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What is the point of playing pvp !!!

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What is the point of playing pvp !!!


**Titles** . cheaters got titles and even if you manage to get one .some player one day will ask you what 3rd party program did you used or how much money did pay to get that title!!! why you say because ANET didn't punish the cheaters and removed their titles


**Money/Farm** . instan better go istan now


**Legendary Armor** . wvw easier and pve better looking at least


**For Fun** . gold 3 and above you see and hear nothing but toxicity and you cant do nothing about that . report for verbal abuse in pvp lead to nothing vs report for verbal abuse on the forum lead to warning and may be banned from the forum


**Fair and Balanced Team Fights** . player use meta profession/elite press a button = player use an off meta profession/elite uses his 100% playing skills just to compensate the lack of balance . may be you say their is **Mirror Match Ups!!** core = hot elite = pof elite !!!!!! THIS FAIL SO HARD ITS TIME TO CHANGE how about **stats mirror match ups** like power vs power \condition vs condition \ healing power vs healing power . profession\elite doesn't matter . i like to see scourge vs condi mirage and power reaper vs power mirage because scourge vs reaper lead to 90% scourge wins \Herald vs Renegade lead to 90% renegade loses \Spellbreaker vs Berserker you know what that lead to !


What is the point if nothing changes**?**

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Literally 1/3rd of my games tonight involved a DC, and the other 1/3rd involved 2-3 players getting downed within the first 30 seconds of the game starting in mid, around gold 2-3 rating, it really doesn't feel like there's any rating at all in this game. Gold might as well be Bronze and if you seed in there you aren't moving up unless you have time to play hundreds of games (which i don't).

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What a pathetic thread. If you don't want to play then don't. No one is forcing you to. Most people who play pvp anyways play because they find it fun regardless of toxicity. Plus i don't get your logic with the balanced matchups. You're essentially saying meta builds don't require skill to use. I mean sure if you feel that way but then again you're probably one of those conspiracy theorist people who claim every1 in the top 250 is either a hacker or a wintrader. Nice meme.


> @"Uvirith.8650" said:

> Guild Wars 2 is not really a PvPgame anyway. Do what I do. Play GW2 for its amazing PvE and play another game (like ESO) for PvP.


Sure buddy.

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> @"Les.4872" said:

> What a pathetic thread. If you don't want to play then don't. No one is forcing you to. Most people who play pvp anyways play because they find it fun regardless of toxicity. Plus i don't get your logic with the balanced matchups. You're essentially saying meta builds don't require skill to use. I mean sure if you feel that way but then again you're probably one of those conspiracy theorist people who claim every1 in the top 250 is either a hacker or a wintrader. Nice meme.


> > @"Uvirith.8650" said:

> > Guild Wars 2 is not really a PvPgame anyway. Do what I do. Play GW2 for its amazing PvE and play another game (like ESO) for PvP.


> Sure buddy.


Nice try, ANet Dev in disguise

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after 3 years of solid PvP in this game, I'm not playing PvP until they reintroduce team queues or PIPS into unranked.


That was highly unfair to remove team queues from MMO game... If I wanted solo content, I would play Pokemon.



Who knows though, maybe they have plans to make Claw a solo event, Teq a solo instance and the entire game offline solo mode.



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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> What is the point of playing pvp !!!


> **Titles** . cheaters got titles and even if you manage to get one .some player one day will ask you what 3rd party program did you used or how much money did pay to get that title!!! why you say because ANET didn't punish the cheaters and removed their titles


> **Money/Farm** . instan better go istan now


> **Legendary Armor** . wvw easier and pve better looking at least


> **For Fun** . gold 3 and above you see and hear nothing but toxicity and you cant do nothing about that . report for verbal abuse in pvp lead to nothing vs report for verbal abuse on the forum lead to warning and may be banned from the forum


> **Fair and Balanced Team Fights** . player use meta profession/elite press a button = player use an off meta profession/elite uses his 100% playing skills just to compensate the lack of balance . may be you say their is **Mirror Match Ups!!** core = hot elite = pof elite !!!!!! THIS FAIL SO HARD ITS TIME TO CHANGE how about **stats mirror match ups** like power vs power \condition vs condition \ healing power vs healing power . profession\elite doesn't matter . i like to see scourge vs condi mirage and power reaper vs power mirage because scourge vs reaper lead to 90% scourge wins \Herald vs Renegade lead to 90% renegade loses \Spellbreaker vs Berserker you know what that lead to !


> What is the point if nothing changes**?**


There is no point in PvP. The game mode has been the same for the last 6 years. The PvP in this game is geared towards PvE players who want to go farm rewards in PvP. The balance patches make little to no difference. They only buff or nerf 1-2 skills every 2 months. PvP has only gotten 1 new game mode in the last 6 years and it is in unranked for learning. We can come to the conclusion that the PvP development team doesn't care for the game mode as much as the PvE development team does for PvE. We've been asking for GvG, 1v1s and 8v8s for years. Sure they are coming up with a 2v2 game mode, but we've been asking for that for the last 6 years as well. It takes us years of begging just for them to accept the idea of a new game mode. They either don't listen to us until 99% of the community starts getting frustrated or they get the idea and become super lazy and procrastinate for years. I wished that our PvP department was as good as the PvE department or at least cared as much.

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> @"Griever.8150" said:

> Literally 1/3rd of my games tonight involved a DC, and the other 1/3rd involved 2-3 players getting downed within the first 30 seconds of the game starting in mid, around gold 2-3 rating, it really doesn't feel like there's any rating at all in this game. Gold might as well be Bronze and if you seed in there you aren't moving up unless you have time to play hundreds of games (which i don't).


My main point too. Titles and rewards are a thing, but there are way too many people from different level in gold league, and matchs feel like a lottery from time to time.

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