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Roller Beetle Training Reset

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After doing this training race a few times I came to the realization how the beetle races are slightly more irritating than griffin ones. There seems to be a lack of way to reset it. Perhaps there is a way of doing it and I'm not aware of it but I've yet to find one. Currently there's only two ways of resetting it that I've found. Taking the way point back into the area where it begins or wait until time's up. The way point seems to be the most logical way of restarting the training race. However, when you're still trying to master the race in hopes of getting a gold, only to drift out of control completely off course, you'll want a quick reset. And taking the way point every single time seems like a bit of a money waste if you're trying to accomplish this task. At least with the griffon races if you mess up you can land on the ground to prompt the window to reset it at any given point - no way point needed.


Again. If there's another way of resetting this race please let me know. I might be missing something entirely here and not realize it. But if there is no other way than the points I brought up please change it Anet. I'm looking forward to more beetle races in the future but not if it is going to be like this.

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> @"CharuStar.4109" said:

> After doing this training race a few times I came to the realization how the beetle races are slightly more irritating than griffin ones. There seems to be a lack of way to reset it.


That is so true! I found it annoying beyond words to have to get out-of-fight so I could use the waypoint and run back towards the starting point, which is the only way to reset.


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> @"Nerzul.6875" said:

> You can cancel/restart races and minigames by clicking on the "cross" next to the timer on the top right. So there is already a way to do a "quick reset".


Not a very well documented feature, but yeah exactly what the OP is looking for.

I'm also using this for resetting the griffon adventures, since sometimes the reset pop-up doesn't show up properly when you land.

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> @"Nerzul.6875" said:

> You can cancel/restart races and minigames by clicking on the "cross" next to the timer on the top right. So there is already a way to do a "quick reset".


I was not aware of this. Thank you. Although I still wish a window prompt would pop up when you dismounted from beetle but something is better than nothing :D

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