on the TP.


IF you want to have a more detailed look into profitability of unid gear, you can use [testifyes Istan Profit Model](https://sites.google.com/view/gw2-tipm/home).



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If in Istan and you need to RAISE mf then id n salvage (no clue why people say sell when ya get ecto from salvage n that = mf). I have gotten a couple of pres from the blue unids so I recommend opening all. I open everything (can always use or sell the mats). People tell newcomers sell unids and buy ecto to raise mf which makes 0 sense to me when ya get LOTS of ecto and luck from the salvage. Why buy it when its free LOL. Grab ya guild buff, boosters and head to SW (mf map bonus) open and salvage. Good Luck

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