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Is soulbeast meld worth it?


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-gain access to 3 skills

-gain a little stat bonus

-any bonus your pet could have from traits will be applied to you while melded( normally with a "little" nerf).

-When you unmeld , your pet will be fully healed.

-Melding with your pet will not change your weapons or utility skills in any way.


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> @"Yeldo.4576" said:

> I see but it still doesn't feel like it's that worth to lose the pet for as the pet does damage and uses the skills on his own :/


Normally, you send your pet to attack, once he has used his skills you merge with him and continue attacking pressuring the opponent , at this point you can choose between continue in Sb mode or go out of Sb mode and continue attacking with pet and your char, you have to take into account that depending on your traits sometimes you need to be in Sb to obtain trait bonuses , i usually use 1 pet for damage(smokescale) and another for support (owl), is true that 10sec between merges and 20 second between pets is a bit unsatisfactory.


In Pve , i only enter Sb mode to burst , and then unmerge and continue with pet.

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:

> -gain access to 3 skills

> -gain a little stat bonus

> -any bonus your pet could have from traits will be applied to you while melded( normally with a "little" nerf).

> -When you unmeld , your pet will be fully healed.

> -Melding with your pet will not change your weapons or utility skills in any way.



On the subject of the little nerf, do you know the exact damage gain from Sic em whilst in beastmode? People have said its less than 40% but I have yet to see anyone or even wiki give the exact number.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > -gain access to 3 skills

> > -gain a little stat bonus

> > -any bonus your pet could have from traits will be applied to you while melded( normally with a "little" nerf).

> > -When you unmeld , your pet will be fully healed.

> > -Melding with your pet will not change your weapons or utility skills in any way.

> >


> On the subject of the little nerf, do you know the exact damage gain from Sic em whilst in beastmode? People have said its less than 40% but I have yet to see anyone or even wiki give the exact number.



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In PvP it's pretty much what @"urdriel.8496" said. You use your pet, and then Meld (you can also trait it to prevent your first dose of fatal damage).

In PvE it's a bit different, if you're soloing a champ or something, you might want to leave the pet to tank, so you'll avoid melding most of the time, using it when you need to prevent pet from dying and you can't swap. In a group, i tend to be melded most of the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Theres no easy answer to this question, because prior SB the pets were pretty trash overall. Core pets were wrought with very fundamental issues that make them unreliable, making the only defining factor the performance level of the F2 skill. The HOT pets were an all around improvement because each of their personal skills needed less precision to land, and their F2 skills had real utility.


What Meld does is shift most of the DPS/Stat budget allocated to the pet, and puts it on the ranger. This puts the ranger closer to "baseline" performance, but now the benefit of reliably landing those attacks. The meld also grants you extra utility via the Beast Skills, which are now much easier to coordinate then the AI "doing its own thing". This adds so much effectiveness to how the Pet is used, it further confirms what players have been saying for years...... we needed a better way to control pets in Baseline. Now that we have this control, we can now properly leverage the Pet into a coherent strategy, and pull them out when they're a liability, then deploy them again when they'd be an advantage.


When it first came out, many Rangers camped in merge and tried to figure out how to best utilize the new skills. But as time went on, it became more clear when being Separated could be an advantage, and how chaining certain pet skills with their beast skill counter parts can create some devastating combos. Its active game play, where the majority of pets used be almost entirely passive, or at best "opportunistic" (Smoke Scale being a rare exception).

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> Although I know the benefits of merging and unmerging, I enjoy camping from time to time. Kinda feels like a “nature’s warrior” vibe without the pesky pet management. I’ve also been told that since I camp I may as well just go warrior lol


camping but hiding and blending with the terrain... don't reveal yourself in the open.. camping on points literally is warrior... ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a relatively new player, but I quickly found some combat tactics that involve popping in and out of meld at appropriate times. It's worth practicing! Some pets, like the fanged iboga, have fantastic meld skills for roughing up your foes. Others are great at adding survival and group utility. It's worth your time to go through your pet panel, examine all the skills, and see what looks good. The amount of things is pretty daunting, but with a few exceptions, all the pets are really just combinations of a handful of identical stat boosts & skills. I made a spreadsheet of all the stat gains and general thrust of each skill, color-coding each to see what is good for survivability, dps, condition dps, cc, and healing. If you do this homework, you can quickly find which pets will best support your play style.


Now if only I could figure out how to balance my base stats and gear upgrades...there the options seem far more overwhelming.

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