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[WvW] Power Mirage GS/Staff Build


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# Motivation

I was wondering lately, why I did so poorly on my power Mirage, especially Spellbreakers regularely have slaughtered me... And then I remembered that in days long past, when specializations weren't a thing, I was really enjoying double ranged power shatter Mesmer. So I thought I ought to try how double ranged feels on power Mirage.


So I took out that old Staff of mine, equipped the Chaos trait line and I started slaughtering back^^ Well... at least surviving.


# Pros

While my short play time (2 days) with a very defensive build and half a day with a more offensive lock down variant, I was very much enjoying myself. Staff certainly feels strange on a power build. You constantly see condition damage on your foes but the numbers are pathetic (duh...). Also the power damage, besides the phantasms, is not really worth mentioning. I cannot really explain why, but it nevertheless works. Chaos storm is always nice and especially the lock down build variant has nice trait synergies.


The in combat mobility is very nice defensively, and it is quite easy to keep distance to your foes.


# Cons

The burst damage potential is lower due to missing offensive traits and lack of torch # 4 added burst. Over all and especially offensive mobility is also reduced without the use of a main hand sword.


# Builds

[Double Ranged Evade](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARWnELDNqhlpBWoBMMjlVDzvAmAjgmxgdQPpcDccCAA-jhCEABPpUwu9HA4QAslSwEV/hJlZSpkoNdBP8EAI4CAQKAzFaB-e "Double Ranged Evade")

[Double Ranged Lock Down](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARWnELD1ohlpBWoBMMjlTDzMHMEuB+NwIYGkMAsACKA-jhCEABAcIAsb/BmUm9wTAYLlgJq+jUKJeSpQb6CI4CAQKAzFaB-e "Double Ranged Lock Down")


# Video

Don't expect great game play. The video shall simply serve to show the build in action on an average player :)


I also fail to burst from stealth quite a lot... I blame my good heart for it <3


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Some thoughts:


I would be reluctant to drop sword for roaming. Without it you can easily get stuck in hopeless situations that you cannot escape, or where you cannot catch someone trying to escape.

You should consider keybinding "about face" and then practice doing about face->phase retreat->about face in order to phase retreat forwards while trying to escape from a situation. About face will also allow you to cast skills behind you while running.


You have very minimal condition cleanse (1 condition per each jaunt) so it might be worth using superior sigil of cleansing if you find yourself dying to condition bursts, mainly from other mesmers or condition thieves.


In the video you sometimes stealth to burst after the enemy has already seen you. A good opponent will know your stealth skills last 2-3 seconds and anticipate the burst. If they have seen you I would personally save the stealth skill for when you need some breathing room in the fight to recharge mantras, de-target, get some space or similar.


From the video I see you are from Whiteside Ridge. My server is currently against yours so feel free to poke me if you want some duels, would be interesting to fight the build firsthand.

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Thanks for the reply.


Condition builds aren't usually a problem with both build variants. Condi cleanse on dodge and jaunt seem to be enough and if I pay attention condi bursts shouldn't hit me at all.


Also, I need a new keyboard. The about face combo doesn't work well with my current keyboard for some reason (the last about face for some reason fails to register reliably)... I tried with a friend's keyboard and it was fine :) But getting away is simple, as long as you have smth targeted behind you, you will face retread forward xD


But thanks for the tips... I was reluctant dropping sword too, but I was always a friend of staff and even if it is sub optimal, it simply feels better for me... And because of all the condi hate, I don't want to go full out condi on Mirage. Fought a condi mirage on my power reaper today and it wasn't fun at all *snif*


I am actually from FoW. But we are currently linked with WSR, so I'll get back to you if I feel like dueling :)

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> @"TyPin.9860" said:

> Thanks for the reply.


> Condition builds aren't usually a problem with both build variants. Condi cleanse on dodge and jaunt seem to be enough and if I pay attention condi bursts shouldn't hit me at all.


> Also, I need a new keyboard. The about face combo doesn't work well with my current keyboard for some reason (the last about face for some reason fails to register reliably)... I tried with a friend's keyboard and it was fine :) But getting away is simple, as long as you have smth targeted behind you, you will face retread forward xD


> But thanks for the tips... I was reluctant dropping sword too, but I was always a friend of staff and even if it is sub optimal, it simply feels better for me... And because of all the condi hate, I don't want to go full out condi on Mirage. Fought a condi mirage on my power reaper today and it wasn't fun at all *snif*


> I am actually from FoW. But we are currently linked with WSR, so I'll get back to you if I feel like dueling :)


Right forgot about the cleanse on dodge from elusive mind trait. I always run infinite horizon in my builds so guess I am the one that need sigil of cleansing^^.

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