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Stop Joko's other loyalists in Guns, Germs, and Steal

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This quest is still bugged :( A group of people and I have been waiting for a new map instance or some miracle in this event **throughout 2 days** and nothing has happened. Please, @"Gaile Gray.6029" , could you bring us any news or something related to this error? We can not continue with our story line :( and since there are not enough people on this map, no new instances are being created and the event is not being reseted.


Perhaps this map/event can be reseted manually or automatically, I don't know, maybe 4-5 times per day until the error is corrected in order to give us a chance to complete it and unlock our story line progress.


Any help will be appreciated since we are wasting a lot of time/days waiting for a miracle or just something happens :sweat_smile:


PD: I attach [here](https://imgur.com/a/jmMWH67 "https://imgur.com/a/jmMWH67") a screenshot with the error itself.


Thank you so much.

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Pufft, this has ben a problem since July, and is still a problem 5 months on and has have patches and new content in between, it's like ogre wars all over gain.

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You will likely need to wait until the next release (on the 8th), as ArenaNet is closed for the holidays.

Like someone in this thread said back in September?



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  • 1 month later...

I started this story step last night with some friends and I can confirm that this is still broken. The loyalists needed to advance the story wouldn't spawn. I just tried again this morning and it still isn't working. And I've been unable to load into a different copy of the map.


How is this still not fixed? This is ridiculous.

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