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The warrior Has trained the with monks of the lost world and gained their trust and respect enough to become their head. He is now able to summon them to fight alongside him in battle.

This is just for fun and to get people excited for the next expansion.

STAFF WARRIOR - the idea is he is now able to support allies while making foes suffer the opposite effect. numbers can always be adjusted.

**Burst skill:** deathly smash: leap to target location knockdown every foe in a line(straight line 240radius). 600range 1/2cast time ct

skill 5 bamboo chain: extend your staff 1200range knocking down foe 20cd

skill 4 rapid staff: rapidly attack your foe daze 1/2sec every 3 hit, 6hits in total 15cd 320range (like E.honda's hundred hand slap)

skill 3 boomerang: fling your staff so that it returns to you 2 hits 1st hits going, if returning attack hits pull foe towards you. 12sec 900range

skill 2 impale staff: impale your foe making your foe vulnerable 180range 6cd

auto attack: swift protector: rotate your staff side to side 180 radius

slicing staff: thrust down cutting foes and granting protection to you and allies


**utility (Glyphs)aka Talisman** like ele’s elemental glyphs_ boon granted is only on initial summon and when they disappear _ they die after a command.

**Glyph of regeneration**: summon a Shaman that grants regeneration to you and allies

Command your shaman to heal you (heal talisman). your shaman uses 6 little talismans to attack foe dealing little damage but healing (for whatever amount, it’s a good amount) pre- talisman that hits (scales with healing power) while also applying poison for 3secs


Glyph of protection: summon a shaman that grants protection to you and allies

Command your shaman to protect you (protection talisman). your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack dealing mid-level damage while applying vulnerability for 3secs pre-talisman


Glyph of speed: summon a shaman that grants swiftness to you and allies

Command your shaman to speed you up (speed talisman) your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack dealing mid-level damage while also crippling for 2secs pre- talisman


Glyph of focus: summon a shaman that grants fury to you and allies (break stun)

Command your shaman to focus you (focus talisman) your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack foe dealing mid-level damage while also blinding for 1secs pre-talisman


Glyph of resistance: summon a shaman that grants resistance to you and allies

Command your shaman to help you resist (resistance talisman) your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack foe dealing mid-level damage while also applying chill for 1secs pre-talisman



Glyph of power: summon a shaman that grants might to you and allies

Command your shaman to power you (power talisman) your shaman summons a huge talisman punch it and dealing heavy damage while also weaken foes for 2secs pre-talisman.



Can’t think of any minor ones lol.


Major Traits**

Burst skills grants stability

Cast lesser glyph of focus when disabled

Convert some power to healing power


grandmaster trait**

glyphs grant barrier on command attacks to you and allies (would work well with rune of druid)

glyphs gain bonus talisman 2 more, elite gets 1 extra (would work well with rune of the scholar)

glyphs boons duration is increased by 33% and grants quickness (would work well with rune of leadership)


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Not sure anyone would want to play that after seeing how good renegade and it legend Kalla is.


All in all, it desperatly need to rely on a new special mechanic and there isn't. The first error when creating an e-spec is to forget that an e-spec is not defined by a weapon and some utility skills. An e-spec is defined by a new mechanic and it's traitline which need to add something new that can work just fine with the core profession.


If you really want to cling onto the summon thingy, make F2 summon a shaman. When the shaman is summoned your F1 make him use an attack based on your current weapon.


Glyphs would have 2 skills: one selfish when the shaman isn't summoned and one giving support to allies around the shaman when he is summoned.


Your 3 GM traits could be changed to:

- You and your summon grant barrier to nearby allies when you use a glyph.

- Your summon gain bonus talisman (assuming summon bursts release talisman or whatever)

- When your summon is out, you gain increased concentration. F2 is now instant and grant quickness to allies around you.

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I'd almost rather see mantras for support than glyphs, that or if we could get a new skill type since rangers and us have the fewest unique skill types. Glyphs switch what happens based on something with your toon, Ele's it's based on what attunement you're in, and rangers it's based on if you're in your celestial avatar or not. I'd rather not have another berserk mode I have to work myself into, IMO it got a little boring and didn't really feel like it did much for our profession other than change our burst skills and make us hit a little harder, not that SB did much either compared to other professions. Some elite professions seemed to make a drastic change to the core profession and a few others just seemed to give us a few new skills (which is how berserker and SB feel).


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> @"blokejoe.6590" said:

> ** THE ABBOT**

> The warrior Has trained the with monks of the lost world and gained their trust and respect enough to become their head.


what lost world and how are there so many heads of the organization?


theme needs work

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"blokejoe.6590" said:

> > ** THE ABBOT**

> > The warrior Has trained the with monks of the lost world and gained their trust and respect enough to become their head.


> what lost world and how are there so many heads of the organization?


> theme needs work


Agreed. Also, can we stop to associate staff with monks? There were plenty of others people who knew how to use staff in combat you know (beginning by basically every spearmen in history, which means... basically all civilizations).


Overall, i'm not very excited by a support profession whcih far too reminiscent of herald and renegade (which are nice but cooler). Also, invoking spirits doesn't fit the warrior at all. Warrior can use magic, but it is somehow related to battle. Just like spellbreaker use fire and earth magic by using his/her rage as catalyst and spellbreaker manipulating enchantments through his/her weapon and concentration.


However, I think the glyphs would be a very nice addition to warrior, if given a proper transform/state/invocation as F2.


SUGGESTION: the warrior could call the legend of a protector (not a clearly identified figure but some kind of ideal of perfection) the way a ritualist do it. Except that the warrior live up to the legend by fighting (symbolised by the use of adrenaline), which make it easier and more profund.


Fore lore enthusiasm, we could even say: there are actually two set: destructor and protector. Who would embody them: Viktor and Archemorus of course. (Okay, maybe I'm going too far with that warrior/revenant idea, but as we're speaking of dream, i bring my contribution).

Those "ideal" would be invoked with 30 adrenaline (and count as such for traits #godamnberserker).


Then, the glyphs would have 3 possible effect. Not sure about what the neutral effect would be: some individual boons or utility stuffs. Protector would be about affecting allies and defensive bonus, while destructor would be about affecting ennemies and power bonus for allies.

Then, traits would be divided between protector (tank and defensive support version), destructor (dps and agressive support version) and an extra to think about (harmonius state with utility bonus)

To that extent, staff would be the perfect weapon as it combine powerful strikes with magical invocations


What do you think about it? I'm ready to developp if you are interested. I like suggestions as well.


And thanks blokejoe.6590 , i enjoy reading about elite spec ideas.


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my apologies everyone lol. I am horrid at coming up with lore/backstories.

your inputs are all fun and interesting. The reason I went with staff is I could not picture any attack motions with a warrior using a Scepter.we could definitely flip the staff idea out and go with foci as the weapon choice. loving the ritualist summon concept a lot. keep em coming.


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> @"blokejoe.6590" said:

> ** THE ABBOT**

> The warrior Has trained the with monks of the lost world and gained their trust and respect enough to become their head. He is now able to summon them to fight alongside him in battle.

> This is just for fun and to get people excited for the next expansion.

> STAFF WARRIOR - the idea is he is now able to support allies while making foes suffer the opposite effect. numbers can always be adjusted.

> **Burst skill:** deathly smash: leap to target location knockdown every foe in a line(straight line 240radius). 600range 1/2cast time ct

> skill 5 bamboo chain: extend your staff 1200range knocking down foe 20cd

> skill 4 rapid staff: rapidly attack your foe daze 1/2sec every 3 hit, 6hits in total 15cd 320range (like E.honda's hundred hand slap)

> skill 3 boomerang: fling your staff so that it returns to you 2 hits 1st hits going, if returning attack hits pull foe towards you. 12sec 900range

> skill 2 impale staff: impale your foe making your foe vulnerable 180range 6cd

> auto attack: swift protector: rotate your staff side to side 180 radius

> slicing staff: thrust down cutting foes and granting protection to you and allies


> **utility (Glyphs)aka Talisman** like ele’s elemental glyphs_ boon granted is only on initial summon and when they disappear _ they die after a command.

> **Glyph of regeneration**: summon a Shaman that grants regeneration to you and allies

> Command your shaman to heal you (heal talisman). your shaman uses 6 little talismans to attack foe dealing little damage but healing (for whatever amount, it’s a good amount) pre- talisman that hits (scales with healing power) while also applying poison for 3secs


> Glyph of protection: summon a shaman that grants protection to you and allies

> Command your shaman to protect you (protection talisman). your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack dealing mid-level damage while applying vulnerability for 3secs pre-talisman


> Glyph of speed: summon a shaman that grants swiftness to you and allies

> Command your shaman to speed you up (speed talisman) your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack dealing mid-level damage while also crippling for 2secs pre- talisman


> Glyph of focus: summon a shaman that grants fury to you and allies (break stun)

> Command your shaman to focus you (focus talisman) your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack foe dealing mid-level damage while also blinding for 1secs pre-talisman


> Glyph of resistance: summon a shaman that grants resistance to you and allies

> Command your shaman to help you resist (resistance talisman) your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack foe dealing mid-level damage while also applying chill for 1secs pre-talisman


> **ELITE**

> Glyph of power: summon a shaman that grants might to you and allies

> Command your shaman to power you (power talisman) your shaman summons a huge talisman punch it and dealing heavy damage while also weaken foes for 2secs pre-talisman.



> Can’t think of any minor ones lol.

> **

> Major Traits**

> Burst skills grants stability

> Cast lesser glyph of focus when disabled

> Convert some power to healing power

> **

> grandmaster trait**

> glyphs grant barrier on command attacks to you and allies (would work well with rune of druid)

> glyphs gain bonus talisman 2 more, elite gets 1 extra (would work well with rune of the scholar)

> glyphs boons duration is increased by 33% and grants quickness (would work well with rune of leadership)



i relly don't think warrior should ever take on the role of support. it should always either be dps or tank. it's a warrior not a support. staff warrior should be melee or maybe have the option to switch it from ranged to melee

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i would hope they make it melee with a throw range skill.. like a spear. > @"cryorion.9532" said:

> I really hope ANET will never ever give warriors elite spec with summoning minions/pets... it's my biggest nightmare. Banners are enough. I don't mind tank/support spec, but please, no summoning.

you think having a summon warrior will reduce the dps ability of the warrior?



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> @"blokejoe.6590" said:

> i would hope they make it melee with a throw range skill.. like a spear. > @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > I really hope ANET will never ever give warriors elite spec with summoning minions/pets... it's my biggest nightmare. Banners are enough. I don't mind tank/support spec, but please, no summoning.

> you think having a summon warrior will reduce the dps ability of the warrior?




No. I personally really dislike warrior to be summoner of anything (except banners), nor having any pet/minion. I don't mind glyphs with some fancy magic, although I prefer warrior to remain more melee physical fighter with little magic. I would love warrior's next elite spec to have spear (or even trident) with melee/medium range attacks though. I don't think if warrior gets tank spec, it will be much useful in pve, unless they nerf chronos pretty badly. And we already got good pvp spec.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> While I don’t like the theme at all, a support spec is a logical next step. I’d rather see it themed around an army leader such as a Commander or General instead.


Is that kinda sorta what the Warrior does now with banners? > @"Forty Keks.9620" said:

> > @"blokejoe.6590" said:

> > ** THE ABBOT**

> > The warrior Has trained the with monks of the lost world and gained their trust and respect enough to become their head. He is now able to summon them to fight alongside him in battle.

> > This is just for fun and to get people excited for the next expansion.

> > STAFF WARRIOR - the idea is he is now able to support allies while making foes suffer the opposite effect. numbers can always be adjusted.

> > **Burst skill:** deathly smash: leap to target location knockdown every foe in a line(straight line 240radius). 600range 1/2cast time ct

> > skill 5 bamboo chain: extend your staff 1200range knocking down foe 20cd

> > skill 4 rapid staff: rapidly attack your foe daze 1/2sec every 3 hit, 6hits in total 15cd 320range (like E.honda's hundred hand slap)

> > skill 3 boomerang: fling your staff so that it returns to you 2 hits 1st hits going, if returning attack hits pull foe towards you. 12sec 900range

> > skill 2 impale staff: impale your foe making your foe vulnerable 180range 6cd

> > auto attack: swift protector: rotate your staff side to side 180 radius

> > slicing staff: thrust down cutting foes and granting protection to you and allies

> >

> > **utility (Glyphs)aka Talisman** like ele’s elemental glyphs_ boon granted is only on initial summon and when they disappear _ they die after a command.

> > **Glyph of regeneration**: summon a Shaman that grants regeneration to you and allies

> > Command your shaman to heal you (heal talisman). your shaman uses 6 little talismans to attack foe dealing little damage but healing (for whatever amount, it’s a good amount) pre- talisman that hits (scales with healing power) while also applying poison for 3secs

> >

> > Glyph of protection: summon a shaman that grants protection to you and allies

> > Command your shaman to protect you (protection talisman). your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack dealing mid-level damage while applying vulnerability for 3secs pre-talisman

> >

> > Glyph of speed: summon a shaman that grants swiftness to you and allies

> > Command your shaman to speed you up (speed talisman) your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack dealing mid-level damage while also crippling for 2secs pre- talisman

> >

> > Glyph of focus: summon a shaman that grants fury to you and allies (break stun)

> > Command your shaman to focus you (focus talisman) your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack foe dealing mid-level damage while also blinding for 1secs pre-talisman

> >

> > Glyph of resistance: summon a shaman that grants resistance to you and allies

> > Command your shaman to help you resist (resistance talisman) your shaman uses 3 talismans to attack foe dealing mid-level damage while also applying chill for 1secs pre-talisman

> >

> > **ELITE**

> > Glyph of power: summon a shaman that grants might to you and allies

> > Command your shaman to power you (power talisman) your shaman summons a huge talisman punch it and dealing heavy damage while also weaken foes for 2secs pre-talisman.

> >

> >

> > Can’t think of any minor ones lol.

> > **

> > Major Traits**

> > Burst skills grants stability

> > Cast lesser glyph of focus when disabled

> > Convert some power to healing power

> > **

> > grandmaster trait**

> > glyphs grant barrier on command attacks to you and allies (would work well with rune of druid)

> > glyphs gain bonus talisman 2 more, elite gets 1 extra (would work well with rune of the scholar)

> > glyphs boons duration is increased by 33% and grants quickness (would work well with rune of leadership)

> >


> i relly don't think warrior should ever take on the role of support. it should always either be dps or tank. it's a warrior not a support. staff warrior should be melee or maybe have the option to switch it from ranged to melee


I think it's possible for the Warrior to take on a support role.


As for the Elite itself, I am somewhat perplexed on what it's called an Abbott and then you go right into summoning shamans. The two concepts, at a fantasy level, don't actually mess well. If we were talking about an abbot I would expect him to be summoning monks, not shamans.

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Support spec: yes

Staff: yes

Minions and glyphs: a hell no


Staff would be a nice new melee weapon. Perdonally i want it in a style like reapers scythe. Big AoE cleave, mobility and CC.

The utilities should ve something not to magical, kits or elixirs would be great.

Like elixirs work like doping in the battle field so you can buff yourself and share it with allies etc.

The class mechanic could be something like: Inspiring Rage: Use adrenalin to share your boons to your allies. And this can be enhanced by traits so it will hesl per boon, give adrenalin per boon etc.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Support spec: yes

> Staff: yes

> Minions and glyphs: a hell no


> Staff would be a nice new melee weapon. Perdonally i want it in a style like reapers scythe. Big AoE cleave, mobility and CC.

> The utilities should ve something not to magical, kits or elixirs would be great.

> Like elixirs work like doping in the battle field so you can buff yourself and share it with allies etc.

> The class mechanic could be something like: Inspiring Rage: Use adrenalin to share your boons to your allies. And this can be enhanced by traits so it will hesl per boon, give adrenalin per boon etc.


> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Support spec: yes

> Staff: yes

> Minions and glyphs: a hell no


> Staff would be a nice new melee weapon. Perdonally i want it in a style like reapers scythe. Big AoE cleave, mobility and CC.

> The utilities should ve something not to magical, kits or elixirs would be great.

> Like elixirs work like doping in the battle field so you can buff yourself and share it with allies etc.

> The class mechanic could be something like: Inspiring Rage: Use adrenalin to share your boons to your allies. And this can be enhanced by traits so it will hesl per boon, give adrenalin per boon etc.


awesomeness i love this idea.

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