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New player LF Guild


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Hello. I'm Steve and I'm new to GW. I do have a lvl 80 character with the help of level boost. I'm pretty good with my character. I just need a little guidance. I'm down for Raids, Dungeons, whatever.

**Here's what I'm looking for: **Active, friendly, mature and helpful guild, end-game armor, weapon and help a little with crafting and what not if need be, but not a must. Also, must be active on Discord (absolute must). Also English speaking only and US servers.

**Here's what I'll bring to the table:** I have many years of MMO experience (Star Wars Galaxies, Rift, WoW, ESO, Tera, EvE (but only like 2-3 months in EvE) and many more that I honestly can't remember. I have a sense of humor and willing to help anyone else with whatever needs to be helped with to my best of ability. I also have all the expansions.

**What I **don't** want:** Drama, negative energy, favoritism, egos, specific times to play (I have a real life) and just anything negative. My life is hard as-is so I don't need that in a game.

I can go to any server so please let me know. I'll be checking this post periodically.

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