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New To GW2

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Just wanted start off by saying me and my wife both played WoW for 12 years and found this game.

We so far have bought both expansions after playing free for about a month.


I Have a few questions and concerns.


1) How is being an altoholic in this game?

2) Ascended Gear. Can I craft it?

3) How difficult are raids in this game? I raided mythic difficulty in WoW which is the highest difficulty available.

4) When you hit level 80 what is the best way to get gear? For Open World and Lower Level Fractals.

5) How active is the community? I joined a guild but it is inactive so kind of discouraged about being able to find a active one for PvE.



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Hello Friend, I am the lovable rogue, Orbital Butt, and I am here to answer your questions


1. Many people find alts to be enjoyable, and it is not uncommon to have at least one of each class/race

2. Yes, you can craft Ascended gear. You can also get it from several other sources

3. The difficulty compared to Mythic WoW, in my opinion, is far easier

4. When you hit 80 you can just buy a set of Exotics off the trading Post on the cheap, then you can work on Ascended. There's not really a tremendous difference between the two

5. It's a pretty active game, but it might take some time to find a guild that suits you


Well, there you go. I accept PayPal, or you can place candy directly in my mouth where I will noisily and messily gum it with my mouth open, as I lost all my teeth in an outhouse explosion

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One thing you may find enjoyable about this game when coming from wow is how deep a lot of the systems and ways of working together in groups really can be. There’s so much stuff to do and learn that it can really be enjoyable and challenging which will keep you entertained for a while. I say this as someone who has and continues to play wow since vanilla.


In a lot of ways they can be compared but in a lot of ways they really can’t. It may take some time to wrap your head around the way guild wars structures end game/expansions and progression but I’ve found it to be very rewarding and fun.

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> @"Chaos.8571" said:

> Just wanted start off by saying me and my wife both played WoW for 12 years and found this game.

> We so far have bought both expansions after playing free for about a month.


> I Have a few questions and concerns.


> 1) How is being an altoholic in this game?

> 2) Ascended Gear. Can I craft it?

> 3) How difficult are raids in this game? I raided mythic difficulty in WoW which is the highest difficulty available.

> 4) When you hit level 80 what is the best way to get gear? For Open World and Lower Level Fractals.

> 5) How active is the community? I joined a guild but it is inactive so kind of discouraged about being able to find a active one for PvE.




1) I have 49 characters currently and I say it is good being an altaholic.

2) You can craft Ascended Gear

3) There is only one difficulty. Once you learn that difficulty and group up with people that learned it too, you will have an easier time.

4) Farm up 20 gold and buy Berserker armor from the Trading post. Other ways can be found [here.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Tanetris/So_You_Want_To_Gear_a_Character#Berserker_armor "here.")

5) It will feel Active because of Megaservers.

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1. This game is the best MMO for altoholics. You never feel forced to stick to/focus on just one character because of progress.

2. Yes.

3. This game's fighting mechanics are all about movement, awareness and reflexes, and teamplay of course. I have never played WoW, but in GW2 Raids have to be highly coordinated to succeed.

4. See links below.

5. Take your time. Most big, active guilds advertize on the most popular GW2 forums, so take a look and take your time. You will find the one for you eventually. :)


Here are a few helpful links that should assist you in finding answers, the best/strongest current builds, etc:

* https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page - the main resource for all questions GW2 (also has info on ascended gear)

* http://gw2crafts.net/ - how to efficiently level your crafting disciplines

* https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki - the best build resource

* http://gw2timer.com/ - all the big world events at a glance

* http://dulfy.net/category/gw2/ - news, guides and walkthroughs (only use if absolutely needed, else it can spoil the fun)

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> @"Chaos.8571" said:

> Just wanted start off by saying me and my wife both played WoW for 12 years and found this game.

> We so far have bought both expansions after playing free for about a month.


I'll tailor my answers based on my wow background, which hopefully will help make things clear.


> 1) How is being an altoholic in this game?


Easier than WoW. Most progress and top end gear is account-bound, so you don't deal with the same progression annoyances.


Character slots are relatively cheap. Most people have at least three characters, because at two crafting professions each, that lets you cover all six of them, for those occasions you need them.


Finally, given that exotic gear is sufficient for all content (except higher tier fractals, because Agony Resist) and there is no gear reset or anything, you don't have to gear up a million characters every expansion.


> 2) Ascended Gear. Can I craft it?


You can mostly only craft it. (You buy the trinkets, eg rings, five slots worth, craft seven armor and weapons.)

Some stat sets are gated by expansion, eg, Viper's requires HoT ownership.


The two PvE stat sets are full glass cannon mode, Berzerker (core, power) and Vipers (HoT, condition damage), with a sprinkle of Assassins (core, crit).


> 3) How difficult are raids in this game? I raided mythic difficulty in WoW which is the highest difficulty available.


Probably more heroic than mythic, using the new terminology. You will likely find them significantly easier than you are used to, even the challenge modes.


> 4) When you hit level 80 what is the best way to get gear? For Open World and Lower Level Fractals.


https://metabattle.com/wiki/Open_World has recommended open world builds and, importantly, a link to their guide on gearing. Given it is probably over 10k words, because of the very wide range of answers to that question, the link.


The tl;dr version is that you can buy exotic Berzerker from the trading post for 12-15 gold, or 254,000 karma. Viper's is only crafted, and given the prices, it is about the same getting either of exotic or ascended, so most people use a cheap core set while they go for the full stuff.


> 5) How active is the community? I joined a guild but it is inactive so kind of discouraged about being able to find a active one for PvE.


Very. Generally most maps have at least a bit of chatter, and there are a bunch of guilds that have plenty of people online, do stuff, etc. Some guilds, such as [TTS](http://ttsgamers.com/event-calendar/) run public events as well, and the daily "quests" tend to bring lots of people together, as do the larger meta events such as A(uric)B(ason) and V(erdant)B(rink) in HoT.


I have no specific guild recommendation, but there are definitely a bunch out there. You can also join five guilds, so you are not limited if, eg, one is your raid guild, and another your social guild or whatever, the way you are in WoW.



My final advice, unsolicited: GW2 actually has unique character classes. I came in expecting, eg, Guardian to basically be a WoW paladin, and it isn't. I got surprised like that four times before I finally figured out that this game, unlike most every other MMO, is *not* a carbon copy of the classes. So, don't be afraid to experiment if something just doesn't quite sit right about a class, even if it would be your go-to in other MMOs.

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> @"Chaos.8571" said:

> Thank you all for the replies and information. It was a really big help and I am looking forward to see you guys in game! I am surprised I didn't get trolled or flamed. Way different then the WoW forums lol.


Welcome! And yeah for the most part, we are pretty laid back.

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