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Stop Joko's other loyalists in Guns, Germs, and Steal

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I've killed at least 50 loyalists in the green circle area and am unable to complete this quest. I've killed them in the surrounding areas as well, and still cannot complete it. Leaving the game and logging back in has not helped either.

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> @"Felwulf.8714" said:

> Do you need the roller bettle to enter the cave or somthing? OMG man! I only can play on the weekends....




I saw someone smash open the cave and I was able to go inside. It's just a small thing that lets you pass to the other side. Also I wouldn't know how to get a beetle since the only step of the 3 sub steps in the Guns, Germs, and Steal quest I have to complete is this one: Stop Joko's Other Loyalists.

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Well good to know that it *can* work, and that you were able to do it inside the green circle. Maybe you have to get lucky and be in the right instance. Will keep trying in the green circle area.


Edit: logged in again and as soon as I appeared, 3 loyalists spawned and attacked me. After killing them (another player happened to join in as well) some more spawned (maybe like 4?) with crossed swords over their heads a few meters away. After killing them my quest state advanced. I wasn't paying too much attention so I don't know if it was that first chunk of 3 or the later chunk with crossed swords that did it, I was too excited that I could continue playing.

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Yeah, I just tested this out on an alt, and what's meant to happen is a small group of loyalists will spawn with an event as you run up to the green circle area. As Architekt said, they will have crossed swords over their heads. They'll have some brief dialogue before attacking you. Kill those, and then it'll move onto the next step.

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I killed tons in the green circle, both with events and without. I killed tons more outside of the green circle. I relogged and killed a bunch more. Fingers crossed it will work for me today. Thanks for letting us know that it's possible it will start working again.

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  • 2 months later...

@"Gaile Gray.6029": Can this please be forwarded to the devs team? After all, it _is_ game-breaking as it stalls your progress of the story.


Said "Guns, Germs, and Steal" story step is broken. (It worked fine last Thursday on one of my other characters.) Read the letter at Sabil's, went to the marked location: no loyalists.


Tried to fix the bug by restarting the episode. It would let me repeat a few story steps up until the buggy part, but the loyalists simply refuse to spawn. A new map instance did not help to solve the issue, either.


Thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You have to wait until 5 (I don't remember the actual amount, may be 4) awakened with the swords over their heads show up , left of the door, then kill them. At least that is what worked for me. The "normal" awakened will not do the trick. This is not to open the door, but to continue the story. I don't know how long it takes for them to spawn. I left, did some other stuff and came back and they were there...killed them and moved on.

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  • 2 months later...

Be it 5 or 4 or 3 Joko's loyalists, be they packed or one by one, be they with crossed or wide spread (arms), be they inside or outside the respectively marked location on the map; be us re-login/reloading/roaming around/posting in forums etc., it's all the same: "counting" 0/5, (that's not counting at all). Alas, today morning through the noon -- again the same as before half a year when OP and many others after him/her called for help (for fix). Well, with some happy periods of good working from time to time, yet obviously completely fixed not...


Since the case undoubtedly can hardly be left w/o any attention (after all, a periodical obstacle both to players' story progress and to their beetle-mount acquisition _is_ a serious problem, isn't it?), what we are left with up to now is an assumption that the problem in question turned to be just extremely complicated, if not non-fixable at all. Yet, we're also still not losing the hope that however complicated it may be, we will live to a lovely day when those to whom it may concern will after all address the issue, so we the players will be happy with a stable fix of this pretty annoying bug ... And once and for all.


Best regards and thanks, anyway. Also, to all: Merry Holidays and a Happy New Year, ftw! :D

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