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"Deluxe Collection" (from last week's sale) - my in-game items never came

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Hey all,

I have put in a support ticket 7 days ago and I know the team is backlogged. I was hoping the community might be able to help me with some info here...


* **Does anyone know exactly what in-game items that came with this collection?** This sale item is not listed in the support knowledge base nor anywhere I can find. Sale ended last week.

* **Did anyone else not receive them?** I guess I'm just wondering if maybe there is a trick to getting them to mail these items to me. :P


This specific sale item was for PoF and HoT together for $37.49 USD. I bought it within the game using the "Upgrade" option and I did in fact instantly receive PoF and HoT, along with character slots, both 80 Boosts and the shared inventory slots. What I did not receive were the in-game goodies, of which I remember seeing a Garb of some kind, a free Identity Kit and a few other items.


I know it's not as dire as the people who can't log in, but I did spend money here any help on the two questions above would be appreciated while I wait for the CS team to get back to me. :)

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Clearing my mail seemed to work! I have the mail now with the items. Whew. :) Thanks for the tip!


> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> Looking in-game right now, the only bundle I see is for the two Standard Editions of HoT and PoF, which means you wouldn't receive the items that come with deluxe PoF. Are you sure you bought a bundle with a deluxe PoF?


Yep - and that was part of my confusion because I can't find this bundle anywhere on the site since the sale ended. My receipt says "Deluxe Collection" and I received PoF Deluxe and HoT (but not sure if it's deluxe or not).


Here's what I received in the game mail, in case anyone else reads this and is wondering how it turned out. :)

- Invitation to Lily of Elon

- Sunspear outfit

- Identity Repair Kit


Thanks for the replies :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep - I replied to my ticket right away to let them know I got it. :+1:

And for the record, my mailbox wasn't full -- I had only just started the game and had 4 mail messages from the story/quests in there :) Deleting did help, but I should hope you don't have to have a completely empty box to get more mail. :tongue:

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