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Roller beetle starts with zero endurance—intended or bug?

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If the **roller beetle** is mounted, it always starts with *zero* endurance, making it almost useless for fast traveling.

Is this even intended behaviour? Seems a bit odd, since every other mount starts with full endurance. Even if I spend all endurance on one mount, if I switch to the next one, the bar is full again.

In it’s current state, it’s rather useless to switch on **beetle** for fast travelling, and one should better stick to **raptor** instead.

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This is probably intentional to allow the raptor to still be useful for short distances. Total average speed still has the beetle win by far. Think of the raptor for short distance travel while the beetle is for long distance travel. A good rule of thumb is if its going to take you 30s+ to get somewhere with a raptor, use the beetle instead.

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I’m surprised, no one else is annoyed by the *zero* endurance bar. I guess, it must be intended then.

Maybe, I shouldn’t call it a *bug* anymore, but a *disadvantage* instead, and suggest, it should be changed, to make the **roller beetle** more compettitive.


> @"zerorogue.9410" said:

> This is probably intentional to allow the raptor to still be useful for short distances.

I don’t think, **raptor** will become useless, if the **beetle** starts with full endurance, so you’re able, to use the movement ability at once. **Raptor** is still needed for long distance jumbs—especially, if someone doesn’t own a **gryphon**.

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I think it is definitely intended to make the beetle optimal for long distance travel only. It might be a bit too harsh right now (in terms of length of time you have to be mounted before the beetle is advantageous), but starting with full endurance would absolutely marginalize raptor. Anet has done a wonderful job so far keeping all the mounts useful, as I've been using all 5 of the original ones constantly, enough so that it was immediately obvious I'd need to keybind all of them individually.

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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> I don’t think, **raptor** will become useless, if the **beetle** starts with full endurance, so you’re able, to use the movement ability at once. **Raptor** is still needed for long distance jumbs—especially, if someone doesn’t own a **gryphon**.

For point A to B travel, the beetle wins every time if it has full endurance. If it was given full endurance it would replace the raptor for short travel. Things like jumps would be used for raptor, however by then it's been delegated to the same place the springier has.


I do agree waiting for the bar to fill is annoying and boring, but just giving it a full bar at start would be too strong. We need something in the middle.


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> @"Drecien.4508" said:

> Yes if all the others start at full endurance this one should too.


I really do hope they will change this. It's annoying to have to wait for it to load up every time you mount the beetle.


> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> **raptor** will become useless, if the **beetle** starts with full endurance


The raptor already _is_ useless apart from long jumps. You can traverse a map much faster on the jackal.

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This is intended, was confirmed by devs during their roller beetle vid.


All mounts have different draw backs, weights, and mechanics so they do not strait up replace other mounts.

In line with that philosophy they also give an intentional "slightly gated" barrier to incredible speeds.

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> It's not endurance for the beetle, it's momentum. A mass does not get full momentum as soon as it starts moving. :P


Momentum makes no sense at all. Momentum should increase by a huge margin once you activate the speed boost, not be set to zero. It can't be zero for a moving body unless it has zero mass.

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> @"Undertow.2389" said:

> I think it is definitely intended to make the beetle optimal for long distance travel only. It might be a bit too harsh right now (in terms of length of time you have to be mounted before the beetle is advantageous), but starting with full endurance would absolutely marginalize raptor. Anet has done a wonderful job so far keeping all the mounts useful, as I've been using all 5 of the original ones constantly, enough so that it was immediately obvious I'd need to keybind all of them individually.

Totally agree with you. If the beetle started with full endurance, we could escape instantly from dangerous areas. It would be too OP. And the raptor would be useless.

This way, apart from the jackal (that it's useful only during the legendary bandit and people started to use it only after getting a skin), all the other mounts have their utility. The beetle is a new mount with unique skills, it doesn't have to necessarily replace the old ones just because it's new.

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Check out AMA :tongue: ;)


> One of the design requirements I was given for the beetle was that it not displace other mounts for everyday short distance travel needs. Short of cutting the top speed of the beetle, which I considered a non-viable solution, starting the mount in a state where it couldn’t immediately boost was the best compromise. The zero to full charge time was tuned to be about right for the delay between successive boosts, and from internal testing with stakeholders it was decided that it was also the correct delay before boosting after mounting up. Now that the mount has been live for a bit and players have had time to use it extensively, I’ve been comparing player experiences with our own internal notes. While I can’t promise anything, it’s possible there are some ways to soften the pain points of using the beetle while still keeping the other mounts desirable.


[Dulfys Summary of the AMA](https://dulfy.net/2018/07/02/gw2-long-live-lich-developer-ama-summary/ "https://dulfy.net/2018/07/02/gw2-long-live-lich-developer-ama-summary/")


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From observing design aesthetics to overall purpose of the beetle, it is safe to assume that this is **not** a bug. The roller beetle's slow ramp-up (incl. the slow endurance one-shot fill from mount) is more of an intention to use the beetle for long, semi-linear distance travel. The raptor and jackal are still better used in short-distance scenarios.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > It's not endurance for the beetle, it's momentum. A mass does not get full momentum as soon as it starts moving. :P


> Momentum makes no sense at all. Momentum should increase by a huge margin once you activate the speed boost, not be set to zero. It can't be zero for a moving body unless it has zero mass.



True and working has intended.


@"Manasa Devi.7958"

You are confusing Momentum with endurance.

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Since I farm every node the beetle is kind of annoying, since demounting means you have to wait 10 seconds to get speed (unless it's going down). I understand that they don't want to make jackal and raptor useless, but a) they are far more agile and can turn easily, while the beetle is hard to steer at full speed and b) just lower the time to 5s or so.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> Since I farm every node the beetle is kind of annoying, since demounting means you have to wait 10 seconds to get speed (unless it's going down). I understand that they don't want to make jackal and raptor useless, but a) they are far more agile and can turn easily, while the beetle is hard to steer at full speed and b) just lower the time to 5s or so.


> @"Hwrs Xander.2845" said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > > It's not endurance for the beetle, it's momentum. A mass does not get full momentum as soon as it starts moving. :P

> >

> > Momentum makes no sense at all. Momentum should increase by a huge margin once you activate the speed boost, not be set to zero. It can't be zero for a moving body unless it has zero mass.


> @"GreyWolf.8670"

> True and working has intended.


> @"Manasa Devi.7958"

> You are confusing Momentum with endurance.



The momentum of an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its speed. If the bar represented momentum, it shouldn't be set to zero as the speed increases drastically. Also, the bar regenerates regardless of whether or not you're moving, which is also indicative of that bar not representing momentum. Mounting up and remaining stationary for 10 seconds completely fills the bar, while you're still looking at a body with zero momentum. Whatever it represents, it's not momentum.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> Since I farm every node the beetle is kind of annoying, since demounting means you have to wait 10 seconds to get speed (unless it's going down). I understand that they don't want to make jackal and raptor useless, but a) they are far more agile and can turn easily, while the beetle is hard to steer at full speed and b) just lower the time to 5s or so.


Use raptor or jackal for farming, the beetle is a wrong mount choice for that.

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