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New Abilities while Mounted

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Okay, let me get this out of the way...I SUCK at digital dexterity, so when I say this, I do so knowing it would frustrate me to have try it (like those darned timed jumping puzzles). I think it would be nice if new abilities can be added to characters while mounted. I me would it not be nice to be able to blast foes from the back of your raptor (penalty being that one suffers with being able to target foes) or order your griffon to dive bomb an enemy group (penalty being that the griffon has to land while its endurance bar builds back up to allow it to fly) or even have a claw, claw, bite attack with the jackal or hardened wing attack while riding the skimmer (again its other usages being delayed by its endurance).

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To add. This would be a good reason to add more Skill Point achievements. Kind of like a train your mount type thing. Or even doing things like having weapons and armors to further customize and individualize mounts?


(Sorry first time ever posting to this forum. I did not know how to edit an existing comment or delete and unwanted one.)

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