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*possible spoilers* PoF Story "The Departing" - "The Whole Story" achievement bugged

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January 2018 and STILL disconnect error. Twice after my character tells Joko she doesn't need him. I switched to 32-bit client, double checked if my graphics settings are on low (as for some people helped), started doing this chapter solo (as for some it helped). Right after killing the Eater of Souls I ran past Joko to the gate, used my skills as suggested until I had interaction with the gate possible. And yay! I opened the gate, jumped into the portal, cutscene launched aaaand... right after the scene disconnect. Ofc nothing has been saved -.- Last thing I can try is repairing the client which I am doing right now. If that doesn't help... Anyone has any other tips which may help?


EDIT: 6 attempts and all time disconnect. Drivers updated, client repaired, done solo and in party, graphic settings on lowest possible, internet checked. Nothing helped. Asked a friend to try on his PC. No issues. -.- My suggestion: if you cannot get through this chapter, ask someone to play this one through...

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January 2018 and STILL disconnect error. Twice after my character tells Joko she doesn't need him. I switched to 32-bit client, double checked if my graphics settings are on low (as for some people helped), started doing this chapter solo (as for some it helped). Right after killing the Eater of Souls I ran past Joko to the gate, used my skills as suggested until I had interaction with the gate possible. And yay! I opened the gate, jumped into the portal, cutscene launched aaaand... right after the scene disconnect. Ofc nothing has been saved -.- Last thing I can try is repairing the client which I am doing right now. If that doesn't help... Anyone has any other tips which may help?


EDIT: 6 attempts and all time disconnect. Drivers updated, client repaired, done solo and in party, graphic settings on lowest possible, internet checked. Nothing helped. Asked a friend to try on his PC. No issues. -.- My suggestion: if you cannot get through this chapter, ask someone to play this one through...


Apologies for double post. Instead of edit (I used that option!), my PC decided to post it)...

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every story ive done over 10 minutes long since lvl 65 has disconnected me and forced me to do it at least twice. why is this? do we have an answer? does anybody answer us or is it just players here? at least when this crap happens with blizzard somebody blue posts...


ill also add that i hit 80 just the other day casually playing. this has been hitting me since over 15 days ago

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  • 1 month later...

This issue still exist in FEB 2018. 1st Run: DC'd near the end, 2nd Run: Can't interact with the Judge. When this season first came out, had these same issues on my main toon, Now, running my alts in, I'm seeing the same issues. ANET, if the bug can't be fixed, please at least provide a shortcut to bypass the Balthazar fight in the beginning of the story. Going to try after reset on friday.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I too have been having problems too with this mission getting dc'd in exactly the same place as you, i downloaded the microsoft analyzer as mentioned in another thread and managed to create somesort of network log , the exact time i believe i disconnected is at line 76617 in this image https://imgur.com/a/1kZ8ez2 the whole file can be downloaded here https://ufile.io/yj98v


I should point out my next attempt at the mission i managed to finish it.

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> @"Aeryn Knight.4351" said:

> I too have been having problems too with this mission getting dc'd in exactly the same place as you, i downloaded the microsoft analyzer as mentioned in another thread and managed to create somesort of network log , the exact time i believe i disconnected is at line 76617 in this image https://imgur.com/a/1kZ8ez2 the whole file can be downloaded here https://ufile.io/yj98v


> I should point out my next attempt at the mission i managed to finish it.


Thank you for doing this. Looking at the traffic -- and I see you are using `-clientport 443` -- there was a 38.4 second gap where no data was transmitted on the connection, immediately followed by a string of retransmits, and eventually a RST killing off the connection.


You can find that at message 76522 in the ETL file, and track that the system was communicating quite happily before that point.


That supports my pet theory, which is that these disconnects originate from the client and server basically stopping talking while the cutscene runs -- because they have nothing useful to say -- and the network connection dropping because it is idle too long for some aggressive garbage collector that then breaks the communication when it all tries to resume.


What we can say with certainty is that, as far as GW2 on your machine was concerned, the server simply stopped responding to communication, and then it was told "go away and stop bothering me" as if there were never any connection. That could, at least in theory, be anywhere along the client/server path, but absent an instance crash, or the discovery that ANet run a 30 second timeout on their load balancer or something, I'd anticipate your router being the most likely candidate here.


If you don't mind, could you tell me what router you have? I'd be interested to check and see if there are any known issues with, eg, NAT timeouts or whatever.


With a bit of luck we may be able to turn this into an actual solution for the issue, at least for you. Cross your fingers, and redo the capture if you want to reconfirm this on the next bit of story where you may disconnect. :)


CC @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" who may also be interested in doing the same analysis, and/or the conclusions here. (or not, sorry if I wasted your time, there, friend.)


PS, @"Aeryn Knight.4351" , all the client/server communication is encrypted, and we don't have the keys, so we can't see the content of this traffic, just in case you were concerned.

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Somewhat related, I've also been getting disconnected in the same same spot of a quest - The first quest for Path of Fire. Just after killing the two demon doggies in the town then running back to the two NPCs (one is on the ground), I get disconnected just after their dialogue concludes. I read that potentially running as far away from the NPCs as I can while they do their roleplaying could prevent the DC and I'll be testing this momentarily, but I've yet to get past this yet.


Maybe a bug related to quests in general?

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My router is a Virgin Media super Hub 2ac which i believe is a Netgear product inside, something i should point out, i had a 'theory' in my head of sorts that i was getting kicked at dialogues was that i was 'idle' ie doing nothing, so in the mission when i actually completed i was continuously using skills and moving around throughout, its probably a coincidence i managed to get through but who knows, so far i have had no more dc's and i just reached the final mission, not sure when i will complete though.

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> @"Aeryn Knight.4351" said:

> My router is a Virgin Media super Hub 2ac which i believe is a Netgear product inside, something i should point out, i had a 'theory' in my head of sorts that i was getting kicked at dialogues was that i was 'idle' ie doing nothing, so in the mission when i actually completed i was continuously using skills and moving around throughout, its probably a coincidence i managed to get through but who knows, so far i have had no more dc's and i just reached the final mission, not sure when i will complete though.


Yeah. The Internet suggests they have a ~ 30 minute timeout for idle connections, and a fairly small connection tracking table, so if there are a lot of connections happening it could end up cutting something off very fast. Nothing conclusive suggesting that it is common to see a 38 second disconnect though.


Assuming that hitting those skill buttons was triggering action, that'd cause network traffic, and "refresh" that connection state, so you didn't DC.


Anyway, hopefully this is at least a little helpful to the ANet team in understanding what is going on, and helps move toward a solution.


Everyone else: it would be great to get a couple more of these dumps around the disconnect, since that'll help confirm they show the same symptoms, and so support the theory that this is what is happening: period of silence, then "no responses from the server".

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Same here. Four tries so far, going for another just to confirm. I've never had disconnects during anything else, just this particular quest. It started with one right alfter Balthazar, then now it's three times so far right after Joko's appeal. I'd really like to finish this questline..

Seeing how old this thread is very disappointing.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Tolsis.3518" said:

> its happening to me over and over at the 'listen to Joko's offer' bit - tried turning off virus protect and firewall - checked internet connection stable - this is very frustrating - i will see if i can join someone else's instance to get through


Shoot me a message ingame if you still need this.

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many thanks for trying to help Orimidu - i am stuck - get a little further sometimes but cannot progress story beyond this chapter and cannot find people to help with grouping up - too casual a player I suppose, and it is too long after release; in any event i cannot progress the story til there is a fix or a workaround

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